I realize this is short after so much of an absence, but this is actually a replacement. I had a full document saved, but my flash drive won't work, so I had to come up with this. So yeah, enjoy this b/c it might be the only update I get to do until summer. If you go to my deviantart account, you can see the projects I've made through this semester. I really like it! I should have stuck with this from the start. I finally found my forte!

My sister. her husband, their twins, and their dog are all here from Maryland for a month-long visit. Get this: they go back to Maryland for two weeks, then come back here to the 'Lou for another month! Kinda a waste of gas, but since my nephews were premies, they need their six-month checkups to see if how far behind they are in development.

Anyway, I will try to make the next chapter longer, but I can't guarantee that it will be quick since I start the second semester in 2 weeks. By the way, the Will was copied from an actual Will, so I know that it's correct; I just left out everything else.

Bye, Childrens!

Chapter 4: Miyuki's Will

Atem's heart stopped at his cousin's announcement. It took a minute for him to register the information in his head. "What do you mean she's dead?" He asked very softly.

Seto sighed. He reached beside his seat and brought his briefcase onto the small round table. "This morning, I got a phone call from Miyuki's attorney out in Boston." Seto explained as he dug through the contents of his briefcase. Finally, he pulled out a very stuffed manila envelope and loudly plopped it onto the tabletop. "He faxed me these."

Atem swallowed the lump in his throat before he shakily took the envelope into his hands and read the words that were written in black permanent marker on it. It read CASE NO. 569526: MOTO, MIYUKI. Atem opened it up and brought out the first file in the pack. His heart dropped when he saw that that document was titled.


"It's Miyuki's will …" Atem announced with a little tremble in his voice.

Seto reclined in his seat and took another sip of his tea. "Why don't you read it and see what she left you. Atem did just that. He read the will aloud.

"I, Miyuki Amaya Moto of 4525 Maple Dr. Boston, Massachusetts, being of sound and disposing mind, do hereby make, publish and declare the following to be my Last Will and Testament, revoking all previous will and codicils made by me.

I declare that I am divorced to Atem Samir Sennen, to which I have referred to herein as "my spouse", and that I have 1 child now living whose name and birth date is:

Yugioh Hikari Moto

June 6th, 2005

All references to "my child" in this will include all of the above-named child."

Atem had to stop for a second to take everything in. He rubbed his index finger and thumb over his eyes.

"Keep going, Atem."

After taking a moment to collect himself, Atem cleared his throat and continued.

"In the event of my death, I appoint my Atem Samir Sennen, of 5126 Main Street, Las Vegas, Nevada, father of my child, as the sole guardian of my minor child."

That sinking feeling in Atem's gut returned as he reread second two of Miyuki's will. It was official: Yugi was his child and it was his duty to take care of him. The thought of that much responsibility make the young man's head hurt. It was easy to be on his own, but it was a whole new experience to raise a kid.

"Seto, what am I going to do?"

"You're going to do exactly what Miyuki expects you to do … raise your son." Atem's naturally blood red eyes looked at his cousin for a second. He was not really crying, but one could clearly see the stress in those orbs. The younger of the two stood up and quietly opened the door to his room. He saw Yugi curled up under the blankets of his bed, with Khufu sleeping right next to him. He looked like a little angel wrapped in clouds at that moment.

After looking at the scene before him, he looked at the Will again and studied the handwriting. It was defanetly Miyuki's; he could tell by the way she looped most of her letters and dotted the "i" in "Yugi" with a heart. Atem chuckled at that little detail. In high school, Miyuki always dotted her "I's" with hearts. A tear came to his eye as he thought about that. He then looked at the child again. The sinking feeling that he had was accompanied by one of fear and maybe a little … pride? Maybe … just maybe … he could do this.

"Hey Seto, will you—" Atem looked behind him to see that his cousin was gone. A little bit of him was pissed, because he still wanted to talk about this, but another part of him was relieved because he was tired and wanted to sleep on all the information that he had been given in the last few hours.

The thought of sleep immediately sent a jolt of pain to his loins, remembering the powerful kick he had received from the other night. With a sigh, Atem knew that it would be another painful and sleepless night out on his couch.

Early the next morning, Atem was startled out of the daze that he had recently fell in by a loud voice coming from the TV. The young man screamed and fell to the floor on his already sore back. In front of him, Yugi sat on the floor in front of the TV, looking at him.

"Morning, Daddy." The boy cheerfully said with a sickeningly cute smile on his face.

Atem just groaned with his usual sneer. He hated mornings. He looked out the window to see that the sun had just risen in the sky.

"Good God, what time is it?"

Yugi shrugged his shoulders and returned his attention to the cartoon that was on TV.

"I don't know, I can't read." It was early and already the kid was getting on his nerves.

"I know that, you little smart-ass!"

Yugi did not seem to hear the remark and he said nothing. While Yugi was distracted with the cartoon, Atem groaned as he picked himself up off of the floor. As he stood up, he could hear a few popping noises in his spine.

"Oh that can't be good …" He slowly walked over to the kitchen when suddenly he stepped on something that squeaked. Atem screamed loudly.


This caught Yugi's attention and the boy ran over to pick up what his daddy had stepped on.

"Leave him alone, Ping didn't mean to hurt you, Daddy!" The boy said, hugging the small panda bear stuffed animal to his chest.

Atem's temper was rising very quickly—actually quicker than usual.

"Didn't your mother tell you to put your things away?" He yelled.

Yugi flinched at his father's tone, but still clung to "Ping".

"Ping was getting us some breakfast …" He said, innocently.

"HE'S A STUFFED ANIMAL! What was he going to get you, STUFFING?"

Yugi's bottom lip began to quiver as he hung his little head in shame. Atem cringed, knowing that he was going to crack at any minute.

"I'm sorry, Daddy …"

Atem wanted to yell and scream at the kid about responsibility (as ironic as it was), but he soon remembered the challenge that he had accepted from the social worker yesterday. He knew that Yugi was at that age where he could not keep a secret, and he might tell people about the constant yelling. The young man forced himself to calm down and speak to the boy in a calm voice.

"Just go watch TV …" Yugi, not wanting to be yelled at again, complied."

Atem continued his way to the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee. He looked at the clock on the microwave to see that it was only 6:30 a.m. Atem sighed and thought to himself that it was going to be a long day.

End of Chapter