Me: It seems most of you wanted to read Bloody Flames, since it was second on the poll. So, here it is!

Anory: What the hell! You said you'd post these AFTER Sighseer was through!

Me: … yeeaaaaaaaaah… Couldn't wait.

Anory: -groans- Un-friggen-believable.

Star: Believe it!

Me and Anory: NO! -passes out from to much Naruto-dumbness-

Fangs: Please any Naruto-lovers don't take offense to that. Neko has just lost her interest in Naruto and it rage-venting about it.

Me: -foaming from the mouth-

Fangs: …O_O;

Summary: Yugi appears to be a normal teenage boy if you don't found the long nail and razor sharp canines. He has a secret crush on the most popular boy in high school, Atemu Yami. Who's renowned for heart stealing just to break them. And as Yugi watches his only friend Tea get stolen then broken he fears for himself. Yet when Atemu get's caught in a warehouse fire and is saved by Yugi the elder teens tries to find out just what the smaller's hiding. Because it's one thing to drag someone out of a burning building, but an interlay other to manipulate and command the fire itself.


XxXXxX- Yugi's POV

XoXoX- Time skip (varies)

'…'- Thoughts

"…"- Speaking


"You got everything?"

"Yes Grampa."









There was silence for a moment.

"Yes Grampa, I have my syringe."

The elder's bright violet eyes seemed pleased as he gave his grandson a once nod. "Very good. Now, remember too-"

"Grampa I'm in high school now, not middle school."

The elders eyes narrowed some. "High school is a completely different diminution from middle school my boy. So be weary."

The teen sighed but nodded to show he understood.

"Well, it's getting late. You best be off."

Smiling the boy beamed his grandfather, a cheery smile. "Bye Grampa! See you after school," and was off before the older man could reply.


Hello. You all must be wondering just what's going on. Simply put, I start my first year as a high schooler today.

I'm sixteen years old, but my size and outlook can fool anyone. I appear as a child around nine or ten due to my five foot hight and credulous appearance.

My name is Yugi Moto. I am the last of the Moto's other then my grandfather, Solomon Moto. You see, my parents were… Well, lets just say, disappeared.

Anyway, I've lived in Domino City for the last ten years of my current life. Where was I for my first six you're asking? Else were.

Anyway, so, out of those ten I've been here I've only made one friend. Though, normal standers it should be labeled a 'pity-friend' for she's only with me because, and I quote her, "I look like an abandoned and abused puppy when wondering around alone". So yeah. There you have it. That and-oh! Would you look at that.


Speak of the devil and she shall appear.

Tea Gardner. First years high schooler like me, but more so as first rate slut in my eyes. Though I would never voice those words.

Despite how I really feel towards things and people, I'm always kind and hearty. Why? Because I don't like being mean or violence. Simple as that.

I watch as Tea rushes up to me as I near the school's gate. Her school uniform is like all the other female students. Slight powder pink toned, long sleeved, button up shirt with matched thigh-length shirt. A white shirt under the first and around her neck was wrapped a yellow tie. Her long slime legs looked smooth and well cared for as black, slight-heeled shoes clung to her feet. A 'clink-clank' with each step she took could was heard. Short brown hair fell to her shoulders, straight. With dark blue, navy even, eyes gave her pale skin complexion something interesting to look at. Tea's breast development was a fairly good size, but only to those that sought out for that sort of thing.

Slowing to a trot the young woman steadies her pace beside me. With a hight of five six I was a dwarf in comparison.


"Morning Tea. You ready for the first day as high schoolers?" Yugi asked politely.

Tea grinned. "You bet! I can't wait to finally get at change at him."

Yugi sighed. "You do know his reputation."

The girl huffed. "I'm not like all those other girls. I'm his perfect match. Soulmate even," the female boasted.

'As if!' Yugi smiled sheepishly. "Well, I can't stop you. All I will say and be careful."

A wicked grin pull at Tea's lips sending strange, unpleasant shivers down my spine. "I don't need luck. Just one good look at me and he'll be begging to take me out."

The smaller teen sighed, finally deciding to give up. He knew once Tea set her mind to something she was like a raging bull seeing red. Full change forwards. No stoping, no turning and no going back. Quite frankly, that disturbing the small teen a bit.

The two finally entered the school grounds. Yugi would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. After all, like Tea said, he was here.

Looking up at the massive clock cemented to the front of the building Yugi noted they still had ten minutes before the day started.

"So, what do you want to do to pass the time?" Tea asked.

Yugi shrugged. "I don't know. I guess we could-" But the teens words became caught in his throat as he came into view.


Dear Gods it's him!

And when I say him, and Tea unfortunately, we mean Atemu Yami. He's two years a head of us, making it his third and final year. He's smart, popular, great at…well everything. A charmer and drop-dead sexy!

The school definitely had a dress code, but Atemu appeared to be a rebel when it came too the rules as well. For he wore skin tight leather pants that clung and suctioned to his form, leaving nearly nothing to the imagination. An equally tight black leather tank top, brandishing that perfectly sculpted, well toned and mouth drooling muscular figure. He wasn't overly muscled or lacking either. A perfect in-between of the two. His hair spiked up as mine did. Both's body black with blond bangs but there's were the similarities ended. Atemu's hair was edged a vibrant red, like the tips were dipped in liquified rubies and a few golden bangs looked to be shooting skyward as they gave the appearance of lightning bolts. His figure was firm, clean-cut and lethal looking. Practically screaming dangerous bad-boy. His face was narrow and sharp. Eyes ten times sharper with there unearthly crimson light. Narrowed and pointed, looking to be naturally lined in black eyeliner.

Gods, I could easily see him as a king. Or more fitting, a pharaoh with that delicious looking sun-kissed skin. Atemu was a God in his own right. Not to mention his stature of five-five, making Tea just a inch taller. And though he was still, like me, compared as short for a guy that did little to incapacitate him.

Though he is sought after from practically everyone. Both females and males. And as must as it pains me, I am no exception to that group, or silent 'click' as I've dubbed it.

Still though, I have had a crush on Atemu since I first saw him eight years ago. Around the same time I met Tea. Over the years my crush as gone from admiration to obsession and finishing it's evolution into blooming love.

Yes, I said it. I love Atemu Yami. Regardless if I've never spoke to the man or the claims of people saying I'm just infatuated if they knew, my heart says other wise. And I was always taught to follow my heart.

Yet, this time I may have to reconsider.

"Oh my God, it's Atemu." Tea squealed silently-well, as silently as a raging fangirl could.

Atemu seemed to not notice use. Nor did I take notice that not only had Tea fled to join the wave of ogling girls but that I was staring.

I just couldn't help it. He looked to gorgeous. So hot, so sexy!

I think I'm drooling….

Then my whole body froze. Red. That's all I saw. Fiery, bright, red lights piercing into me. He was looking at me. Those breathtaking eyes turning me into lava, making be just want to slide to the ground, and yet, I was completely stiff. Paralyzed by the simple notion he was looking at me.

My face felt warm. I knew I was blushing.


It was like the clock broke his spell on him as I jumped, startled and bolted into the building. My face now burning.


It was only the five minute warning bell, but Yugi chose to heed it's warning and rush to class.

When the bell to start class sounded Yugi noted, with a slight hit of sadness, the Tea wasn't in his first class. Yugi knew no one.

Taking a deep breath the teen prepped to tough it out. Besides, the day just started. Anything could happen.


Eight periods total. Four down, four more to go.

It is currently lunch time, and unlike middle school when high schoolers have lunch it was everyone, not separate classes. The plus side being lunch was an hour long.

What with school starting at seven forty in the morning and ending at four in the afternoon, that gives each class forty-five minutes and lunch brake for the whole school an hour.

It's kinda heartbreaking knowing you spend eight hours and twenty minute of you're day in a crammed building with hundreds of people mainly sitting and listening.

So now it's lunch time and as everyone fights either for good eating spots, for we can eat outside, or battling at first pick at the lunch menu in the cafeteria.

Tea was nowhere to be found. Though most likely chasing after Atemu. So Yugi went in search of a nice, quite place to rest and eat in peace.

The teen discovered such a spot, though it was in the woods behind the school. There was a nice little clearing about half a mile in the wilderness where a small pond lay. The grass slight long, but lush and green. A large, flat boulder sat about ten yards from the waters edge.

Yugi hummed in bliss. Wether by sheer luck, coincidence or what ever the boy was pleased to find such a tranquil and lovely spot. And by the looks of it no one has found it, making it Yugi's privet place.

Plopping down on the rock the teen opened him paper back, pulled out his sandwich, chips and drink and began to eat.

The sun was warm and the breeze soothing. It was indeed a beautiful August morning.

As the birds chipped there happy songs and the rodents scurried the forest floor searching for food or playing tag Yugi felt like he was at peace. Finishing his meal the teen retrieved the last of his food, being some sweets.

Yugi may be sixteen, but he still loved his sweets.

Opening the box of chocolate panda cookies the teen began to eat his treat. Yet, not long after he started he began to become edgy. As if someone were watching him.

Trying to idly scan his surroundings Yugi came up short. Nothing was out there. Perhaps he was just getting jumpy as he always did when he was readying to have his shot.

Finishing the cookies Yugi stuffed all his trash in the bag before taking off his right shoe. Right at the tip was a tiny needle hidden, tapped in place. He grabbed it delicately, put his shoe back on and stretched out his left arm as his right hand unclipped the needles cover and readied it.

Again that feeling of begin watched waved over Yugi as the boy stuck the needle into his arm, ejecting the think looking red liquid into his blood stream. He didn't need to wrap his arm. Doing this so often, Yugi became well await of his vein's locations.

The teen sighed in blissful relief as the needles contents flowed and filled his craving.


I know what you must be thinking. This boy's a junky!

No. Not exactly.

What I inject into my body is a craving I have, but it's not one of deadly or destructive means, but one of healing and survival.

To help you understand a bit more I'm not exactly what you call normal. Other then my short status I have certain…characteristics. And with those come needs I have to fulfill.

You can call me what you will, but if you want to live to see another tomorrow you'll leave the issue be. I only do this once ever week anyway.


Yugi sighed contently as he removed the needle from his arm, whipping away the blood before covering it was a bandage. He had to make it look convincing.

As the teen leaned down to take his shoe off he hide the needle once more, "What are you doing?" Came a deep, dark and very angry demand.

Slowly Yugi turns to the owner only to once again become frozen. Standing only five feet away was Atemu Yami. His red gaze glaring heatedly into Yugi wide amethyst eyes.

The two looked simply only in hair style as Yugi was shorter, child-like looking, had no bands bolting up for instead they framed his chubby-like cheeks with a single strand hooking down in the middle of his forehead into a slight inward curl. His hair trims a meshed blend of violets and reds making it an almost magenta hued. Yet it was his eyes that caught peoples attention more often then his hair, as funny as that is, for his eyes were huge. Taking up half his face with the most innocent sheen of supernatural amethyst.

Now however, those amethyst pools cowered in fear as those blazed crimsons bore into him.

Yugi's voice caught in this throat. Gods! For he knew Atemu must have seen what he had just done and knew what he assumed what going on. But the smaller's voice was trapped. Unable to come to his aid and explain.

Finally the older boy's red's darkened, a growl evident in his tone. "Look kid, I don't know what your problem is but, I will not allow you to tarnish his schools reputation with your drug addiction."

Yugi still couldn't voice to speak. His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, but that was it.

"I suggest you get yourself some help. Cause if I catch you again I will report you."

That was it. The cuing statement.

As Atemu turned to leave Yugi found his voice, and what a voice it was.

"Please wait! You don't understand," the teen began, franticly pleasing. "I need this. It's not what you think."

Stopping, turning and marching over to Yugi, the smaller grew fearful.

'Is he going to hurt me?' As the taller grew closer Yugi's heart picked up and began racing even more so when Atemu's hand rose. Yugi's eyes clamped shut instinctively and he cringed only to feel the needle be yanked out of his grasp.

He gasped, reaching back for the small syringe.

Yugi panicked. "No! Please, give it back?"

Atemu stretched it more out of the smaller's reach as he examined it. To the older's horror he realized just what it was. His eyes flashed back to the younger boy. Causing the teen to halt his actions.

"What the hell is this?" he demanded. Yugi remained quite, his eyes down cast. "Answer me!"

The harsh snap in Atemu's voice jerked Yugi's vocal cords into action. "It's medicine."

In a way that was true.

Atemu's glare though only harshened. "You're saying you inject yourself with medicine that's blood?"

Yeah it must have sounded stupid, but to Yugi it was dire.

The teen didn't answer, but did slowly nod. Atemu hissed.

"You're sick!" He spun around starting to leave.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"To turn you in." Atemu spat, disgust clear in this voice.

Terror rumbled within Yugi's core. Though not out of fear of loosing his needle. He didn't really need it. He could fill his need the old fashion way. He just hated it. No. This fear was on a whole new level, because several lives would be on the line.

"You can't!" You cried, rushing forward.

"To hell I can't! You're-"

"People will die if you do!"

Yugi's wailing statement froze Atemu in his tracks. He turned slowly, deadly, red eyes flaring in anger and disgust. "Are you threatening the lives of others just to get you're fucked up highs!"

Normally the teen would have cringed. Fallen to the grown on his knees, mainly because it was Atemu-The man he secretly loved, and begging for forgiveness. But no. Not here. Not for this. Not for something so serious.

Yugi swallowed his searing nervousness. "It's not a threat," he began. Voice a bit shaky. "It's a warning."

Red's flashed deadly. "That's the same damn thing!"

"No it's not!"

Atemu blinked, a bit startled when the boy's whole outlook went from a submissive beggar to one of demanding authority.

The boy sighed. "Look, I get what it must looks like and I understand the vileness you must feel," Atemu snorted at that. "But I don't do this for any sort of happy kicks."

The elder teen raised a suspicious brow. "Then what for?"

"To live and remain stable."

Yugi answer was so forefront and firm that Atemu was again taken aback.

"What do you mean-"

"That's not your concern," Yugi's tone dwindled a bit sadly but left no room for argument. This Atemu noticed.

Yugi quickly turned, retrieving his back pack before facing his love interest. Atemu caught a flash of something. A gasp tore though his mouth. Stumbling back some as Yugi began to approach him.

"Keep the needle if you want too. I don't care. Just please don't mention this and stay out of it. For your of safety." Just as Yugi was about to pass the teen his eyes, yet again flashed, freezing the older in his spot. Red eyes enlarged in what could only be seen as startled fear. It looked like Yugi wanted to say something else, but in the end he just turned, heading back in the direction of the school.

Atemu watched the boy walk away. Fear still gripping him as he tried to get over the fact of what the boy's eyes had just done. Twice!

'What is Ra's names is he?' Looking down at the needle that had but a single drop of blood still in it's small container, Atemu would have stated, if it didn't sound utterly crazy, that the boy was a vampire. But he could clearly be in the sunlight and was eating normal human food. Sure he was a bit pale and his nails were a bit pointy and when Atemu saw his canines they too were a little bit shaper looking then normal. But all in all that did not label the kid a vampire, of all things! It was ridiculous!

Gazing back to where the smaller had disappeared, as Atemu got to his feet he could not shake the feeling something was off about that boy. He narrowed down that he wasn't normal, that much was confirmed.

For who's eyes could flash from there regular color, in this case though still irregular, to an unnatural and eerie blue?


Me: Mwahahaha! XD Let me know what you all think.

Anory: What the hellz with the needle bull-shit!?

Me: -demonic grin- You'll have to wait to find out... BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Anory: =_= Where all fucking doomed...