Living Lies

"Do you have any idea the danger you put yourself into?" Atemu hollered at his charge who was staring at the car dash in shame. He had been unusually quiet over the past couple of minutes as Atemu gave him all he got. "You have no idea how irresponsible you make yourself look by pulling off something like this! Yugi, I could have shot you back there! Marik and his gang are looking for us and I can't afford to have them target you when I am the one they want."

"You're not the only one they are after." Yugi murmured to him. "They are after me as well. We both witnessed murders and therefore we are both as equally wanted. I think its best that we stick together. That way you won't do something crazy."

Atemu growled and banged his fist on the steering wheel, his anger shown to passer bys by the loud honk of his horn. "Crazy? You want to talk about crazy? How is hiding in the trunk of my car and almost getting shot not crazy?"

Yugi smiled and little and looked at him. "See? We are both crazy. We belong together!" He chuckled warmly trying to steer the conversation into a more positive direction.

"This isn't funny!" Atemu barked. "This is serious."

Yugi sighed. "Atemu, I can't live without you. Ever since I met you your very presence has plagued every one of my thoughts. When you're not around all I can do is count down the minutes until I see you again. When you are around all I can think about is having your arms around me." Yugi explained, biting his finger nails. "The very thought of us being separated almost put me into cardiac arrest."

"You would have been safer with Ryou and Bakura." Atemu directed, staring out the window, moved by Yugi's words. His voice had softened slightly but he was still angry. If anything happened while Yugi was still with him he would never forgive himself for not checking on the teen before they departed.

"I don't feel as safe with them as I do with you." Yugi whispered, putting his hand on Atemu's knee. "Please try to understand. I love you. I don't want to see you kill yourself."

Atemu turned to him with a quizzical look. "What are you talking about?"

Yugi narrowed his eyes, "I saw you at the house. I've never seen you so angry before. And then when you said that you wanted us to separate, I thought the worse. The only reason that I can think of that you would want us to be apart was if you were planning to do something that would end up…" Yugi trailed off and removed his hand. His voice became crackled as he stated the last words, "That would end with you dying." Yugi choked out.

Atemu's eyes softened as he looked into his lap before staring blankly at the road, the gun still held tightly in one of his hands. "I wanted to separate so that Bakura could protect you in the way I cannot."

"That doesn't mean anything." Yugi shook his head. "You can protect me from anything and you know it. Like I said, the only reason you would want me gone is if you planned something that would end up in your death. You know I would try to stop you or if you died then there would be no one directly present to protect me." Yugi reasoned aloud. "You can't leave me, Atemu. Never."

Atemu frowned and finally looked over at those amethyst eyes that had tears brimming them. Perhaps the boy was a little too attached to him. The ex-agent had feared that. He put his gun away and placed a hand on Yugi's arm. "I need to take care of this, alone." Atemu tried to explain. "If I take you with me and Marik targets me on a personal level again, it may mean your death and that isn't something I am willing to face."

"I know." Yugi stated. "But I can take care of myself. You act like I'm a fragile porcelain doll that needs constant looking after. We both have people after us. If we work together, then we can stop them and never have to worry about them ever again."

Atemu shook his head. "I wish it were that simple."

"It can be if you would let it." Yugi suggested. "But it doesn't matter what you do. You can take me back to Bakura and Ryou but it will only be a matter of time before I find a way back to you. So, you can keep sending me back. But I guarantee that one time when I'm trying to come back to you, Marik will find me and kill me. Or, you could just have me stick around and avoid that whole mess."

Atemu growled at Yugi's immature tone. "You're truly impossible." He grumbled.

"Yes." Yugi agreed. "But I don't really care."

The ex-agent stared at his charge and then sighed. He was right. If Yugi tried to get back to him and Marik found him, it would be on Atemu's mind for the rest of his life. Maybe it was best for Yugi to remain with him so Atemu could keep a better eye on him. Atemu started the car and decided to drive to another station where he could call Bakura and tell him what was going on. No doubt Marik and Malik were trying to find them by now. If they found where they lived then certainly they had eyes on them the entire time. It wasn't going to be long before the gang found them. Something was going to happen soon and Atemu could feel it. "I'm going to stop somewhere else to call Bakura from a pay phone. I want you to stay in the car. It's going to get light out soon and we will become easier to spot."

Yugi semi-stood in his seat and kissed Atemu's cheek. "Thank you!" He exclaimed with sheer excitement. "I knew you'd never leave me."

Atemu smiled but quickly covered it up. "Stop sucking up. I'm still angry with you."

Yugi chuckled and leaned back in the seat. "That's fine." Yugi said, "It won't last long."

Atemu knew he was right but didn't make any further comment. He found the highway again and quickly pulled into the next exit to another rest stop. He stretched his arms, trying to shake the sleepiness that was threatening to consume him. He pulled into a truck stop and gazed around. The sun was peaking over the hills in the distance, shedding light on their world. Atemu sighed and parked the car, turning it off and looking at Yugi. "You will stay here."

"I have to go to the bathroom." Yugi said.

Atemu glared at him before reaching back and grabbing a Gatorade bottle he had finished off hours ago. "Go in this."

Yugi looked at the bottle and then back at Atemu with a sneer on his face. "You have to be kidding me. What are we hicks?" He asked, grabbing the bottle and crossing his arms.

"Pouting will not help you, little one." Atemu teased. He opened the car door after looking around to make sure the coast was clear. He was very talented at detecting off behavior and after seeing none, he stepped out into the chilly spring morning. "I'll be back in a few minutes. I'm going to place a call and then grab some coffee. You want any?"

Yugi frowned and stared at the bottle. "If you're not going to let me go to the bathroom then get me a bigger bottle." He joked as he slid further down in his seat.

Atemu chuckled and shut the door, locking all the door and windows. Yugi looked around and then gave Atemu a pathetic stare. "You wanted to tag along." Atemu said loudly so the teen could hear him. "Now live with the consequences." He stated. If Yugi was going to stay with him, he was going to make sure that his charge paid for that little stunt that nearly gave the ex-agent a heart attacker.

The crimson eyed man walked to the booth and took out some spare change. He dialed Bakura's number from a piece of paper in his pocket. He listened to the ringing before Bakura picked it up. "Yeah, what?" He asked.

Atemu sighed. "I got Yugi. Idiot was hiding in my trunk."

"Ha! Brave little squirt. Did you kill him?" Bakura laughed.

Atemu could hear Bakura tell Ryou Yugi was okay and he could hear Ryou cheer in relief. "I almost did. We aren't going to exchange. Yugi is going to stay with me. I'll have to make this work. After this call I don't want to call me more than once a day. Once I get to a motel I will forward you the number. No calls unless it is an emergency. Keep the wire on the cell on." Atemu directed.

"What am I, new at this? Dah." Bakura barked. "You driven all day?"

"Yeah." Atemu said looking at his wrist for the time.

"Won't you be tired?"

"Yeah." Atemu nodded. "But I'll drink coffee. Got to go. No calls more than thirty seconds." He said before hanging up on Bakura's loud mouth insults. Atemu turned back to the Honda to see Yugi sitting up and going through the random things in the car. He truly was a child on the inside. Atemu rolled his eyes before heading into the small shop.

Atemu walked up to the register and looked at the menu. He scanned the writing trying to figure out how to pronounce the coffee choices. After a short while, he shook his head in aggravation before looking at the man at the register. "Could I just have a black coffee?" Atemu directed and moved back through the store. He had plenty of money on him. Thanks to Seto and his fortune, the amount they could spend was almost limitless. Problem was he didn't want to use the credit card too much.

The ex-agent went through the aisles and picked out random snacks that he and Yugi could munch on while they drove. He picked up everything from granola bars and fruit to candy bars and energy drinks. There wasn't too many healthy things but then again he and Yugi were fighting for their lives. Eating some fatty foods wouldn't be too bad.

Atemu brought his purchases to the front in a big basket as the man placed his coffee on the counter. "Wow, planning a trip?" He asked.

"You could say that." Atemu answered, looking around ad noticing that the gas station was practically empty.

"Your total is 109.87 and that is with the coffee." The cashier stated. "Cash?"

"No, credit." Atemu said, handing the card to him. Who would pay cash for such a high amount anyway? Hopefully this would last the two of them long enough that they could gain a few more states before having to use it again. The cashier handed the man back his card and started putting the food into the bags. Atemu grabbed the six bags and headed for the car.

The blood drained out of the ex-agent's face when he didn't see Yugi sitting in the seat. The man bolted for the car, fearing the worst when he saw Yugi had propped the seat back and snoozing softly. He watched the younger with a relieved look on his face. Atemu leaned against the car, looking at his charge as the sunlight gently lit the features on the innocent's face. If only there could ever be a time when they two of them didn't have to worry about people after them.

Could there be such a world? Atemu unlocked the back of the car and placed all their food in the back seat next to his charge's gently snoozing his head. Atemu shut the door and watched the teen again. The past few weeks had been the only time that Atemu thought they were safe. Now that they were on the run for their lives again, his relationship with Yugi seemed changed. Instead of treating him like he was a lover, he had to treat him like a fragile child. He didn't like doing that and he damn well knew Yugi didn't do it either.

Atemu bit his lip and turned away looking at the bright sun that lightened their day. He didn't know how long he was going to be able to stay awake. He took a sip of the black coffee in his hand, hoping to feel the effects immediately. He glanced over to see another car driving up. Feeling uncomfortable, Atemu moved back to the driver's side. He watched closely as a man got out of the car and eyed Atemu suspicious. The silver mustang convertible that glinted softly gave the ex-agent a bad feeling.

Quickly, he started the car and started moving. He felt his heart rate increased when the man watched him ever so closely as he left the station. Atemu sighed when they were out of sight and constantly kept checking the rear view mirror for any signs of the man. After about a mile of highway driving, the man sighed and glanced back at Yugi's softly snoozing form.

Atemu took another sip of coffee before nudging Yugi with his arm. The teen let out a cry of annoyance and opened an eye at his protector. "That was mean. You say I'm the immature one."

"I'm bored. Entertain me." Atemu directed, looking back in his rear view mirror.

Yugi sat up and fixed his chair. He folded his arms and sneered at the crimson eyed man. "You're truly a pain. You act like a spoiled king." (AYA: AHAHAHA! Irony!)

The ex-agent coughed a laugh. "Sure."

"Wanna play a game?"

Atemu laughed, "Sure." He repeated, merging into another lane and checking to make sure he didn't cut anyone off.

"Okay!" Yugi exclaimed enthusiastically. "I am going to describe my dream present and I want you to guess what it is."

"What kind of game is that?" Atemu asked, slightly amused.

"Oh, shut up and just play it. What else do we have to do?" Yugi asked. "Hm, okay. My dream gift. I guess it might not really be a gift, but here it goes. Okay, it would be shiny."

After a long pause, Atemu looked over at Yugi to see him staring at the agent. "What?" Atemu asked, looking back at the road again only to glance back at Yugi. "You want me to guess what it would be from 'shiny'?"

"That's part of the game." Yugi shrugged.

"Hm, and what is this game called anyway?" The ex-agent inquired.

"The Yugi game."

Atemu rolled his eyes. "You say I'm spoiled. You've named a game after yourself." He didn't give Yugi a chance to make a remark before cutting him off. "Okay, something shiny. Um…an ipod?"

"Wrong!" Yugi laughed. "Ipods aren't shiny."

"Some are." Atemu defended.

"Okay, next clue." Yugi thought for a moment. "It binds."

Atemu lifted an eyebrow. "It binds?" He repeated. He thought for a few moments before shrugging. "I have no idea what this could be. Er…how about…." He sighed in frustration. "Give me another clue."

"Alright." Yugi looked out the window. "Well…I guess another way of saying the other clue would be…it symbolizes a contract."

Atemu furrowed his brow and glanced at the teen next to him. "I don't know what…" He trailed off and focused on the road. Shit. He had to change this game. He knew the answer. "Um, I don't want to play this game anymore. Why don't you go back to sleep?" Atemu suggested, trying to sound considerate.

Yugi was silent next to him. "I'm not tired now." He complained. "What's wrong with my game? I rather like it. Just guess."

Atemu didn't answer for a full minute. The silence was growing unbearable. "I don't want to." He said.

He could feel Yugi cringe next to him. "Oh."

Atemu cursed ever god that could have ever walked the face of the earth. Why did Yugi have to bring up marriage? Of all topics to discuss, why was that kind of contract something he wanted? He had Atemu and his life for now, that should have been all he would want, right? "Yugi---," The agent began.

"Well, it doesn't have to be that kind of gift." Yugi said, his face turned and his voice unreadable. Atemu glanced over to see his charge staring out the window. Damn he really fucked things up now. He heard Yugi sigh again. "It could be something bigger and more expensive. Silver convertibles are nice." Atemu's eyes flashed with fear as he turned sharply at the teen. Yugi saw his action and glanced worriedly at him. "Well it is a nice car."

Immediately, Atemu glanced in the rear view mirror. He saw the mustang convertible directly behind them, making fast speed. He changed lanes quickly and watched as the man grew closer. "Get down." Atemu barked at Yugi who visibly jumped.

"W-what? Why?" He gasped, looking around them.

"Get down!" Atemu commanded again, reaching for his gun. The man in the convertible pulled alongside them, avoiding Atemu's eyes for a moment. Then suddenly, he turned and gave the ex-agent a smug smirk, nodding once before continuing to drive. Atemu used his free hand to quickly merge over to get off at the quickly approaching exit.

"Atemu, what's going on? Who is that?" Yugi asked from his crouched position.

"Hush." Atemu directed him as he sped up the exit and looked back in his rear view mirror. In awe, he watched the mystery man cross three lanes of traffic to take their same exit. "Shit." He whispered.

They were being followed.


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