A/N: Hello! I got this idea from watching this video!

www. youtube. com/watch?v=JUp6QweDXNQ

While reading this fanfic you will notice elements and ideas from the animes Steel angel Kurumi by Kaishaku, and Chobits by CLAMP. Both of which I have no rights to. I also have no rights to any of the Yugioh characters, obviously! Also, this is a puzzleshipping fanfic. If you don't like that then I suggest you leave now.

Let me be with you

Chapter One

By Pixiedust291


"So, I got the job?" Yami asked ecstatically.

Mai blinked at the boy's outburst, but nodded. "Yes, Yami, you can have the job. After all, I feel kind of bad for accidentally dumping that bucket of dirty water on you. I should have looked before I threw it out the window." The blonde haired women smiled apologetically.

"Oh, don't worry about it. You're allowing me to have this job, which is fantastic," Yami smiled back.

Truthfully, he was relieved. Before that water had hit him, it just so happened he had been rejected from every other job in the city. Something about a hair height code? But now, his problems were solved, and he would be able to pay for his housing for college. He used to live in the dorms but it just got to expensive and noisy. The apartment complex he was staying at wasn't exactly the most expensive, but it wasn't cheap either. He couldn't have asked for a better place to work – a late-night bar and delivery service. He could go to school during the day and work at night. He knew it was going to be hard, but then again nothing worth having was ever easy to get or keep.

Mai, surprised, laughed at his enthusiasm. "Well, you better get home. You start work on Friday." Yami said his thank once more before bowing and rushing out the door. He sprinted down the streets, not caring if people looked at him. His spirits were soaring.


Yami walked down the sidewalk to his apartment complex. He gazed up at the night sky, the millions of stars were nearly blotted out by the lights of the city and the passing hover cars. He ran a hand through his tricolored hair. His body ached all over. All he wanted to do when he got to his apartment was to strip off his clothes and then curl himself up in his bed. He turned the corner, only to stop right in his tracks. There, lying in a heap of trash, was a boy.

Yami gasped, and ducked back around the corner, covering his mouth in horror. He leaned against the wall, determine that his mind was possibly playing tricks on him. Had he really seen what he thought? The boy had looked so young. A murder? A raping? Or maybe something worse. Was there anything worse then those two? He peeked around the corner. No, the body was still there.

He slowly came around the corner and walked toward the boy. Kneeling down in front of the body, he examined him up and down. There were no wounds or signs of blood anywhere, which made him sigh in relief. He guessed the boy's age was about twelve years. Staring at the boy's hair Yami guessed that whoever this boy was he had an obsession with the same rock band that he did. He was wrapped in a large blue sheet. Pulling back the cover slightly Yami found that other than that the youth was completely naked. Not a very good sign.

Yami touched the boy's neck with his index finger, looking for a pulse. He was cold as ice and not even a thump could be felt against his fingers. Yami sighed and stood. The poor kid. He began to take out his cell phone when he noticed something odd. A small tattoo on the inside of the boy's wrist. He was far to young to have a tattoo legally, and besides tattoos were not usually what boys of his age were obsessed with. He knelt down to get a better look. It looked like a golden upside-down pyramid with a creepy looking eye on it. He recognized the symbol. He had seen it on one of the persocoms his friend Jonouchi had shown him in a magazine. The boy was a persocom! Yami sighed in relief. It was not a murder or a rape, just someone throwing out some trash.

A persocom was a personal computer/robot and a pleasure toy, in many ways. Yami blushed again. He knew that persocoms were very popular in the cities. He had even wanted one once as a kid. However that dream had soon vanished once he learned how expensive they were. It only made sense. Combining a computer with a personal sex slave would naturally draw a lot of customers. But, why was this one in the trash? It was obviously one of the newer models. It didn't have the usual metal ears that had been all the rage just last year, when he had started college. In fact, if he remembered correctly, he had read a manga that depicted a situation much like the one he was in now. What was it called again? Cow-bites, Chow-mits, Cho-pits…? He couldn't remember the title.

Yami looked at the persocom again. The boy was so sweet looking, so innocent. He looked positively pathetic just laying there in the trash heap, just waiting for the dump truck. Whoever had manufactured him had designed his body to be slim and prepubescent. He reminded Yami of a chibi. Yami tilted his head to one side. The boy almost looked like himself in a way…

Yami looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was nearby. Darkness was all he that met his gaze. Silence enveloped him, and the cold night made him shiver. If the persocom was in the trash, that meant nobody wanted it, right? He gulped, and looked at the trashed computer. A persocom would be able to help him with his studies for college. It could do errands, clean the apartment while he was out, all manner of things. He glanced at the boy and blushed slightly. Though he did tend to swing more toward en he definitely preferred his partners to be at least consenting age. He shrugged. Oh well, it wasn't like he was going to be using his computer for that anyway. Studying for a veterinary degree was hard enough. He leaned over, wrapping the sheet around the boy once more. "Come on little one. Waste not, want not."