Okay, here it is

one of my new fics, I'm currently working on

I might change the title, I haven't decided it yet

I hope you'll like this fic

Disclaimer: I do not owe YuGiOh! I do only owe this idea, or I hope I do :S

Chapter 1 Beginning

Unknown's POV (well, not really an unknown)

Darkness, that's everything I see…. My world is surrounded of it….

It was a long time ago I last saw Ra's light… Around the time my stepfamily still was alive…

I walk through the streets; avoiding humans, if they would see me, the Pharaoh's guards would most likely capture me, take me to the Priests and the Pharaoh himself. The Priests would sense the darkness around me, and kill me for what I am….

I never wished for it, my creator, my family's murderer, did this to me. I don't blame her though. Why? You'll get to know. I've heard that if I live long enough I'll be able to walk in the light of Ra again some day, but I doubt that I'll be alive or rather dead for so long. I wish we never opened the door that night…Maybe I should tell you about it…

End Pov Flashback – 10 years ago

It was night; a family sat in a small house, eating around a table. The woman had her adoptive son in her lap. He was 16, but very small for his age, and looked like he was only 8 or 10. It was a thunderstorm outside, which was very unusual. The boy was very scared of storms, and jumped every time the thunder roared. His mother knew this, this was the reason he sat in her lap, and it calmed him down slightly when he felt her warmth.

The boy's stepfather and grandparents sat beside them and talked about visiting the capital, and sell the linen they'd made during the year.

"Okay, then it's settled. We're going to the capital tomorrow" the boy's father stated.

"Alright dear, we'll leave early tomorrow morning. We might even be able to go to the Temple" the woman said. The boy's face shined with excitement. This would be his first time in the capital.

"If we're lucky the Pharaoh and the Prince will show up. It's after all the Prince's birthday tomorrow" the boy's grandfather said. The boy cooked his head.

"The Prince? How old is he?" the boy asked, his amethyst eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"He'll be 7 tomorrow, rumour says he look almost like you, except a few small details. His eyes are crimson like blood" the boy blinked. The rest of his family began to laugh at his confused and shocked face. Then someone knocked the door, the boy's father went to open the door. They could hear him ask the person what they wanted, and then they heard him scream in pain. A female dressed in black and blood red came inside the room, blood dripping from her mouth. The boy's mother jumped up, pushing the boy of her. The woman (had written 'laughed wickedly' in the notes but I changed it) disappeared. The next second the boy's mother laid dead on the ground, the woman standing beside her. The boy's grandparents tried to make the boy run, but he was to shocked and scared to even move. Then the woman approached them, the grandfather stood in front of the boy and his own wife. Then the woman snapped his neck, while digging her fangs into it, sucking out his blood, then it was the grandmother's turn. When everyone except the boy lay dead on the floor, she sat down beside him, looking at him.

"It's been a long time, my little angel" she said softly.

"W-wwhat? D-do I know you?" the boy stuttered. The woman smiled sadly.

"Yes, after all it was I who brought you to this realm, my angel" she said, looking at him straight in the eye. Her eyes were a darker shade of amethyst, but otherwise similar to his own. "I'm sorry, you had to see that, but that's a part of what you really are. This is going to hurt, little Amethyst, but only for a while. When you wake up you'll see so many new things…" she said. The boy whimpered, and shut his eyes. The woman smiled, and took a firm grip. Then she pierced the skin on his neck. The boy gasped, and shot his eyes wide open. He felt his life disappear together with his blood. The world darkened, and his eye locks grew heavy. The woman pulled her fangs out gently, and punctured her wrist. She brought it to his mouth, so he could drink, and he did. The woman smiled lovingly, she picked him up and walked out into the darkness of the night.

End Flash back

He sighed. The next night he woke up different. His sight, smell, hearing and reflexes had grown stronger. His teeth had grown into fangs and he was pale as a ghost. His creator had taught him how to hunt his prey soundlessly and to feed. When his wings grew out, she taught him how to use and hide them. They're white, with black feathers here and there. His creator had been stunned when she saw this, but took it as a sign that he still had his innocence and kind spirit.

He didn't hate her. He had found out that she was his real mother. She had given him away, when she was turned. She killed his adoptive family 'cause thieves would kill the villagers during the night anyway.

One year ago, his creator disappeared. He got mental messages from her, so he knew she was still alive. She would come back soon, he just knew it.

POV Back again same person

Oh, did I tell you my name before? No? then let me introduce myself, I'm Yugi. I know it's a strange name for an Egyptian, but my mother named me.

I've found my meal for tonight, a thief. I only feed on criminals, I don't want to kill innocent humans. They've never done anything to harm others, and I don't think the soldiers mind me killing the criminals, but I guess they're scared as well. I withdraw my wings, and jumps onto him. He screams and I dig my fangs into his neck, and then I feed. I'm busy trying to keep the thief still, so I don't hear footsteps coming closer. I toss the dead thief to the side. I feel something coming at me, and jump just in time to avoid some kind of magic ball. I stay in the air, looking around. Then I see some soldiers and three of the Pharaoh's Priests.

'Damn' is the thought that comes into my mind. The soldiers gasp, and two of the Priests as well, as they see the blood on my lips in the light of the full moon. I mentally curse again.

"Pharaoh, what's happened to you?!" one of the Priests shouts. I'm confused, but don't show it. I just glare at them. "Pharaoh, please let us help you" he begs. I blink.

"What are you mortals talking about? I'm not your Pharaoh" I growl. They don't believe me. I'm getting ready to fly away, but then some kind of monster stops me. I narrow my eyes. This must be one of the monsters only the Pharaoh and the Priests can wield. I smirk, showing my fangs. It must be the third Priest's monster. I glare at the Priest, with blue eyes and linen clothes.

He orders his monster to attack, but I fight back. Ha, weaklings… Do they really think a monster can beat me? I'm a monster myself; well not really, I'm nothing like that.

I get around the monster and dig my fangs into it, but I pull out immediately and spit out the vile liquid. When I try to fly away I slam into an invisible wall. I try to fly another way, but with the same result.

The blue eyes Priest holds up some kind of Rod made of gold. I can feel some kind of magic from it.

"You can not escape. My Millennium Rod has trapped you in a sphere of magic" I curse to myself, why was I so careless tonight. "Bring him back to the Palace! It'll be judged by the 7 Millennium Items" he says.

'It?' I think annoyed.

"You! Go wake the Pharaoh up immediately" the Priest orders a soldier. The soldier bows and runs towards the Palace. Then the Priest turns to me again, and the sphere lowers to the ground, but not all the way. The Priest stare coldly at me, then he sits up on his horse, the two other Priests doing as well. The soldiers surround us. The Priests get their horses into a walk, my 'prison' following them, hovering, after them.

'How the hell am I going to fix this mess?' I think. If my magic was strong enough maybe I could get away… but it's not… Ra damn this….

TBC or is it ……?

Continue? Yes/No?

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