This story has been in my head for some time now.
I'm sorry for not updating Shadow and light, but right now school is being a total pain .
Today may classes were only 30 minutes so I got home early and had some time so I wrote this.

Enjoy. :)

Chapter 1

Twelve years ago, a wall had been build all over the world separating human from creatures.
But seven years ago half of the wall crumbled and every year it crumbles piece by piece.
Now the humans are controlled by the creatures and the humans are slaves to them.
Ever since then every new born child has been given his or her duty to the pharaoh.
weakness In every country there is a palace and the city is ruled by a Pharaoh.
This story begins in Egypt where the Alfa Pharaoh is.

A weak cry was heard and the woman was panting and smiling a little.
This woman just gave birth to an incredible child,but there was one problem. The boy had a week heart.
The problem was that he was too young for a new heart and the doctors thought that he wouldn't survive the surgery for it.
His duty to the Pharaoh was to be a blood servant, but because he was week , the palace did not need him.
However, his only chance for survival was to become a vampire, but there were rules, and no new born or child up to the age of fifteen can be turned.

Two years had passed after the boys birth and he has had a lot of surgeries, for now he was stable but everyone was asking 'But for how long?'

~~~Thirteen years later~~~~
A woman with jet black hair and light green eyes walked in the child's room. The woman was tall and slim and looked a little younger for her age.
The boys mother smiled weekly and she was trying to fight back the tears. She didn't want to louse her child. For a few years he had been full of life,but that soon changed now his heart was really giving out.
She looked at her sleeping son.
The boy had try-colored hair. At the ends his hair was purple, in the middle black and in front he had six blond locks falling on his face. His hair was shaped in a star. The boy had child like features for his age and he was short too. Some mistook him for a child. Although, his week hear he was very smart and cheerful. He never ones showed weakness.
The woman removed some blond bangs from the boys face.
"Yugi, honey. Time to wake up for your medicine." the woman said.
Yugi groaned and opened his big amethyst eyes , that were dull and had barely any life in them.
He drank his medicine and looked at his mother.
"Mom, please don't cry." Yugi said a small smile appearing on his face and trying to assure his mother that everything is okay.
"Yugi, I'm okay, don't worry." his mother said and hugged him. The boy nodded and yawned.
"Mom, can I go out in the yard?" he asked. The woman nodded.
"Let me call your father and he'll take you there." she said and went out from the room.
A few minutes later his mother and father appeared. The man had black skippy hair and blond locks. His eyes were a light purple. The man was tall and muscular.
"Come on Yugi." his father said pulling him out of bed. Yugi was wearing a t-shirt and shorts.
It was summer and it was ok for Yugi to go out, but not to stay too long in the sun.
His father took Yugi to a knitted bed that you could swing in it. It was tied between two big trees and it gave a big shadow and you could relax.
Yugi climbed in the swing and yawned. He curled up and fell asleep.
His father went back to his wife that was waiting , by the door.
"How is he?" she asked.
"He's more and more tired. I wish we could do something." the man said and wrapped his arms around the womans wrist.
"I know Luke. I wish we did." the woman said putting he head on the mans chest. The man chewed on his lower lip, he had though about how he could save his son, but his wife might not agree.
"Kate." Luke said and the woman looked him in the eyes with tears in her eyes.
"There is a way to save him. And you know what it is. Do you agree with me?" Luke asked. Kate looked at the sleeping boy then at her husband. Then she slowly nodded.
"I just want him to live, to have a healthy life and enjoy his life." the green eyed woman said , with tears falling down her face. Her husband smiled.
"Go tell him, to stay there and we'll be back soon." Luke said walking in the house.
Kate went to her son.
"Yugi." she said , stroking his hair. He opened his eyes slowly.
"Me and you father are going out for a little. Please stay here." Kate said and smiled a little. Yugi nodded and closed his eyes.
His mother went in the house and looked at her husband.
"I hope the pharaoh excepts." Kate said.
And they left for the palace.

Yugi was awoken by a weired noise. It sounded like wings that had rushed by the trees that Yugi was in, because leaves were falling.
He looked around but saw no one and tried to stand up in the swing. But it was difficult. When he finally managed, Yugi was panting. He laid his head against the tree and closed his eyes.
'If only I wasn't this weak.' Yugi thought and a tear rolled down his face.
'I wish sometimes to just die and get it over with.' he thought. He unconsciously wanted to grip the end of the swing but failed. Making the swing turn around and him to fall. He landed face first and everything hurt. Yugi wanted to scream, but didn't have the voice for it. Somehow he managed to roll over and looked at the sun.
"Maybe this is the end." he said and closed his eyes.
He felt himself being lifted up, but he thought that he imagined that and let himself fall unconscious.

~~~~With the Pharaoh~~~~
'How dare they command me. The pharaoh of Egypt.' the pharaoh groaned and hit a wall.
"My council is getting on my nerves." the pharaoh said.
He had red tips , in the middle black hair and tree blond locks sticking up in his head and several blond locks covering his face. He was dressed in leather pants and a black top. And had a upside down pyramid handing on his neck.
"The council annoying the shit out of you?" a mischievous voice asked. The pharaoh looked up and saw one of his guards and also his best friend. Although he wold never admit it.
"What do you want Bakura?" he asked and groaned.
"Just wanted to see how are you doing Yami." Bakura said.
Bakura was tall, long white hair, tanned skin. He has a scar under his right eyes, two lined crosses with another line. His eyes were crimson and a mischievous smile was playing on his lips.
"Go annoy someone els." Yami said and turned around.
"If anyone asked. I'm out." he said and continued walking.
"What ever." Bakura said and haded to his chambers.

Yami let out his black wings and flew away from the palace.
'A nice stroll around the city would be pleasant.' he though and grinned. Yep, he was going to cause trouble.
But before that could happen, he passed a house and felt little life force.
He saw a boy trying to lean against a tree but it was difficult for him. His hand unconsciously wanting to grip on the end of the swing , but failing and making him fall.
That boy was very weak and something about him made Yami want to protect that boy.
With a lot of fighting with him self, Yami finally gave up and went to see if the boy was okay.
When he landed, he saw that the boy was barely breathing. He rushed to him.
"Hey, wake up." Yami said but the boy did nothing, didn't even move.
Quickly he picked him up and Yami teleported him self in the palaces healing chambers.
"AHHH." was heard.
A woman with long black hair and green eyes (A/N: Isis is eyes were green right?) looked surprised and frightened. She was slim and tall. She wore a caramel cress cut a little on her left leg and on her breasts.
"Pharaoh, how many times do I have to tell you. No teleporting in here." she said angrily.
"Look it was an emergency Isis. I want you too treat him." Yami said and for the first time Isis saw the boy in Yamis hands. She was that he was barely breathing and gasped.
"Put him on the bed." Yami did as he was toled and in a few seconds Isis came back , with th stuff she needs.
"Leave Pharaoh. I will tell someone to get you when I finish here." she said. Yami looked at the boy then left.
He leaned on the doors. ' Why is this boy making me feel like this?' Yami thought. He groaned and headed to the throne room.
Yami sat on his throne and put his head on his hand.
"Pharaoh?" someone asked. Yami looked up to see one of the guards.
"Yes?" he answered.
"There are two people here to see you, my pharaoh." the guard said and bowed. 'Might as well get something to distract me from that boy.' Yami thought.
"Very well, send the in."
A man and a woman walked in.
"Pharaoh." they both said and bowed.
"Speak." Yami said.
"My Pharaoh, me and my husband come to ask you to help our child. From birth he has had a weak hear and , his life is just ahead of him. We bed you, please help our son." Kate said ,now tears falling down her face.
Yami thought for a few seconds and looked at the man. 'That hair looks familiar.' he thought. Then it hit him. These were the parents of the child he took here. Then a grin appeared on his face.
"Are you ready on anything to save your child?" Yami asked.

"Yes, my Pharaoh." Luke said, holding his wife.
"Hmm, if I tell you that your child is already here and I can save him." Yami asked well more like said.

Kate looked up at the Pharaoh. Yami grinned again.
"I will save him, if he becomes my personal slave and stays with me in the palace." Yami said, his grin turning in to a smirk.
Luke and Kate looked at each other and then at Yami.
"Do you agree?" the pharaoh asked.
"Yes, my pharaoh." Luke said and Kate nodded.
"Tell me your son's name." Yami said, more like demanded.
"Yugi, my pharaoh." Kate said. 'Yugi, what a strange name.' Yami thought.
"Very well then, I want you to send him some of his stuff, the other half will be held until further notice." Yami said and got up from his throne.
"From now on , Yugi will be here." he said and closed the door after he left.
Yami walked down to the heeling chambers and knocked.
"Come in." Isis said.
Yami opened the door and looked around. There was blood on Isis's hands, but she was washing them, Yugi lay on the bed with a breathing mask on his face.
"How is he?" Yami asked , never taking his eyes off of Yugi.
"He is really weak. All these years, I don't know how he managed to live for so long. He has a strong will and soul." Isis said looking at Yami. Then she grinned , because she was the way Yami was looking at Yugi,but didn't say anything.
"His parents came and pleaded me to turn him." Yami said and looked an Isis.
"And?" Isis asked.
"I told them, that I would turn him if he becomes my personal slave and stays here." the crimson eyes teen said. Isis nodded.
"Well, if you aren't going to be hard on him. Turn him." Isis said ,walking to a table and gathering her things.
"You know that I have to drink from him to turn him. And by the looks of it , he'll be dead on the first sip." Yami said crossing his arms.

"Well, one little sip won't hurt, just don't go over board." Isis said and looked at Yami with a warning look.
"Ok, ok I'll try." he said and walked to Yugi.
He looked at him. Yugi looked so peacefully and beautiful.'What the hell is wrong with you Yami?' he asked himself.
Yami leaned down to Yugis neck and trailed his lips over the skin. His skin was so soft and Yugi smelled like vanilla and strawberry. Yami bit down and as soon as Yugis blood touched Yamis tongue he moaned. His blood , tasted so good. Like sugar, but more sweet in a way.
It took every single power in Yami to move away. His lips had a little blood on them. Yami licked his lips and leaned down and licked the blood from Yugis neck. He then removed the breathing mask and cut his right wrist and put it on Yugis mouth.
"Drink." he said. A few drops of blood fell in Yugis mouth and in a few seconds , he started sucking lightly. Weakly sucking on Yamis blood, but still. In a few minutes Yami pulled his wrist.
For a few seconds Yugis eyes opened and looked at Yami.
For the first time he saw the boys eyes and they were gorgeous. Yugi smiled a little, then closed his eyes and fell asleep. Yami watched him for a few seconds and removes some of Yugis blond bangs from his eyes.
'Beautiful.'he though and unconsciously smiled. Then he looked up at Isis.
"I want him to be brought in my chambers." Yami said. Isis nodded.
Yami looked one last time at Yugi.
"If you need anything, I'll be in the throne room." Yami said and walked away.
'Someone is falling in love' Isis thought and smiled. Then she want to such for a guard to move Yugi to Yamis chambers.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Chapter 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Stay tuned for the next chapter :)