Author has written 16 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh.
I'm Eli , I like dancing, writing stories ,hanging out with friends and drawing. :)
I like to be surrounded by my friends ,that makes me feel more comfortable.
Anyway I like almost every single story with, well everything :D.
Anyway I'm a swimmer and swimming is my life and I love being in the water it makes me feel relaxed and comfortable and at peace and gives me ideas for writing :) . Also dancing , I can't imagine my life without dancing.
I have created tree characters of my own. They may or not appear later in the story. Oh, and Steisye, is one of my real life friends so she just wanted to be part of this. :)
Damon, he's 17 , has dark brown hair , his eyes are a deep blue and he's tall and muscular.
Dann, he's 16, has blond hair, deep brown eyes, he's tall and cute.
Steisye, she's 17, has long blond hair to her wrist and has chocolate brown eyes, she's tall and slim.
My stories area mainly:
Puzzleshipping (YamixYugi)
4.02.2012- Hi people! Look something was wrong with my computer I think. When I posted 'Who's laughing now?' the file opened, but on the next day it said 'File not found.' I said "Ok, that's weird." I reposted it again and on the next day the damn file opened. I don't know that happened and so you know 'Who's laughing now' and 'What I need is you' are one and the same. :)
23.04.2012 - Hey people these are the stories that are listed in the poll. :)
1)More than what meets the eye
A boy that took on a bet, to go to the old haunted mansion at the edge of the city to see if there really is a vampire. But when he goes there will he find out the truth or get more than he bargains for? Should I spoil it? Puzzleshipping.
2)Truth be told.
Yami and Atem Sennen. Twins, the most popular boys in school, celebrities in the world. They have it all , what they ask it's delivered on a silver plate. But what happens when in the beginning of the school year there is a new kid. Will he turn out to be someone special, or just another shadow? Mobiumshipping.
3)Against the odds or not...
Yugi Mutou world famous chef and writer. Yami Atemu worlds famous singer and model and king of games. What will happen if their worlds collide? Sadness, happiness,hate or dare I say love?Puzzleshipping
4)Beginning to trust.
Yami Takahashi and Atem Ishmagi world famous movie stars. World famous movie maker Suguroku Mutou has invited them to star in his new movie, but both teens are a bit untrustworthy and they go for the weekend in the Mutou residence. Going there they find something or someone very interesting there and something very annoying too. Mobiumshipping and Tea bashing (sorry Tea lovers ”)
5.08.2012-Hey people, I created a new DA account for you, yes only for Yaoi. :) I'll be posting drawing and maybe my stories, not sure, for you to enjoy. :)
My user name is " Angel-of-secret ".
I have also created an AdultFanFiction account.
My user name there is “Angel-of_secrets662”
So you know. :)
Hey the poll is officially closed. You will find out the results next week :) (Or this week because it's a lil' bit before midnight :D)
25.05.2013- Hey, guys as you have all noticed I haven't updated in a while. I'm really sorry but school is really being a pain. We don't do anything one week and the next bam, test, test, test. And out law teacher is making us all go crazy. I have 40 themes to learn for the yearly test.
Just one more month. One more. And I'll update.
This summer all the story's will be finished, because in September I'm starting my last year of school. When did time fly by? And August I'm starting my driver license courses so.
Well thank you for those who are still with me, you will have to wait just one more month and you will have a lot of things to kill me about. Just kidding :D or am I?
Nahh, well see ya!
Yes, one week one freaking week!!!
Just one week more guys and you'll get sooo many new thing so many juicy thing. And finally I hope my arms stop aching and fall off from writing (just kidding on the falling off part)
So you exited to read more??
Huh, huh anyone?
(Okay I haven't eaten any sweets why am I so hipperactive? *Shrugs shoulders* Oh yeah I know, cuz it's summer!!!)
yeyy finally it's vacation! *stretches arms *
It's time to get to work.
Hey can I ask you something? Please PM me on this.
Can you recommend me some good Universities in Germany or the U.S.A that have a bachelor degree in journalism? And creative writing as a magester?
I want to study them in English. :)
I don't know what's going on with FF, but it deleted all the separation lines I had put on and made everything one big sentence!
Hello, hello people!
Well I have an announcement to make. I'm going on vecation for about a week, and I don't know if I'll have internet there, but I'm taking my computer with me ,hopefully I'll have inspiration and write.