Author has written 12 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, One Piece, and Transformers/Beast Wars. I like pie. And kiwi birds. Note: Yeah, pretty much anything that isn't Squishy or Partners is never going to get updated again. Fandom drift and all that (I LOVE YOU GIANT ROBOTS). If anyone feels like adopting any of my fics or something, feel free to drop me a message and I can throw some of the ideas I had for the chapters I never wrote at you. And to those who like my stuff, I'm sorry for being an irresponsible fic writer and not updating, but between university and laziness, writing fanfiction just doesn't come up much. Original Fiction: If you've read my story, Botched Fate, this is the drawing that inspired it. Greetings to all and to all a good day! ~Liona Skycat |