Title: Fanboy Tendencies
Summary: "For the last time, Yashiro-san, I don't collect Mogami-san's hair." Crack-fic. Implied RenxKyoko.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
"This here, girls, is Ren's and Kyoko's first movie together," a bespectacled man said, as he lifted a rectangular case with his right hand.
Eyes the color of gold and brown widened in glee.
"Mom and dad?" the other one excitedly asked.
Yashiro Yukihito nodded, smiling as he watched his daughter, Yashiro Kasumi and his (favorite and only) godchild, Hizuri Akemi, squealed as his confirmation. The former was a spitting image of her mother, except for the eyes, which she clearly inherited from her doting father. The latter, however, was a combination of her parents. The younger Hizuri got her looks from her father and the color of her hair and eyes from her mother. Needless to say, the two young girls were the cutest pair of girls one would lay their eyes upon.
(And yes, godchild. Somehow, with the help of the gods above, Yashiro Yukihito had won the lottery the LME president arranged before Akemi was even born.)
"OMG, Tou-chan! Let's watch it now!"
"Uhn, Kasu-chan is right, Yuki-jii! Let's watch it. Please, please!"
The bespectacled man gently shook his head as smile grace his lips. Seriously, how could he say no to these kids?
An hour and forty-five minutes later, squeals filled the Hizuri living room.
"Kyaa~! It's been so long since I watched Land and Sea! And oh my gaaah~ The feels are still the same huhu," the manager said, while wiping tears of joy in his eyes.
"That's just sweet, Tou-chan! It's like The Little Mermaid, but much better!" the younger Yashiro said as she hugged the cushion closer to her little frame. "Kyaaa~!
"Definitely," Akemi haughtily interjected, crossing her little arms as she grinned widely. "Because the leads happen to be my parents! They are soooo meant to be with each other!"
Kasumi nodded. "Yes, yes, Akemi-chan!"
Right there and then, Yukihito felt like crying. "OMG! Where have you girls been all my life? Finally, I have some people to share my feels with!"
The little Hizuri couldn't help but scratch her head in confusion. "Errr, Yuki-jii, what are feels?"
Kasumi clucked her tongue. "Akemi-chan, feels are emotions you feel when you see you OTP together!"
"One true pair," the little Yashiro replied smugly.
Yashiro Yukihito looked at his daughter proudly before bursting into happy tears yet again." Oh my darling daughter! I've daughter you well! Come to papa!"
Three figures shook their heads as they listened to the conversation in the living room.
"Our poor daughter is getting corrupted," Hizuri Kuon said, a hint of smile grazing his lips as he made his way to the kitchen counter with the grocery bags in his hands. "We leave them for two hours to buy groceries and this happens."
"I'm sending you my condolences now," Kanae, who was now married to Yashiro Yukihito for almost eight years, said with a sigh. "I knew this day would come eventually."
"Oh, Moko-san. It couldn't be that bad, could it?" Kyoko asked, as she helped her husband lay the ingredients she needed on the kitchen counter for tonight's dinner.
"Bad? No. Worse? Yes. Did you know Mama wasn't Kasumi's first word? Oh wait. Mama is the third word my daughter said. Damn that husband of mine."
Kuon raise his eyebrows in confusion. "What is it then?"
"Her second word is 'feels'."
The Hizuri couple burst into fits of laughter.
Kanae snickered. "Wait `till you find out what her first word is."
Wiping a tears on the corner of her eye, Kyoko asked, "What?"
Yashiro Kanae almost growled. "Ship."
Kuon and Kyoko burst into laughter once again.
"That is―hahahaha―so funny! Hahahahaha!"
Kuon clutched his stomach in laughter. "My stomach hahahahaha! That is so Yashiro hahahahaha!"
The said man walked in, unaware of his wife's glare. "What's for dinner? The kids and I are starving―"
"Yes, you! Come here, I'm going to kill you, Yukihito!"
"Eh?! What did I do wrong? Ouch, Kanae, that hurt!"
"Die, die, die!"
"Kuon, Kyoko! Save meeeee!"
The End
So yeah. This is the last chapter. I still don't know yet it I'm going to post the wedding special... anywaaay, thank you for the 300+ reviews, 160+ favorites, 210+ alerts and 96,000+ hits! I can't mention you all so hehe thank you all so much! /glompsyouall HEARTHEARTHEART :D
Review for the last time? :)