Title: My Boyfriend is an Android!

Genre: romance, humor

Rating: M for language, mild violence, sexual themes, and future lemon (most likely)

Pairings: YamiXYugi; BakuraXRyou; MarikXMalik; KaibaXJonouchi; NoaXMokuba; HondaXOtogi

Summary: Sick and tired of never having a date, Yugi Mouto goes online and purchases a mysterious Yami Series 01 "figure". The next day, an android is delivered to his door, and the android claims himself to be Yugi's boyfriend! Now Yugi finds himself stuck with a task: collect enough data to create the 03 Yami Series model, keep Yami from killing the 02 Yami Series D-Grade android, prevent a love triangle, deal with the mysterious Evangeline who keeps calling Yugi with advice, and find out who is the mastermind named Negative 01 who seeks Yami's destruction. But it's all worth it, since Yami looks and acts like a million bucks, which is what he'll cost if Yugi doesn't do his job right...

Me: All right, guys! This may not be my best story, but it is pretty good! The beginning is kind lame, but overall, I think it turned out all right for the most part!

Lucy: We gained the idea after reading "Absolute Boyfriend", but we really changed it up so that it's not like it that much!

Me: We hope that everyone will like this even though the first chapter is kinda lame! But it's an essential chapter and turning point in the whole story, so please enjoy it!

Lucy: Chapter start!

Chapter One: Kaiba Corp Part I

"This... sucks..."

Yugi Mouto, sixteen years old, slowly placed the letter from his mother on the coffee table. He glanced down at the scrawly writing that his mother wrote in and sighed sadly.

Once again, Yugi's mother had sent him a letter saying that both she and Yugi's father would not be home for another year. Yugi's parents had been living abroad, traveling the world in their business. As imagined, Yugi was living alone in an apartment in which his father and mother paid for, so he didn't have to.

Yugi glanced sadly at the letter again. "I swear, if I had a nickel for every time they sent me a letter saying they wouldn't be home..." he muttered.

The young star-haired boy sat up off his bed and went for the closet. He carefully took out his blue school uniform, placing it on after putting on his white button up shirt. He combed his hair and then let it resume its natural star shape.

Yugi looked at himself in the mirror and smiled.

"Hey, no use pouting about it! They'll be home in no time!" he said.

The star-haired boy turned and glanced out the window of his balcony. He gasped and plastered himself up against the glass, staring out with wide horror-filled eyes.

"Oh, no! I left the clothes outside!" he yelped.

Yugi quickly put his sneakers on and made a dash outside. He shuffled and flung the clothes around, some of them going nextdoor and landing on their balcony, which went unnoticed by Yugi.

"Oh, I am totally late!!" Yugi shouted, throwing the clothes in a pile on his bed.

Once the clothes were put away, Yugi grabbed his book-bag by the corner of the living room area and made a mad dash for the door, on the opposite side of the apartment.

He grabbed the door handle and jerked it back.

Yugi gasped as he spotted someone he knew standing with their hand extended.

The person was none other than the son of the people who lived next door, Ryota Kajiki, who was also a childhood friend of Yugi's. Ryota was standing before Yugi, arm extended...

Holding a pair of Yugi's boxers in his hands.

"You pervert-!!" Yugi snapped angrily, face flushed bright scarlet with rage and embarrassment, snatching his underwear from Ryota. "Why the fuck do you have my boxers, huh!?"

Ryota scoffed and rolled his blue eyes.

"Please. As if anyone would steal your underwear. You don't have much there to show off, anyway," he commented.

That quickly earned him a smack in the face with a book-bag filled to the brim with homework, a dictionary, three text books, a load of pencils, and a lunchbox filled with hard food.

Yugi scoffed as Ryota fell flat to his face before him.

"If you ever insult me like that again, I'll kill you! I don't care how long we've known each other! I'll kill you!" Yugi snapped, kicking the boy in the stomach, stepping over him, and making his way to the elevator.

Yugi ignored anyone who called after him that morning and dashed through the lobby.

He slid through the glass doors and landed on the sidewalk that was right across from his grandfather's game shop. He waved to his grandfather, who was sweeping the area in front of his shop.

Yugi turned and spotted someone walking towards the school.

It was Izawa, the boy that Yugi had been crushing on for Ra knows how long.

Izawa had short spiked black hair, bright brown eyes, and he was tall and muscular, tan skin and curved arched features that said he was foreign. And as far as Yugi knew, he was still single.

There he is! Go ahead and ask him out!Yugi's conscious yelled at him.

Yugi sighed and shook his head really fast and went tearing after Izawa. He thought he wasn't going to stop at the correct time and collide with him, but he stopped right before.

"G-Good morning, Izawa!" Yugi called.

Izawa stopped and turned towards Yugi. He spotted the boy and beamed.

"Morning, Mouto. What's up?" he asked.

"Uh... Don't call me Mouto, please. You remind me too much of the teacher when you do that," Yugi told him. Izawa nodded slowly and smiled at Yugi, a foreigner's smile.

"Uh, Izawa..." Yugi started.

"Hm? What is it?" Izawa asked.

"Umm, I, well, I, uh..." Yugi trailed off after a moment, trying to avoid the subject. His conscience started yelling at him again, so Yugi glanced up and shuddered. "I-I really like you!"

Izawa smiled and put his hand up. "Sorry, there's someone else I like."

Yugi stared at Izawa in silence for a moment, not sure if he had heard correctly. Not that it would surprise him, since he'd been rejected over and over again by countless other boys.

"By the way..." Izawa said, pointing to Yugi's hand. "Why are you carrying around a pair of boxers, Mouto?"

Yugi glanced down at his hand screamed silently, seeing that it was true. He remembered having snatched them away from Ryota, but he thought he had put them back in the apartment.

Izawa smiled at Yugi.

"Well, I got to go. See you, Mouto," he said, turning and walking away.

Yugi stared into space in shock, his mind still not processing all of what had happened in the last few seconds. He had been rejected and been humiliated for life all in the same minute.

"Well..." his grandpa said, tapping his foot.

"Huh?" Yugi asked, glancing over, his mind still drawing a blank.

"At least put the boxer shorts away before someone else sees you, boy!" his grandpa shouted. Yugi squeaked and threw them to his grandfather before dashing to school, face beet red.


Me: Poor Yugi! Rejected and humiliated all in the same minute!

Lucy: But fear not, Puzzleshipping fans! If you have read Absolute Boyfriend, then you know about the main character and her childhood friend, but that doesn't happen in this story! Yugi is totally loyal to Yami and no one else when Yami comes, so no worries! And Ryota and Yugi are just friends! There is no crush between them!

Me: We are so sorry if the first chapter is lame, but hopefully, the story will be much better later!

Lucy: Review nicely and we shall update when we gets reviews! Please do not flame us! If you do not like it, then don't say anything and don't continue to read it! Thanks to all my wonderful readers!