Heyo~ I hope you read the description, because I shant repeat!
First of all, this is based on another story I read online here(autophobia by skin and pit;very nice- check it out!) I made this because...well, it was great but I thought it would be better if it wasn't so..angsty.
So, here is my[Naruto]version. LOL it acutally turned a lot differnet from what it was based on :P...OH I'm ranting! Sorry. Read it, maybe review for me?
(ps There will be yaoi in a chapter or two :3)
Seven year old Sasuke Uchiha sat alone in his large room, watching the rain fall outside.
The room would be silent, if not for a little radio on his dresser against his wall. Inside the radio was a Children's Nursery Rhymes CD that his foster parents insisted he play when alone in the room.
Personally, Sasuke hated the CD and wished he was allowed to play his older brother, Itachi's, CDs. They were from numerous bands and so not all the lyrics may have been considered appropriate, but their words reached the boy more than the childish rhymes he was listening to now.
But, he was forbidden to play them. As a matter of fact, he was forbidden to do many things in the house, including dancing, singing aloud (to anything other than what was approved) and writing fiction.
The boy lived a very constricted life here, all because his family had to die.
Why did they have to die and leave me behind? Sasuke thought as tears blurred his vision.
For the last five months of his life, all the boy could think about was the fact that he was left behind. The ones who "loved" all vanished in one night, kidnapped by horrible, murderous flames. Itachi was rumored to be alive, but disappeared from his hospital room the day he regained consciousness. Since then, Sasuke doesn't play outside or try to make friends. He doesn't enjoy watching cartoons, like normal children, and he had never even touched a video game.
Since the fire, he has become a recluse and the only thing he truly enjoyed was writing. However, his new "parents" aren't accepting of his kind of literature. Life and creation paralleled not with joy or happiness, but death and destruction. Sasuke wrote about the harsh reality of life. No fairy tale bull.
The rain outside slowed, barely visible now. This made the CD all the more audible, even though it was turned down near silent.
"Oh my god," the boy complained. "I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!" He gripped his hair and made an exasperated noise.
"If you hate it so much, why don't you just take it out?"
Shocked to hear another voice, Sasuke ceased all movement. The door was locked from the inside and he was definitely all alone. He slowly looked to see who was there. His eyes scanned the room. There was no one there. "What the…" he whispered. No one, no noise.
"I mean, it's not like they can control you, right?"
The voice was behind him now; whoever it was must be sitting right behind him on the bed.
Sasuke turned his head quickly, aiming to catch the intruder before they could run away again.
Once again, no one. Sasuke let out a frustrated sigh. I really am going crazy from being in here all day, the boy thought.
Then there was a laugh. And someone touched him.
He turned around, peeking slightly over his shoulder.
There was a blonde boy, not much bigger than Sasuke, smiling deviously. "That was funny,' he laughed. "You were all like 'am I crazy?'"
Sasuke gawked at the laughing kid, looking closely as to determine the extent of his existence. Wild blonde hair, vivid blue eyes, six oddly placed lines on his face and a big toothy grin. "Are you real?" Sasuke asked in a confused daze.
The boy didn't answer. "My name's Naruto. What's yours?"
"I'm Sasuke…where did you come from?"
"I dunno. I can't remember how I got in…" He looked around for a second, then back at Sasuke. "You gonna turn that off or what?" He said, referring to the radio.
"Oh, I guess," Sasuke dashed to the source of the noise and quickly shut it off. He looked back to the blonde. "You don't remember how you got here?" Naruto confirms with a nod. "Do you remember anything aside from your name?"
"I dunno." the blonde thought. "Try asking me something."
"Ok…how old are you?"
"Seven…I think."
"Um, what's your favorite food?"
"Ramen, defiantly!"
"Do you have…family?"
Naruto's smile faltered slightly. "No…I don't think so."
Sasuke smiled at him. "Neither do I; do you think, maybe, we can be friends?"
Naruto beamed. "Heck yes!" He bounced up and down. 'What do we do, what do we do? I've never had a friend before!"
Sasuke sat back down on his bead and pulled his knees to his chest. "Neither have I…," he mumbled.
"Well, what do you do for fun?" Naruto hopped on the bed next to Sasuke.
'I can't really do anything fun here."
"Pfft! That's boring! Is there something you wanna do then"
Sasuke thought, tucking his chin into his legs. "Um…well, I always wanted to bounce on my bed…but Mr. and Mrs. Ashwale said if I do, I'm in big trouble-"
The blonde boy started bouncing on the bed like it was a trampoline. He laughed loudly, making Sasuke's eyes dart to the door. Naruto screamed when he was in the air, trying to touch the ceiling before he landed. "C'mon, Sasuke, it's fu~n!"
Sasuke continued to look nervously at the door. "I don't want to get in trouble…" He turned back to Naruto. "They can hear everything- they don't turn up the TV real loud so that hey can hear me…"
Naruto stuck his tongue out. "Oh, please. You shouldn't not do what you want just cuz someone told you! Then you'll never have any fun!"
'Yeah, but," Sasuke trailed off, thinking back on the last months he's had here. Admittedly, they were terrible and, though he didn't want to make friends with the kids on his block, he felt there was something different about this one- he was everything Sasuke wished he could be. Fun-loving and carefree.
With determination, the dark haired boy stood up on his mattress. He was face to face with Naruto for a second. He gave the other a challenging look and thrust himself up in the air.
The feeling was thrilling- like being a roller coaster, except there wasn't as much to fear. Breaking the rules felt pretty good.
Naruto and Sasuke both laughed loudly, each trying to beat the other to the ceiling.
"I beat I can reach it first!" naruto said and rocketed up.
"Nuh-uh!" Sasuke bounced up after him. "I'm gonna reach it first!"
Then suddenly, there was a bang; the door being slammed open.
'Sasuke Uchiha, what in God's name are you doing in here?" His foster mother, Julia Ashwale, demanded.
The boy was caught mid-jump and, in shock, flopped on his butt. "N-nothing," he said immediately.
"Don't you even try to lie to me," she threatened. "You were bouncing on your bed, weren't you?"
Sasuke didn't answer at first. He glanced up at Naruto, who was still jumping up and down. "Stop it, " he hissed at the boy.
"Don't wanna; you can't make me," the boy responded.
"What did you say, little mister? Did you just tell me what to do?" Julia asked.
"No- I was talking to him!" Sasuke explained quickly, pointing to Naruto.
Julia gave him a questioning look. "No one's there, honey."
Sasuke stared at her. "Yeah there is…" He turned back to Naruto. But no one was behind him any more. "He was just here…I swear; I'm not lying! His name was Naruto- it was his idea to jump on the bed!"
"You're the only one in here." She came closer to him and at on his bed. 'Look, it's ok that you have an imaginary friend, sweet heart, but he's just that; imaginary. He's not real, alright?" Sasuke reluctantly nodded, though truly he didn't believe her. Naruto was real. He was right next to him- he was as real as Sasuke or else he couldn't hav bounced on the bed!
Julia stood up. "Good. Now, since you broke a rule, you get no desert tonight and you're eating dinner upstairs by yourself. Okay?"
"Yes,' the boy said dejectedly.
"Yes, what?"
"Good. I love you, Sasuke."
'I love you too." He said this, but he truthfully felt nothing for the woman, her husband and the rest of the people around him.
Julia left the room, closing the door behind her. A moment late, however, it opened back up. "Sasuke?" She called.
"Turn on your radio. '
"Yes, mother."
"Good boy."