Red Roses
"Youmas suck." Usagi said miserably as she sat down, dropping her school bag onto the counter.
"Definitely," muttered Mamoru, while nursing his right shoulder, lost in thought. Then he came to his senses.
"What do you, of all people, Odango Atama, know about youmas?"
"More than I'd like to," Usagi growled under her breath to herself, her mouth composed in a sneer.
Usagi's eyes grew wide, and she immediately searched about the room to divert them from Mamoru's gaze.
"Well, it was at my school, you see, and I—I… uhh…um….lost my lunch in the fight! That's right, err…the stupid youma came during lunch hour and totally destroyed the cafeteria—and…and it ruined my favorite part of the day!"
"Other than arguing with me, of course." Usagi scowled.
"Anyway, that's why I hate youmas."
"Oh, I dunno," Mamoru said, gazing outside, "I kind of like youmas."
"Why the heck would anyone like youmas??"
"Well, they give Tuxedo Kamen and Sailor Moon opportunities to see each other." Usagi was taken aback. "Otherwise, Tuxedo Kamen wouldn't have the chance to give her roses all the time." Fortunately for Usagi, Mamoru was still staring into space and didn't see the pink appear in her cheeks. Shaking her head to clear its thoughts, Usagi gripped her bag tighter in her hands and replied,
"What would you, of all people, Mamoru-baka, know about Tuxedo Kamen, anyway?"
"More than I'd like to."