Title:Just a bit Creepy

Plot: Felix likes watching Peter sleep … in a non-creepy way of course.

Word Count: 688

A/N: Yay I got a review ^^! Thanks to guest reviewer Jessica for leaving a review (your English was very good don't worry.) Anyways, this is more fluffy than anything else. And pretty short since it was just a little idea and I didn't really have much to include in it … also … I may have used it to procrastinate my English essay … just a bit

Felix had a hard time falling asleep sometimes. He would just sit there thinking and listening to Peter's soft snoring as the brunette cuddled up again the blonde's chest. Felix would smile softly whenever Peter did anything especially adorable in his sleep. For example, every once in a while Felix would hear Peter mumble his name and cuddle his chest tighter making sure his ear was pressed firmly against Felix's beating heart. Felix found it rather cute. Which was why he had basically given himself insomnia trying to stay awake to watch the adorable sleeping Peter.

It really wasn't often he got to see Peter without some sort of malice or mischief about him. It was just the way Peter Pan was. Not the Felix especially minded. He had many of the same qualities as Peter, he couldn't remember if he'd always had them or if his many years with Pan had just forced them upon him. Whatever it was Felix found it unimportant. But he found sleeping Peter was easily one of his favorite sort of Peters. Peter always found himself in the same sleeping, his ear pressed against Felix's chest so he could hear his heartbeat. Felix was more touched by that then he'd like to let on. Peter was comforted to hear that Felix's heart was still there, still pumping blood and keeping his love alive. Not crushed into dust so that Peter could fulfill his selfish desires. But Felix couldn't help loving everything else about sleeping Peter. The way his eye lashes looked, it almost looked girly; not that Peter would ever admit that. His eyelashes were always flicked down occasionally fluttering in his dreams. Felix thought that was adorable too. But then, there was the way Peter constantly cuddled up to him always trying to get closer. Felix got cuddled when Peter was conscious, sure, but Peter's attitude usually made the cuddling less...cuddly. Sleeping Peter didn't have this problem.

"Felix..." Peter mumbled sleepily once again cuddling against Felix's chest.

Felix felt his heart flutter as he leaned down to kiss Peter's forehead.

"I'm right here." He mumbled back which per usual didn't fail to make sleepy Peter smile.

Felix wondered what dreams he had just given Peter just by responding. He sincerely hoped they were nice ones. By the small smile that lingered on Peter's face. He guessed they were.

"You're so adorable Peter." Felix hummed running his fingers through Peter's short brown hair lovingly gazing down at Peter.

"Love you…" Peter opened his eyes to gaze up at Felix his body staying relaxed almost as if he was still asleep even when Felix had woken him up.

"Love you too." Felix replied placing yet another soft kiss on Peter's forehead "Now go back to sleep."

Peter laughed his chest vibrating against Felix's "Why? So you can watch me sleep again? Isn't that a bit creepy Felix?"

"Not really." Felix replied humming happily as Peter shut his eyes again.

"It's like that stupid romance book…" Peter mumbled with a yawn "The one with vampires...remember?"

"Yeah I remember." Felix replied, Peter had thought a love story about vampires might be interesting but Felix quickly found it was not his cup of tea...unfortunately for him Peter remained curious over what might happen next.

"We shouldn't read romance books anymore…" Peter mumbled cuddling closer to Felix's chest yet again "They make crummy bedtime stories."

"Then you should stop picking them out when we go to the library." Felix laughed

"I wanted some variety." Peter replied "Now I'm going to go back to sleep…"

"Goodnight Peter." Felix whispered

"'Night Felix." Peter replied.

It wasn't long before Peter was once again softly snoring against Felix's chest. Felix immediately went back to admiring Peter's soft, relaxed features. He wondered how he had ever managed not seeing Peter like that. Always seeing Peter being … well … a bit of a brat, got a bit boring after a while. It wasn't much longer until Felix decided that he too should get to sleep. Peter was right, maybe watching him sleep was a bit creepy…

But Felix didn't especially care.