Chapter 6: Insatiable Hunger
I don't know why people don't write more fics with American Indian myths there are a ton of cool things I found on 'Monstropedia'. I recommend that everyone break away from the status quo of sappy vampire love stories, king/slave stories, and so on and embrace something new. I promise you all your stories will stand out and others will love u for it.
(Windigo pov)
The white world of winter was still and silent. Too silent! Silence meant no food, the silence meant no prey!
Even the subtle voices of the trees were quiet, asleep for their long cold hibernation. All except for the towering pines who never slept, never lost their vibrant green colors. It had slept as well, but now It was awake, and hungry!
Food! Flesh! Gnash! Tear! It was so hungry…always nauseatingly starving. But that was ok, prey was near, fresh and numerous! Ripe for the slaughter, the wise pines said so. It was time to feast!
(End Windigo pov)
A long blue tongue slid over sharp lipless teeth, rolling blood eyes burned like living flames in the creatures skull. A string of saliva dribbled down from its fangs to taint the snow underneath its raptor like claws.
The Windigo was awake.
Twenty years…It had been twenty damned years since it last fed, since it feasted! Oh but humans were near, the humans were close! Soon it would feast!
The Windigo was hunting.
The tree friends were leaving, thinning, but the smell of prey was growing stronger, the humans were over just over the hill.
The Windigo was coming.
End Chapter
Ahh, short and sweet. Narrating the Windigo was a little tough but I think it turned out fine. Please leave a review everyone!