The Great Nations of Cartha
Every nation has their beauties and their dangers. Every land has a curse equally as powerful as their blessing.
Cartha, a world where its nations are sometimes separated by force. Not typical forces, which an average being would normally, take the time to understand. Forces such as the 'Tricultural divide'- where the worlds people are divided into three parts.
Humans, although they may be the weakest- physically- their lands and countries are the largest. Since the dawn of time, and the birth of these nations, there were mysterious- and almost magical- stones all around and within their nation making it impossible for Monsters or those with a Monsters blood within themselves to even breathe within ten meters of the stones.
These stones were like giant Jonquil crystals that seemed to glow a brilliant royal blue whenever any Monster was nearby. In times of war, Humans would break pieces off a larger stone and turn into a weapon for a mass slaughter, but the gems only held their power for short periods of time before the turned black as night and then became dust in the wind.
As wonderful, and beautiful these jewels were, if a Human woman were to fall in love- let alone be impregnated by a Monster she'd be banish permanently (unless cut all ties with him), not because it was a sin or taboo, but because he lover couldn't survive in her nation, nor could a child of theirs. She'd never be able to see her family or loved ones again, only relying on her lover for protection in the cruel, unforgiving nation of Monsters where only the strong survive, and the human usually dies soon after their Nehmu child is born.
The Human countries:
Minamt- the smallest Human land, but the most agricultural; rich with live stock and advanced in their framing techniques. Where many common animals can be found, such as cows, pigs, rats, cats, dogs, ext.
Apotius- mostly a sub-tropical paradise (with few patches of barren land) to the naked eye, dangerous and more exotic animals are located in this country. Such as snakes, tigers, crocodiles, ext. This country is made for, and only has warriors that live and train here.
Romaou- the largest and most populated Human country. This country is in charge of all its nations income and exported goods.
Monsters, their nation is a never ending battle with nature. Beautiful, ever changing lands; where civilizations raise and fall as quickly as time passes. Most Monsters are demonic looking, and legion claims they are cursed beings of war, because they tried to defy the gods long ago- before time itself even.
Monseters are the only creatures that when it comes to their nation it isn't divided into countries, just one chaotic nation with a few cities here and there. Some Monsters choose to enlist themselves into servitude to a royal line of Nehmu, the god's chosen and blessed with gift of Calvat.
Their nation's name:
Nehmu's, the outcasts of the world and in numbers- a dying race. The people of this nation are wide spread out and mostly inexperienced in their magix. All Nehmu are capable of unfathomable power, but it is unknown why very few access their powers at all. If a Nehmu doesn't receive their magix by their coming of age they will never receive them.
Due to their blessings of Clavat, and that they are by nature half human and half Monster and have a wide range, but it makes it harder to find their very own Calvat. Only thirty percent of all Nehmu's find their Calvat, sixty percent breed regardless, and ten percent wait forever believing it to be a sin to bed someone other than a Calvat. (And in the eyes of the gods it was)
The Seven Nehmu Nations:
Cartharax- the greatest of all countries, it is the only land that has won every war it's been and never lose even a single battle. It is the most peaceful and respected country.
Pheanocia- the country with the strongest military, but smart enough to never challenge Carthrax to war.
Nixara- the coldest country in all Cartha due to it being so far down south.
Timonat- the most advanced country when it comes to technology.
Ravantus- a large island country, rich in intellect and artistic talents alike.
Omnes- the first country to ever be created, and believed to be the starting point of all life on Cartha.
Anipoche- a tiny island country, but the wealthiest in gems, gold, oil, ext., making it the most prosperous.
Now, to begin a story that even the gods themselves could never prevent, because it was their fault to begin with.
Unum promissum contra omnem
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