Author has written 4 stories for Ranma, Tenchi Muyo, Evangelion, and Fruits Basket. I must apologize to my readers. I know I haven't written in a long time. Things come up in life that distract from writing. I have so many ideas floating in my head, it's hard for me to put down coherently sometimes. I don't know when I'll continue with any of my current stories. Still, it's not a closed case. Chapter 2 of A Horse of a Different Color has been 2/3rds done for over a year, I just can't seem to close the chapter. It will come eventually. My other stories probably won't be finished for a long while. Sorry for those that have been waiting. I've currently been on a big Battlestar Galactica (the new series) kick, and been contemplating a AU fic. We shall have to see. I enjoy the show very much and would love to see more writers write fics for BSG. Yes, my muse is erratic. I know. Anyways, feel free to drop me an e-mail for any suggestions or comments. |