What The Hell?
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!
Chapter 22
Things had been uneasy around Casa Del Sol. Since Yami had taken over Yuugi's position as server, business had increased. It appeared that his little brother's good looks brought in customers by the dozen.
Chuckling to himself, Atem sat back at his desk, glasses sliding down his nose. Sighing, he pushed them back up onto the bridge of his nose, yawning widely.
He had been doing the weekly inventory since that morning, it was around three in the afternoon, and he had yet to finish his task at hand. It was times like this that made the man dislike his job.
'It's what I want to do with my life. Can't stop it now.' He thought.
Yami's presence at the restaurant was one of two things. He needed help with Yuugi gone and he wanted to punish his brother for his stupid actions on Facebook. It was due to this that the man refused to use the social networking site any more. He had enough problems with his own love life, let alone dealing with his little brother's.
Ever since Akefia had made his appearance at the restaurant, he had yet to disappear. The man followed him everywhere. He didn't know if it was creepy or just amusing. However, he wanted to know why the man kept following him. They had ended their relationship over a year prior due to Akefia's own issues concerning commitment and hate toward Atem's decision to work full-time as manager at Casa Del Sol.
Atem had his heartbroken after he attempted to propose to his lover. Akefia rejected him quickly, leaving him to pick up the pieces of his broken heart. With the rejection, Atem gave up on a future with Akefia. If the man rejected him outright for a future was there any reason for them to continue dating?
'Why is Akefia following me around all the damn time? He's the one who made it perfectly clear that we have no future together.'
The intercom on the phone beeped, Yami's voice echoing through the speaker.
"Atem, you have a visitor."
Said man perked at this. Curiosity bubbling to life.
"I do? Who is it?"
Yami didn't reply at first.
"Yami, answer me."
The younger man sighed and then spoke quickly.
"It's your insane ex-boyfriend. Would you like me to shoo him out with the broom?"
'Great… He's here. It's like clock work.'
Atem groaned and then spoke through the intercom once more.
"Send him back, Yami."
The intercom went silent as footsteps echoed across the tile leading toward the office. Atem composed himself, heart racing. He opened the office door, gazing at the approaching form of his ex. Akefia stood in his usual attire of a black shirt and jeans. He smirked at Atem and then nodded at him in greeting.
"Atem, long time no see."
Said man rolled his eyes. "You said that two days ago." He frowned and then gestured toward the spare chair in the office. "Take a seat."
Akefia took the proffered seat, meeting gazes with his peacock.
"Atem, why do you act so cautious around me?"
"Excuse me?"
Atem sat down and then glared at the Egyptian man. He crossed his arms over his chest, offended.
"Look, I just want to know why you're being so rude to me. I thought we parted on good terms."
"You call flat out rejecting my marriage proposal parting on good terms?"
"I didn't reject you. I rejected the thought of marrying you."
Atem couldn't help but growl low in his throat. He and Akefia could argue for hours. Both of them stubborn as mules.
"You rejected the thought of having a future with me, Akefia. That is not ending on good terms. You proved that I was nothing more than a fuck buddy."
Akefia looked uneasy. He weighed his options in replying to Atem's cold-hearted confession. He hated it when the man acted like this.
"You're more than a fuck buddy, Atem. You're so much more than that."
Atem stood up, adjusting his glasses. "Then what am I, Akefia? If I'm not marriage material then what am I?"
"You're everything that I'm not. I realize this now but I want to make things right, Atem."
Akefia stood from the chair, bending down on one knee. He glanced up at Atem and smiled sadly.
"Akefia what the hell are you doing?"
Akefia silenced Atem, gently pulling him down to meet his gaze.
"Atem just listen. You know how stubborn I am and you're the only person who can deal with an asshole like me. I want to make things right and show you that I still love you."
The words flitted through Atem's mind. A blush crept up onto his face, tears threatening to fall down his face.
"Ake' stop…"
"Atem will you do the honor of being with me for all eternity?"
Atem shook his head, tears streaming down his face. Akefia frowned at this, surprise evident on his face.
"What? Why not?"
The spiky-haired male sniffed, tears continuing to fall. "It's too soon for this. I admit that I want to marry you sometime, Ake'. But right now… Knowing you want a future with me is enough."
"You're not rejecting me fully then?"
Atem shook his head.
"No, I just need to know that you do love me and won't reject me again."
Akefia smirked and then pulled his teary-eyed lover into a tight embrace.
"You'll never leave my sight again, peacock. You're the only good thing left in my life."
Atem pulled his head away, raising a brow.
"What about your baby brother, Ryou?"
"You know what I mean, peacock!"
Atem sniffed and rested his head against the taller man's shoulder.
He felt at peace for the first time in ages. He now knew what his brother felt when he was with Yuugi.
Life was good again.
Yami sighed. His shift was finally over for the day. With each shift, he found himself wondering how the hell Yuugi dealt with this job. The work was easy but annoying at times. With a temper such as his, he had a hard time not going off on annoying/rude customers.
He made decent money. Many of his suitors came by as did Yuugi's.
Yuugi… A smile graced his lips. The teen had been in touch with him since their talk and his apology to the small Japanese teen. He missed him so much.
It had been at least three months since Yuugi had been in Japan. He truly missed him beyond his own understanding. While on his own, Yami managed to find a balance without having Yuugi around. It had been difficult at first with nights of restlessness and days full of loneliness. However, he needed to get over this separation anxiety. He wanted to prove that he could live without a complete dependence on his little one. Yet, living without Yuugi proved only to show him how much he truly relied on him for everything.
Yuugi's father was worried it was the other way around. However, Yami proved that wrong with ease. Yuugi was independent. He always had been. He always made friends despite his shyness. All the while, Yami often felt jealous or possessive of Yuugi. He wanted to be the only one in Yuugi's full attention.
It was childish but it had been his mind set for years. It even fueled his crush on Yuugi further. He had felt this way forever and it only grew with time. However, now he finally understood how wrong he was. Yuugi needed to experience things without him around. Even the best couples need time apart.
He waited for weeks for Yuugi to call back and let him know what he had decided. The unsettling fears thrashed through his body like a storm. All he wanted was to know what his little one had decided.
Then day fairly late into the night, Yuugi gave him a call. The conversation was uneasy at first, leaving Yami's heart racing.
He could remember it like it was yesterday.
"I'm coming home, Yami."
Those four words meant so much to him. Hearing Yuugi's voice often sent him into a fit of bliss. But hearing that statement from his lover's own mouth… He was in paradise.
His Aibou was returning to Domino. Summer school was only three weeks away. He hoped Yuugi had straightened out his scheduling and whatnot.
He had a feeling that Atem would be reeling with joy with Yuugi's return. It meant that his all-star server would be returning to work. At least, he figured he would.
Even with all this knowledge, Yami wasn't sure how to handle his little one's return. Yuugi hadn't given him an exact date to expect him home. This alone was surprising. The Egyptian teen couldn't help but wonder about this.
Sighing, the man walked toward the door to his apartment. Yawning, he set about unlocking the door. Once the door unlocked, he opened the door, surprise flitting across his features.
The living room held a series of lit candles decorating the coffee table and the fireplace mantel. Raising a brow, he walked further into the apartment, worriedly.
He received no response other than the echo of his own voice. Carefully he treaded through the small apartment, heading toward the hall closet. He opened it and took out the baseball bat he always kept there.
'Hopefully I don't have to use this.' Yami thought, carrying the bat. He treaded back out into the living room, bat raised at the ready.
A soft chuckle echoed through the expanse of the apartment. Yami tensed at this, raising a brow.
'What the hell?'
A small figure stepped out from Yami's bedroom; face alight in the dim candlelight.
At the sight of the person, the Egyptian teen dropped his bat running toward the one who invaded his apartment.
Yami wrapped his arms around Yuugi's small form, picking him up. He twirled his little one's body around in a circle, smiling.
After a moment, he set the teen down, taking a moment to take Yuugi in fully.
Yuugi looked the same minus the new clothing he had acquired while in Japan. Yuugi smiled at his lover and then tilted his head to the side, raising a brow at the baseball bat.
"Why the bat, Yami?"
"I thought someone had broken into the apartment." He said sheepishly.
Yuugi blinked and then laughed softly.
"You were always the one to jump to conclusions." He crossed his arms over his chest and smirked.
"Who lights a lot of candles if they are breaking and entering?"
At the realization of this, Yami felt like an idiot. Yuugi was right.
"Yami, it's good to see you again."
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming home this soon? I wasn't expecting you for another week or so."
Yuugi shrugged and looked away. "I missed you and I wanted to surprise you."
The elder of the two stepped closer. He embraced Yuugi and then kissed him softly. He pulled away, gauging the teen's reaction.
"Yuugi, I missed you to. More than you can ever imagine."
Yuugi didn't say anything at first. He merely stood silently, blushing. After a moment, he replied.
"I think I can fathom what it felt like, Yami. I've decided to stay here for good. My dad steered me into the right direction actually."
"Yori convinced you to return?"
The Japanese teen nodded. "Well… kinda. He told me to think deeply about what I truly wanted and told me to choose what I wanted to do above everything else."
"And you chose to return to Domino."
"Yes, to be with you."
Yuugi winked cutely and then sat down on the couch, fiddling with something on the coffee table.
Curiously, Yami followed Yuugi's hands, seeing the small item within his grasp.
"What is that?"
Yuugi looked up, eyes dancing in mirth.
"Remember how our families always teased us about being a couple and wondering when you would purpose to me?"
Yami thought back and remembered all the hell that their mothers gave them.
"Yes I remember."
Yuugi opened the box, revealing a shining silver ring. Carefully he pulled it out of the box and held it up to Yami's peripheral.
"Well, my mother and grandfather had long ago gotten this ring as a joke for us. She gave it to me and told me to use it for our wedding in the future. That is, if you ever asked me to marry you. However… I thought a change of pace was needed for this."
Yami listened further.
Yuugi stood up and then bent down on one knee, holding the ring. All the while, Yami could only watch with wide eyes as Yuugi began to spill is thoughts out.
"Yami out of everyone I've known in life you've always been there for me. You helped me through a lot and you've proven that you will always be there for me. I don't expect an answer now but after we finish school I would love to spend the rest of my life with you."
Yuugi blushed and took Yami's hand into his own, placing the ring onto the right hand.
"Yuugi… I will spend the rest of my days with you. Regardless of the problems we've had I will be there for you always. You know the answer is yes."
At this, tears flowed down Yuugi's cheeks. He almost fell forward had it not been for Yami's strong arms catching him.
Everything had been so tumultuous since they had started college. They had started dating; they had been through issues with their families. Yet in the end, they defied the problems and became stronger together.
Neither could imagine their lives without one another.
Life truly lived up to their favorite saying of "What the hell?"
The End.
And after a year, this fic is now completed. Thank you all for sticking around and reading. Thanks for all the reviews!
I might do an epilogue in the form of a one-shot. However, I'm not entirely sure yet.