Once again, something came and hit me on the back of the head, wanting me to write an AkuRoku

If you've read my previous short stories, "Welcome to Existence" and "One After Another", then you'll be familiar with alot that's going on. If not, I suggest you read one or both of the stories listed above. Anyway, this is the story that I guess will now be considered part of a trilogy

Warnings of the story: Mpreg, AkuRoku-ness, unicorns and rainbows...well, you get the idea xD

Disclaimer: I don't own KH. Only Kari, Kala, and Desmond, the spawn of Axel and Roxas are my own

"C'mon Des, you can do it! C'mon, come to Daddy!"

Axel snorted. "I thought you said talking like that sounds like someone talking to their dog," he said. Roxas stuck his tongue out at his husband. "Shut up, this is a momentous occasion."

The 'momentous occasion' that was occurring at the moment was that their nine month old son Desmond, was attempting to take his first steps; he had been pulling himself up for about two months, but it looked like he was ready to start walking.

So Roxas was kneeling and Axel sitting on the floor next to him, a couple of feet away from where their son was balancing. The blonde held up his arms. "C'mon Des, come to Daddy!"

Axel smiled at the confused look from the nine month old. "Des, don't you wanna come to Mommy?" he asked, holding out his arms. "C'mon, you can do it. It's just a few steps!"

The little red headed child looked at both of them, looking confused and afraid. "It's ok kiddo, walking might seem scary but it's not," Axel reassured his son. "You'll be able to keep up with your sisters once you start!"

Desmond looked at his parents, then at the floor. Concentrating, the little boy picked up one foot and placed it in front of the other, wobbling slightly. Both Axel and Roxas watched in excitement as the child took a few more shaky steps.

Then, as most children do when learning to walk, Desmond stumbled and fell flat on his face. As soon as the whimpers started, Axel went into distressed parent mode, about to check on little Desmond.

But the blonde stopped him. "What's the big idea Roxas?" Axel asked, looking back at his husband, wanting to go to their son. Roxas said nothing, merely gesturing that Axel watch. When the other looked back at their son, he was amazed.

Desmond was already trying to stand back up, despite the tears in his eyes. Carefully, the little boy managed to balance himself again once he stood up, looking at the floor in determination.

One step…then another…and another…

Roxas grinned as he and Axel continued to watch the determined red headed child, who was now smiling at his parents as he walked. The blonde held his arms out and Desmond eventually made his way to him, Roxas hugging the little boy with a look of pure pride.

"That's my boy," Axel said proudly, petting Desmond's hair as the little boy looked at his 'mother', giggling. "Now you just have to try and keep up with Kari and Kala!"

Roxas rolled his eyes, but smiled. "I think it'll still be awhile before he can keep up with them," he said. He then went quiet, happy to just snuggle the child in his arms.

"Roxas? What's up?"

"…what would you think of having another kid?"

Axel looked a little surprised. "Really? You don't wanna wait awhile before I take that stuff again?" he asked. If Roxas was being serious, Axel would go out and buy the potion of which allowed men (such as himself) to be able to give life, the very same stuff being what he had tested almost ten years ago. He didn't mind wanting another kid, in fact, he was welcoming the idea. But Desmond was only nine months old-

"Actually Ax, I was thinking that maybe I'd carry one this time."

The red head looked at him, surprised. "Are you sure Rox?" he asked. "I mean, we already know that I can do it-"

"But you had so much trouble with both times," Roxas pointed out. "With Kari and Kala, you were bleeding a lot during the c-section-"

"The potion was new at the time, no one knew what kinds of things would happen," Axel interjected. Considering that at the time he had been working at the company that used to distribute it and became a test subject when it was first made, he remembered a lot of the precautions from the time.

"-and with Desmond, you had him almost a month early," Roxas continued. "It…really scared me when you woke me up and you were bleeding. I thought…I really thought that I was going to lose both you and Des…" The blonde cuddled their son, a sad look on his face. "I don't want that to happen again."

Axel sighed, then scooted over, hugging both Desmond and Roxas. "I know you were scared," he said quietly. "I was too. But Rox, I can handle it. I've been through it twice, my body can carry children. I don't want anything to happen to you."

Roxas smiled a little, watching as their son started to reach for Axel. "I know. But…can I try?" he asked, Axel taking their son and settling him on his lap. "If it's okay with you…"

The older red head sighed. It seemed that Roxas had been thinking about this for awhile.

"Are you sure Rox?"

The blonde nodded. "I am."

If it would put his mind at ease… "Alright," Axel agreed. "I know we both want to try for another kid, and if you really want to take the concoction this time instead of me…I'll let you." He smiled. "But don't think that means that I won't worry about you constantly."

Roxas grinned. "Of course. It'll have to be your job this time since I'll be the one instead of you." Then he had a thought.

"How are we going to tell Kari and Kala?"

"…wait until they get home from school and tell them we're thinking about giving them another brother or sister?" Axel laughed. "What about roles?"

Roxas looked at him, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I've always been 'Mommy', because I carried both the twins and lil' Des here, don't work anymore so I can stay at home with the kids-"

"-Not like you needed to after they were born," Roxas muttered.

"-and do the usual of getting my family up and running in the morning," Axel finished, ignoring that last comment from his husband. "If you carry a kid, don't you think Kari and Kala will have questions?"

The blonde froze, eyes widening in realization. "I…hadn't actually thought of that," he admitted. "I guess it would switch the titles, wouldn't it?"

"Nah. Besides, it's a one time thing," Axel pointed out, adjusting Desmond on his lap. "You've always been 'Daddy' to them. Why should it change now?"

Roxas smiled. "I guess that's true," he admitted. Then another thought occurred. "What am I going to do about work? My company-"

"Is the same one that distributes the stuff you'll take," Axel said, playing a little with a somewhat fussy Desmond. "They'll understand if you take some time off after you take it. I mean, even if you worked for someone else, you could still go until around your seventh month unless something happened." The red head paused, watching his son for a moment as he gave a smile. "Either way, we've got enough money saved up so you won't have to work for awhile. It'll be alright."

Roxas sighed, a smile crossing his face. "You're right. I hadn't thought about any of that I guess."

Axel opened the door to his home, carrying a pharmacy bag in one hand. After having talked a little more with Roxas and making the announcement to Kari and Kala, the red head had walked out to go get the potion that would assist Roxas in being able to bear children.

The red head still wasn't sure that it was a good idea for his blonde husband to carry a kid. Since the blonde had never done it before, all kinds of things could happen, not to mention who only knew what kinds of changes his body would have to go through; Axel's had already adjusted after the first time with the twins, and (minus the birth canal) stayed the same. Or at least he would be ready to do it again if the time came.

As much as he didn't want Roxas to go through with it, Axel would let him. It seemed that the slightly younger blonde was trying to prove a point by wanting to do this but Axel couldn't tell what the heck it was exactly.


Axel smiled as he closed the front door and was assaulted by Kari and Kala, who were almost nine years old. Their birthday was in another two months and Desmond the one after that. It made Axel wonder why all his children thus far had been born in autumn.

"Hey you two," he greeted, kneeling to hug and kiss his girls. "I missed you!"

They both giggled. "But Mommy, you've only been gone twenty minutes!" Kari said, a look of glee on her face. Kala nodded, smiling wide. "Daddy even ordered pizza!"

Axel laughed. "Pizza sounds good." He hugged the twins tighter. "And who says I can't miss you guys, even on a short errand?"

"I hope you missed us too," Roxas said, coming up to the three with Desmond in his arms. The older red head smiled and stood up. "Of course I did," he answered, holding out his arms when Roxas began to hand over their son. "I miss all my babies when I leave." Taking the red headed child into his arms, Desmond snuggled into Axel's chest, glad that he was home.

Roxas looked to the twins. "Why don't you two go play until the pizza gets here?" he suggested. "Ok!" the twins chorused, immediately running towards their room to play whatever it was that they had been.

Axel chuckled. "So did you get it?" Roxas asked, eyeing the bag in Axel's left hand. The older red head rolled his eyes. "No Roxas, I got a bag full of condoms and got the pharmacy to package it up like this," he said sarcastically.

Roxas covered Desmond's ears. "Don't talk about stuff like that in front of our kids!" he teased, a smile on his face. "Who knows what sort of horrible things they'll learn."

"I'll be surprised if Desmond even remembers this conversation in five minutes," Axel responded. As if to prove that point, the red headed child in his arms yawned. "See? He doesn't care what we're talking about."

Roxas rolled his eyes and headed towards the kitchen, Axel on his heels. "So how do I have to take that stuff again?" he asked, going to the cabinets to pull out plates for everyone.

Placing Desmond in his highchair and buckling him in, Axel spoke. "Well, you take the stuff after its been refrigerated for at least an hour. It should be done going through your entire system by tomorrow night, so…" Axel started thinking of a good way to put the next part.

"So what?"

"…so we might need to have the place to ourselves for a little while," Axel said. "If you've never taken the stuff before, it can have weird side effects. You probably don't want the twins or Desmond to be around when those happen."

Roxas shuddered. He had forgotten about the 'side effects' that had been rumored to happen to some of the men that had taken the concoction over the years. One of them was what a lot of people said was the equivalent to an animal going into heat; the one who had taken the medicine sometimes didn't see anything or anyone else around them but their significant other. "…maybe we should send Desmond to Sora and Riku's and the twins to Demyx for awhile," Roxas thought aloud.

"You sure about that?" Axel asked, getting some soda out of the fridge. "I mean, Sora and Riku have a six month old of their own, and I didn't think you liked Demyx's roommate."

"It's not that I hate him, I just can't stand him in large amounts," Roxas corrected. "Kari likes him a lot though, and I think Kala can stand him for awhile. Besides, I'm betting they'll be spending more time with Demyx than Zexion anyway."

Desmond made a few noises, wanting something to do. Axel smiled, took a teething ring from the freezer and handed it to the child, who happily started chewing on it. He looked at Roxas. "Knowing about possible side effects, are you sure you still wanna do this?"

"…yes. If you could do it, so can I."

The night came and went. As the day passed, Axel made arrangements for the twins and Desmond to stay with Demyx or Sora and Riku, went to the grocery store for stuff to last him and Roxas for at least the next ten days (the potion said it wore off after a week, but Axel had heard of cases in which it had lasted a few days more), packed up stuff for the three children and dropped them off at the places they would be staying, and last but not least, stocking up on other supplies, including those of the medical genre.

Roxas, on the other hand, did not do much that day, aside from saying goodbye to the twins when they left for school that morning or staying with Desmond as Axel stocked up. He was feeling sluggish and hot, almost like he was gaining a fever. The blonde had thought that the potion would make him more animalistic, wild, or something, but the change was very gradual and nothing like he thought. It was almost like torture to him.

How in the name of anything did Axel stand this? Roxas thought, sitting on the couch as he waited for his husband to come back from the store. I guess I can see now why he wanted the kids out of the house, but still, I feel so edgy. Nothing like what I expected-

"You ok Rox?"

Said blonde looked up to see Axel, looking down at him where he sat on the couch. "I didn't think it was a slow change is all," Roxas answered as Axel took a seat next to him. "I've felt…funky all day."

Axel wrapped his arms around the smaller male, nuzzling him. "It does feel weird at first," the red head commented. "I think it's because your body has to get used to whatever's in the potion. And it is sometimes slow. Remember that it was like that when I first took the stuff for testing, but when we wanted Desmond, I practically pounced on you the next day?"

Roxas smiled a little at the memories. "Kind of. You acted like a love-struck kitten when we were aiming for the twins." He laughed a little. "But when it was time for Des, you were acting like a sex-crazed animal…that actually makes me wonder, does gender of whatever kid is born have anything to do with how one acts during the initial act of sex?"

Axel laid back on the couch, bringing Roxas down on top of him so the smaller blonde could rest on his chest. "I wouldn't think so. That'd probably just give more to people who argue about how the sexes are determined or whatever."

"…I just had a thought."

"What's that?"

"…I'm gonna be a fucking male seahorse."

Axel looked at Roxas oddly. "What? What brought that weird and random thought up?"

The blonde looked up at Axel, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Well, among seahorses, males are the ones who carry babies right?"

"Well, yeah. But there are two things up with your thought," Axel pointed out. "One, I've carried all our children thus far. Two, we're both male, so that makes us both seahorses…I guess…"

They lay together in silence for awhile, Roxas curled up slightly on Axel's chest, the red head running up and down Roxas' back with one hand while his other arm was wrapped around the blonde's waist.


"Yeah Rox?"

"…how will I know when that stuff is completely through my system?"

Axel smiled a little. "Trust me. You'll know when." He bent down a little and gave the blonde a kiss on the top of his head.

And that, apparently, was enough to set the other one off because that one small gesture of affection led to the rest of the night's activities.

...yeah, I have no idea where the thought of male seahorses came from...

Anyway, leave a review! They make me happy :D