Author has written 32 stories for Ronin Warriors, Black Jewels Trilogy, Mighty Ducks, Avatar: Last Airbender, Kingdom Hearts, and Torchwood. My icon/avatar reflects how I currently am! (and what I'm currently doing xD) Currently: MARRIED! Trying to write! Working! Some of these stories I wrote years and years ago (like, when I was 15 or before), while others are more recent. The more recent are because I have alot of time on my hands, due to my health issues and what not. So try and enjoy! If anyone actually likes them, perhaps I'll move on to other series. SERIES CURRENTLY BEING WORKED WITH: STORIES IN PROGRESS: Ronin Warriors - "That One Drunk Night" (Midst of a revamp here) MD:TAS - "The Lotus Thought" and "The Tip of the Blade" Kingdom Hearts: "It's Worth a Try" and "In Which We Wonder" Collection of Short Stories: Kingdom Hearts - "Kingdom Hearts: Xanrivash's Universe" MD:TAS - "Mighty Ducks: The Collection" |
AcrossTheOcean (26) LadyNightRunner (133) | Nancy Brown (132) Secrets-and-Smiles (40) | Xanrivash (76) |