Dedicated to Chester Bennington, a wonderful person with a heart of gold and the voice of an Angel. I hope you find peace and comfort. I will miss you forever.

Also, thank you all for the lovely reviews they keep me going and I hope that my stories do the same for you. I will try my hardest to keep updating, things were easier when I was doing this in high school. If any of you ever want to talk about anything don't hesitate to contact me.

*22* He'd Never Been Less Human… or More Beautiful *22*

A few hours had passed since Yugi and Seto sought the safety of the shack and Jounouchi's breathing had slowed to a normal pace. Sometime during the night he had transformed back into his human self, unable to maintain the energy it took to be a wolf. The wound on his chest shifted as well and they were shocked to discover just how close the arrow had gotten to Jounouchi's heart.

"What do you think came over Jounouchi?" Yugi asked.

"I don't know. I lost my connection with him for a while, the clues that I found suggest that he entered a blood oath with someone." Seto said and paused in thought, "When he attacked you did you notice anything odd?"

"Other than him attacking me?" Yugi paused, his brain was running through so many things but he was able to remember something. "He was wearing a collar with a blue charm on it." He said.

"A collar?" Seto ran a hand through his hair as he thought of something. "That must be it. There's no way he'd wear a collar willingly unless it was part of the oath."

"What is a blood oath?" Yugi asked.

"It's made between supernatural beings, getting out of the oath requires that bargain be fulfilled or the death of one of the beings." Seto said. "Where is the collar now?"

"I took it off of him. It's still in the forest. So you think that one of the requirements in the oath was for him to wear that collar."

"Yes and for that to be an important part of the oath must mean that the collar has some significance. Someone was controlling him with it, and whoever it was made him murder two vampires." Seto said then turned to Yugi, he didn't really like the idea of telling Yugi that Jounouchi had murdered but he had no choice, they were all in too deep now.

"Murder? What are you talking about? Explain." Yugi glared at Seto, there was no way Jounouchi would ever do anything like that.

"Like I said, Jounouchi murdered two students from the vampire school. I know it was him because his scent was all over the place." Seto said. "I managed to cover up as much as I could but it won't be long before the other vampires figure it out."

"And if they figure it out…war…" Yugi plopped back down onto the couch, defeated.

"That's right. Because Jounouchi broke the pact between werewolves and vampires the peace treaty is null and void. The delicate balance we have here will be thrown off."

"We need to figure out who is behind this and let the vampires know what really happened." Yugi said.

"You're foolish. Those bloodsucking parasites won't care, they've been waiting for an opportunity like this." Seto said.

"That's not true." Yugi said. "They want peace, it isn't their fault that they exist and they shouldn't be punished for it."

"Yugi, get it through your head, Vampires are the enemy, angels, humans and wolves can agree on that much." He said. "We need to evacuate the school because no matter who's fighting the humans won't survive."

Yugi made his way over to Mokuba's bedside and looked down at his pale baby face, he was cute even with the scar. Yugi watched Mokuba's sleeping face for a few moments, Seto was right, humans would suffer the most.

Something came over Seto as he watched Yugi caress his little brother in such a loving manner, maybe it was Yugi's nature or the fact that he literally looked angelic, but Seto decided it was time to face what he had done, to admit what happened to another person. "I did that to him."

"What?" Yugi asked.

"It was nearly a year ago but it's still fresh in my mind and I suppose it always will be." Seto continued, if he stopped now he wasn't sure he'd ever be able to tell the story. "It was several months after I had first transformed and I vowed, that first time, that I wouldn't change against my will."

"I was pretty good at transforming when I wanted too but every full moon it was out of my control. I'd been practicing and finally I was able to stave off the urge to change, or so I had thought." He paused for a moment and clenched his hands at his sides. "What I didn't know, what I'd learned too late was that I couldn't fight against the power of a super moon."

"Seto…" Yugi wasn't sure he wanted to carry the burden of Seto's pain as well but how could he deny Seto his confession? Yugi shook his head and gestured for Seto to continue.

"The mansion was empty that night, I always made sure that the house staff left on the night of a full moon. I couldn't afford to have people learn what I was." He clarified, "the night rolled on and then Mokuba unexpectedly showed up, he was supposed to be away on a business trip that night."

"We got into an argument and I couldn't keep my anger in check, I transformed. I had revealed, to my brother, what I was. I couldn't handle it. No longer in control of my body, I attacked him. I was trapped in the body of a blood thirsty beast and through my own eyes I had to watch as I mauled my baby brother." Seto looked down at his hands. "I never wanted any of this. I'm a monster."

"That's not true!" Yugi practically shouted. "If it were then you would have killed him but something inside stopped you from going that far." Yugi said, tears were falling down his cheeks where they then landed on Mokuba's small hand. "It's not your fault."

"Yes it is. My only choice is to work with the angels in accordance with that damn prophesy so that I can get him back." Seto said. It was then that Yugi let go of Mokuba's hand, realization hit him hard and he felt physically ill.

"What is it Yugi?"

"Oh god…" Yugi covered his mouth, Karim's memory was flashing before his eyes.

"Seto must join the cause Karim, I am afraid that the only way he will be willing to join us is striking a deal with him. Seto loves his brother more than anything in this world, take him away and Seto will do anything to get him back," Isis said, "including, work for us."

"Yugi, what the hell is going on with you?" Seto grabbed hold of Yugi by the shoulders, shaking him from the memory. "Hey."

"Huh?" Yugi looked back at Seto, how could he tell Seto what happened? He couldn't, if he did it would send Seto into a deep rage. He'd get himself killed trying to fight against an angel especially one who could see the future. No, Yugi had to keep the information to himself, for Seto's sake.

"What the hell was that?" Seto asked. "I can't have you losing it now."

"I'm not. I'm just upset that Mokuba is hurt. I know it must hurt you very much." Yugi said. "But I know it wasn't your fault. You love him, there's no way you could have done that on purpose."

"On Purpose or not, it doesn't change the fact that I did do this, with these hands." Seto held out his hands and Yugi grabbed them.

"No, not these hands." Yugi said. "These hands protected Mokuba a thousand times, these hands held on to your brother with love." Yugi pulled up Mokuba's hand and placed it in Seto's and covered them both up with his own hands. "He'll wake up again and he'll forgive you."

"You're foolish, Yugi…" Seto paused, something tickled his hand, a small pressure, a squeeze. Yugi stepped back, having felt the movement too. Seto watched Mokuba's face and was surprised to see his eyes open slowly.

"Big…. Br…ther" Seto leaned in closer, he wasn't sure what he was hearing.

"Mokuba." Seto ran his fingers through Mokuba's hair, he couldn't believe what was happening.

"Hey." He said, enjoying the feeling of fingers in his hair. "Why are you so upset?" he asked.

"Are you kidding me? I attacked you."

"I don't remember that." He said.

"How could you not remember?" Seto asked.

"My big brother is a werewolf… this is so cool." He said.

"I almost killed you." He said, pulling away. "Why aren't you taking this seriously? You should be angry with me."

"I'm not. I know you would never hurt me. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'd never hold this against you." Mokuba said. "No matter what, we are brothers forever."

"But your face…" Seto reached out and touched the scars on Mokuba's cheek, Mokuba leaned in slowly and closed his eyes, relishing in his brother's cool touch.

"I don't care what it looks like." Mokuba said

"But I do. People will stare at you."

"Let them stare. I'm stronger than you give me credit for. I'm still a Kaiba and I will wear my scars proudly."

"Mokuba." Seto smiled proudly but was distracted by the sound of crying, he turned to see Yugi whipping his eyes with the back of his arm. "You did this." He said and pointed at Yugi for good measure.

"What?" Yugi looked down at his hands. "Did what?"

"You healed him somehow. Now, do the same for Jounouchi." Seto ordered.

"I did not. There's no way." Yugi said. "How?"

"Figure it out." Seto said. "Then I can take them both and go home."

"You can't leave." Yugi said, "We need to save everyone."

"No, you need to save everyone. I won't let Mokuba be targeted and Jounouchi may have started a war. It's not safe for them here."

"A war? What's going on, Seto?" Mokuba asked. "If Yugi needs your help I don't think you should abandon him."

"If I help Yugi then I will be abandoning you and Jounouchi and I won't do that."

"Jounouchi?" and that's when Mokuba noticed the blonde on a bed on the opposite side of the room. "What happened to him?"

"There's a lot to explain, you've been in a coma for nearly a year." Seto said.

"Well, start explaining." Mokuba said.

As Yugi listened to Seto recount the events up until this point he glanced over at his friend and wondered if he were able to heal him. He walked over and took Jounouchi's hand in his and closed his eyes, trying to find the power within him. All he could find was blackness, he had no idea how to use or even control his new powers.

Frustrated, Yugi plopped down on the couch and winced as his wings dug into his back. How the heck did he hide them? He never noticed the others' wings before so there must be a way. "Wings go away." He whispered to himself repeatedly.

"Will you stop saying that?" Seto asked, whipping his head around to glare at Yugi. "It's not working and you are only irritating me."

"Hey, I am only trying to figure things out. Jou had you to help him and I have no one."

"We can't leave, Seto." Mokuba said after having time to digest the story. "If we leave then Jounouchi will always be seen as a murderer. We can't let that happen. We have to find the person responsible for this and make them pay."

"We?" Seto said, "I don't think so. You're going to stay here and finish recovering."

"I feel fine. Whatever Yugi did healed me up real nice." He said, "And besides, I am not letting you fight in a war all alone."

"Look. I'll stay and help Yugi on one condition.

"What?" Mokuba asked.

"Stay here and watch over Jounouchi." Seto said.

"Deal." Mokuba said and smiled as if that were his goal all along.