"Alice, please!"

"Look, I can't leave the kitchen right now, I have a whole bunch of cookies to supervise."

"Leave them to me! You must come at once! That guy is deadly, I'm telling you"

Alice Liddell could only sigh at her co-worker's pleading eyes. She really needs to attend to cookies, but Alice isn't as heartless as to desert her colleague in a time of need.

"Don't remember signing up for being the resident trouble-shooter", - she says grumpily, reluctantly taking her gloves and baking apron off.

Her colleague only beams at her. "Because you are one already! Remember when those twins tried to set a table on fire?"

Alice remembers. She wishes she didn't though, the memory isn't particularly pleasant.

"And when that crazy albino guy nearly shot poor Ann for as much as brushing past his chair.."

Alice shudders, as she takes her cooking hair net off and re-ties her hair in a neat bun. That particular memory isn't pleasant either. They really should do something about weapon-carrying laws in this country. She rinses her hands, as her colleague continues to praise her for saving Ann. She barely listens.

"..but I personally think this guy takes the cake. His voice is freezing!"

So much for a peaceful afternoon. Alice takes a quick look in a mirror to make sure her appearance is presentable and with a deep breath heads to the main area. Whatever it is, she needs to sort it out as soon as possible to make those cookies in time. Today is Thursday, Nightmare's hospital day; she will need everything at her disposal to make sure the boss of hers is in an as good mood as possible when he returns.

She spots the current troublemaker almost immediately. He is as tall as Gray, but what she notices first is not his impressive built or expensive-looking black coat. It's his hair, pulled back in a ponytail.

Alice has never seen any woman with hair of such finesse, let alone a man. It falls past his shoulders, cascades down in long navy waves until it reaches waist level.


Too preoccupied with admiring this shampoo-model hair, Alice catches the conversation going on, only when she reaches the table of this Rapunzel guy.

"You call this coffee?"

Poor Tom can only mumble in response, clearly intimidated by the coldest voice Alice has ever heard. Well, perhaps, that is the way nature tries to compensate for those glorious strands of hair.

"Is there a problem here, sir? Can I assist you in any way?", - she asks in the sweetest voice she could muster.

Both Tom and his accuser turn to her. Tom's face is one of relief. Not that Alice really notices when she finds herself lost in what she thinks are the most sapphire-like blue eyes she had ever seen.

Woah, Alice thinks for the second time, when the same cold voice returns her to reality.

"Are you the manager here? Perhaps, you can tell me why I was served the sewer water instead of black coffee I ordered"

It takes all of Alice's composure not to flinch. She can clearly see precisely why Laura said this client was worse than the albino guy from last week. (Name is Peter, he wrote on a napkin, please give me a call, my dove. I believe we are destined to be together. He even had the audacity to dot his i's with hearts. It was highly satisfying to burn the said napkin later).

This particular guy seems hardly the type to leave his number or draw hearts, Alice thinks when she forces herself to speak as politely and professionally as she could.

"We are very sorry the coffee wasn't to your liking, sir. Perhaps, we could.."

The impertinent guy doesn't even let her finish.

"It's supposed to be Lizard's shift right now. Where is he?", - the question is abrupt and demanding.

He must mean Gray, Alice realizes, for there was no one else in their café who qualifies for such a nickname. As far as the girl recalls, Gray doesn't like being addressed like that. She wonders whether this customer is on close terms with her friend and co-worker, who also happens to be their best barista. There is simply no one who could make coffee and hot chocolate the way Gray could. Clover café is so popular partly due to his skills.

He was supposed to be here today. But since its second Thursday of a month, he is frogmarching Nightmare to his regular medical check. Nightmare couldn't be left unsupervised when it came to hospitals.

"Unfortunately", - Alice tries to sound as apologetic as she can, noticing with displeasure that Tom has already fled the scene, leaving her to deal with an extremely difficult customer on her own again, - "Mr. Ringmarc couldn't make it today"

"I bet it's because of that good-for-nothing Caterpillar", - the long-haired man snorts in indignation. As he towers over Alice, hands folded over his chest, with displeasure clear on his face, Alice desperately wishes Nightmare was around. There are never any conflicts at the café when her boss bothers to show up; it seems almost magical how Nightmare could handle anyone, almost as if he could read their thoughts. Alice is at a complete loss as to what to offer to this customer to avoid him making a scene. She needs to come up with something quick or Nightmare would surely use it as an excuse not to go to a hospital in the future. She promised there wouldn't be any conflicts with him away.

Behind the man's shoulder Laura shots her a sympathetic look. Cookies, Alice mouths to her. The last thing she needs right now is for her cookies to burn to a crisp. Laura nods and disappears in the kitchen.

"So, is there anyone else around here who can make coffee?", - the question is insulting when asked inside the café and the clear disdain that laces it doesn't help. Alice feels her own temper rising, but bites a nasty remark back.

"Though if this is the best you can serve", - at this the man gestures at the mug on his table, - "I could have spared my breath. There is obviously no one". Observation is delivered in a dry voice, cold enough to freeze a volcano over.

Customer first, customer first, Alice reminds herself, because she is fuming now. However, jerk or not the man is a customer, and Nightmare will be displeased with her if she wouldn't handle this somehow. She simply can't afford to give him a piece of her mind.

"We apologize for the inconvenience, sir. Perhaps, you could give us one more chance?"

Now he is staring her down with these sapphire eyes of his. It would be a wonderfully handsome face if it wasn't for a scowl he is wearing.

"A chance, you say? A chance to serve me another cup of undrinkable liquid?"

How much she wishes she could just show him the door. But instead Alice tries to sound as pleasant as possible.

"At Clover café we aim to keep our customers happy and satisfied. We are truly sorry we didn't manage to fulfill your order to your liking, but please let us redo it. We will serve you another cup of coffee and if it will also fail to meet your expectations, we will not charge you for any of it"

Judging from Rapunzel guy's expression, he is about to say how little faith he has in their ability to make anything to his liking, so Alice quickly continues, throwing him one more bait.

"We will also provide you with our freshest cookies as an apology gift"

God bless Laura who chooses to show up with the big tray of deliciously smelling cookies this very moment.

Nightmare will be furious, Alice dejectedly thinks, observing how the man in front of her takes in the baked goods. Those are not meant for sale, but for Nightmare's personal indulgence, but then again reputation of an establishment depends so much on reviews these days. And this man seems sour and eloquent enough to write something scathing on each and every website available. Sacrifices must be made.

"So what would you say, sir?", - Alice throws the man her best smile. Now she used up all of her weapons and can only pray it is enough.

He eyes cookies suspiciously.

"These are not made by Lizard, are they?", - he certainly must've known Gray for some time if he is familiar with the barista's inability to produce anything edible apart from drinks.

"No, sir! These ones are baked by Alice over here!", - Laura cheerfully answers.

Rapunzel guy seems to contemplate for some moments, then he nods.

Alice is about to cry with relief, when he speaks again.

"I am willing to accept your offer on one condition"

Just what else could this insufferable man want?

"You make the coffee"

Alice almost gapes, when he points straight at her. He wants her to make coffee? Absurd! Impossible! She is not a barista here, surely she can't..

"No problem, sir! Our Alice will attend to it! ", - damn Laura speaks again, - "Same order, sir? Black coffee?". When the man jerkily nods and finally takes a seat, Laura whisks away the cookie tray and the cup of rejected coffee with her. Alice has no choice, but to follow suit.

"What was that about? You are perfectly aware I don't know a single thing about coffee-making!", - the moment they are in the kitchen, Alice finally snaps.

"Hey, you hang out with our barista so often, surely he taught you a thing or two", - Laura smiles reassuringly, putting the tray aside and going to the sink to dispose of the coffee the man so bluntly rejected. "Besides, your cookies are good enough to compensate for any bad coffee. It was a stroke of a genius to suggest them"

Alice sighs. She just wanted to avoid a scene and possibly some horrible reviews on the café's website. But she is not sure if it is really worth it.

Tom is their second barista and if his skills were not enough to satisfy this demanding customer, what chance does she stand? She only prolongs the agony.

But she has to try regardless, so Alice makes it to the coffee tools and searches for a recipe notebook Gray uses sometimes.

When sometime later she carries a green clover-patterned tray with a coffee mug, Alice feels the sense of dread overwhelming her. It is the same she feels during exams, a sensation familiar and highly unpleasant for such a diligent student as her.

She carefully places the tray on a table, mentally bracing herself for the inevitable.

"Here you go, sir. Sorry for the wait"

"About bloody time", - he mutters, taking a mug into his hands. His hands are nicely shaped, Alice can't help but notice. Actually, when he doesn't scowl or try to reduce innocent waiters to dust thorough the sheer power of his stare, Rapunzel guy is quite a fine specimen of a man. But Alice shakes herself out of her reverie, preparing for the blow that is about to come any second now. The big package of cookies is waiting in her apron's pocket.

He takes a sip and as the girl expected, his face turns into a scowl once more.

"Hardly better than the previous one. You said you'd make the coffee this time", - his voice is cold and accusatory.

"And I kept my word, sir", - Alice meets his disbelieving eyes with as much dignity as she can muster at the moment, - "I am just not very experienced with coffee-making. This is the first cup I've ever brewed"

The look he is giving her is one of surprise. Why in the world did he think she should be good at brewing coffee, to begin with, is really beyond Alice. But surely..

"Why are you working at the café if you are this bad at making coffee?", - now Alice has officially decided that Blood Dupre is no longer the most insufferable man on her list. This man by far outdid everyone in her wide circle of crazy acquaintances. In less than twenty minutes.

But she is at work and can't let the sparks fly, no matter how much Alice wants to take the mug out of his hands and spill the remaining contents all over the man's gorgeous hair.

"My deepest apologies if I failed your expectations, sir. As promised coffee will not be charged for", - she fishes the package of cookies out of her pocket, - "And here is our apology gift. Please, accept it".

She carefully places the cookies on the table and hastily retreats, not trusting herself around this man a second longer.

In the kitchen both Tom and Laura are already waiting for her.

"You did so well", - Laura tells her warmly.

Alice shakes her head. "I did horribly. Now we have no cookies for Nightmare and surely will find some nasty reviews all over the web pretty soon"

Tom peeks out in the main area.

"Hey, the guy finally left!"

"I will go clean the table", - Laura volunteers, and Alice can only nod in gratitude.

She starts the faucet running, letting the cold water cool her slightly shaky fingers.

It is just her luck to come across heartless pricks while at work when she ought to keep herself in check. But this guy.. Handsome or not, he almost made her lose it.

"Hey, Alice!", - Laura is calling out to her, her face excited, -"Look at this!"

Alice comes closer, observing the tray her colleague has in her hands. As expected there is a barely touched mug of coffee, money, as well as a note on it.

Wait, money?

"Apparently the cookies soothed the beast! He left more than enough for two cups", - Laura happily grins, - "And take a look at the note!"

Alice carefully takes a piece of paper and examines it, not knowing what to expect. Surely not his number? At least not a napkin this time, she wryly thinks. The paper is of good quality, cream-coloured and smooth, the type you find in expensive leather-covered notebooks. The calligraphic handwriting matches it.

Not bad for a first try.

Learn how to grind beans properly.

As I thought, Alice thinks dryly, not the type to dot the i's with hearts.

But the nerve of the man!

"See? This is why we call you when a troublesome customer shows up", - Laura smiles at her with adoration.

"You are just as good as Mr. Gottschalk", - Tom joins in, - "Or maybe even better"

"Totally better! Only Alice can save the day and get a hot guy's number"

"There is no number", - Alice mutters, feeling a strong desire to crumble the note in her fingers, but the handwriting is just so pretty..

"But he has to return in order to check on your progress with bean-grinding", - both Laura and Tom smile triumphantly, seemingly taking the last sentence as a sort of promise.

Alice wants to bang her head on the kitchen counter.