Here is another story!
I hope you enjoy it. ^-^
The day was beautiful! Sunny, no clouds visible in the clear blue sky, the birds were singing… All in all, it was the perfect day to cheer up the mood of every student.
Well, scratch that.
Not even the best of days could take away the nervousness of Yugi Mutou.
Yugi was a 16 year old boy with big amethyst eyes and pale skin. His unusual tri-colored hair reached up towards the sky.
He had beautiful golden bangs that framed his cherubic face while the rest of his hair was black tipped with red edges.
Today was his first day at Domino High School or his first day at any school for the matter.
He just stood there, in front of the school gate, staring at his new school unable to decide whether he wanted to run away or simply disappear from earth's existence.
You could say that he wasn't too much of the social type.
When his grandfather had come back after enrolling him to Domino High, except from his scheme, he had given him the uniform he was wearing at the moment.
Blue pants along with a jacket in equal color. Under the jacket he had decided to wear a light, white t-shirt for today, just in case it got warmer.
He raised his wrist to take a look at his watch for what seemed to be the tenth time in five minutes.
He groaned in exaggeration.
'Why did I even agree to this?' With a final frustrated sigh, he took the necessary steps that led into the building.
Both male and female students were staring at him as he made his way through the many corridors.
He had his gaze lowered so as not to make eye contact with anyone. Of course that only helped him get lost faster.
'Oh, boy. This place has way too many doorways!' As he went on and on with his musings he failed to notice the person turning on the corner he had just turned himself.
A surprised yelp was ripped from his lips as he collided with that person quiet harshly, sending them both to the floor. 'Oh, god. What hit me?' Slowly, very slowly, he sat up and brought a hand to support his head, otherwise he thought it would have fallen off from the dizziness.
Blinking a couple of times to bring his eyesight back to focus, he looked across the room just in time to see the person he had bumped into sitting up as well. He blinked and blinked and then blinked again when he saw his doppelganger on the floor just a few meters away from him.
'Perfect. Just perfect. Now I'm even hallucinating.' As if wanting to prove him wrong, a small groan escaped from his look-alike's lips as the boy shook his head, obviously in an attempt to extinguish his own dizziness.
'He's real? But how can this be? He looks exactly like me.' Tilting his head to the side to take a better look at the other, Yugi realized that his previous thought wasn't precisely accurate.
The other boy was kind of taller, maybe by an inch or two, and he had quiet a few more streaks that himself hadn't, he also seemed to be more muscular. Not that this was a surprise. Anyone was more muscular that him. The boy's eyes were currently closed but Yugi was sure that their color would be different as well.
Only when the other started to stand up did Yugi came back to reality. Leaping to his feet, he ran over to him just as the teen stood up. "Are you alright?"
The boy's eyes fluttered open only to reveal furious red orbs that were currently glowing with irritation, making them look like fire. 'This isn't good.' was Yugi's only thought.
"Alright? You mean except from the fact that you caused me a major headache?" the teen hissed at him, making him turn his gaze to the floor in embarrassment. "Y-yeah… I'm so sorry about that. It's just that I'm n-new here and-" "That's pretty obvious. I would have noticed it if a look-alike of mine was attending this school."
"That's w-why I got lost and-" The other cut him off again before he had time to finish. "So what? This doesn't mean you shouldn't watch were you are going." Poor Yugi's face flushed with embarrassment, the other only making him feel worse.
"I know. I'm r-really sorry." The taller teen grunted and crossed his arms over his chest, an annoyed frown gracing his features. "You stutter and apologize too much." With that, he whirled around and left, not even caring to give Yugi the chance to answer.
Yugi blinked after his departure before his eyebrows furrowed lightly. 'What is this guy's problem? After all, it wasn't entirely my fault! He wasn't paying attention to his whereabouts either.'
Making a pfft sound in his throat, Yugi turned around and set off towards another corridor, he still had to find his class after all. "Yugi?" At the mention of his name, the tri-colored haired teen came to a halt.
'That voice… But it can't be.' As he turned around, Yugi only managed to catch a glimpse of brown hair before he found himself wrapped up in the tightest bear hug in a long, long time.
"It's you! It's really you!" Yugi's eyes widened. There was no doubt anymore. "T-Tea?" he asked disbelievingly, almost uncertainly. The person that hugged him broke the embrace and he saw sky-like, blue eyes staring back at him. In front of him was standing a girl with short brown hair dressed in, what he assumed it was, the girls' uniform. A dark, blue skirt accompanied by a soft, pink jacket with a blue ribbon hanging over her chest.
A wide smile spread over the girl's face. "Long time no see, eh… Yugi?" Soon enough, an equal smile crept on the boy's face. "Tea! I can't believe it! Long time you bet!" The girl, now known as Tea, laughed a little. "I know…We haven't seen each other in five whole years. What are you doing here?"
"I was just about to ask the same question. When we were 11, you had told me that your family decided to move over to America." Tea's enthusiastic smile was replaced by a sad one. "I know, but we came back a few months ago. When we left for America, it cost me a lot, to leave my best friend behind." she said, turning her gaze to the floor in regret.
Yugi shook his head. "Believe me, it didn't cost me less, either." Tea grasped his hand so quickly, but yet so gently, that it made him look up at her questionably. "But now that we're both here, we can make up for all the time we lost."
Yugi nodded with a smile. "We've got a deal then." Tea laughed, her previous joy returning back. "How's your grandfather doing, Yugi? And how come he let you come to an actual school?"
Yugi was about to answer when he noticed that they were still holding hands. A crimson hue was quick to cover his cheeks and he withdrew his hand. "Hey, slow down with the questions." he said with a nervous laugh, trying to hide his blush.
Tea rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "Sorry. I guess I got a little carried away." Finally, when his blush decided to die down, Yugi shook his head to show her it was alright. "Grandpa is doing fine. Actually, he's leaving tomorrow for an archeological dig in Egypt. As for the second question, he was the one that wanted me to come here. He said something about learning how a real, high school life is."
"That's perfect then! Have you found your class yet?" That caused Yugi to blush again, remembering what happened the last time he attempted to look for his first class. "I'm afraid not. Oh, wait a sec. I've got my schedule with me, though."
Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out a single sheet of paper and gave it to Tea. His friend studied it for a moment, before her face brightened up. "It seems that we have the same classes, all except from one."
"Really?" Tea nodded and handed back the piece of paper to him, who placed it back into his pocket. "That's a relief. It's good to know that I will have someone familiar with me. Not only in class, but generally in school, to show me around."
Tea smiled reassuringly at him. "Whatever you want Yugi, you can count on me." Yugi jumped a good few meters above the floor as the school bell chose that moment to give out a shriek, signaling the beginning of the day and of the first period.
Tea covered her mouth with one hand to prevent herself from laughing out aloud at Yugi's reaction. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it in due time. But for now I think we should be heading over to class. You informed the headmaster that you've arrived, right?"
Yugi raised an eyebrow at her quire. "I wasn't able to find even my own classroom, you think that I would have found the headmaster's office?" "What?" Tea exclaimed and with no warning grabbed Yugi's hand before bolting down the corridors, earning a yelp from the unsuspected boy.
"Tea! Slow down, will you?" Yugi cried out as he was dragged through the building. He was so clueless about all the corners they were turning that he was sure they would bump into a wall at any moment. "In case you haven't noticed, we're already late for class and it's only your first day here!" Tea shouted back in an attempt to sound above the noise.
Yugi had no answer to that, so he decided to keep his mouth shut for the rest of the way. A few seconds later, Tea came to an abrupt stop, just a few meters away from a closed door. Yugi panted and he bent over to his knees until he regained his breath.
Tea was a little out of breath too, that's why she waited until Yugi stood back up and when he nodded, she raised her hand and knocked lightly on the door. "Enter." a voice said from the inside. Both of them took one last, deep breath and Tea opened the door.
The room was a little smaller than Yugi had imagined it to be. The only furniture that existed in the room was a desk, a bookcase and a chest of drawers. Behind the desk was sitting a man dressed in a black suit with a white shirt and a black tie. Grey beards and a grey goatee decorated his face.
"Mr. Aknamkannon, the new student is here." Tea informed the man, who obviously was the headmaster, and gently pushed Yugi forward. The man lifted his head and Yugi couldn't help but gasp at their color. Dark, blood-red. 'Those eyes… I've definitely seen them before. But where?'
Aknamkannon seemed to observe him for a moment, something that made Yugi quiet uneasy, before a soft smile broke onto his face. "Welcome to our school, child. I hope you have a nice time here."
Yugi made a small bow with his head. "Thank you, sir. My name is Yugi Mutou, pleased to meet you." Aknamkannon nodded at him before turning to look at Tea. "You do know that classes started five minutes ago, don't you?"
"Y-yes, sir. However, I had to show Yugi the way here. But we'll go straight back to the class now." Tea hurried to finish, not wanting to get scolded. "That's quiet alright then. I assume you're at the same class?" They both nodded quickly. The principal took a sheet of paper from the pile next to him and started writing away at it.
When he was done, he passed the sheet over to Tea. "Give that to the teacher. That way he'll know you were at my office." Tea breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, sir." she said and Yugi was quick to follow her example. Aknamkannon waved his hand in dismissal. "No problem. Oh, and Tea? Tell Yami to show Yugi around once class is over."
"Oh, that won't be necessary, sir. Yugi is a childhood friend of mine, that's why I offered to show him around myself. If you don't mind that is." 'Hmm… I didn't see that coming.' Aknamkannon thought. "Not at all. Now off you go the both of you." Yugi and Tea bowed at him before escorting themselves out of the room.
Yugi waited until they were a good few feet away before nudging Tea in the arm. "What is it, Yugi?" "Um, the headmaster said something about someone named Yami." "Yep, it's his son." "Oh. It has nothing to do with the Yami… you know the world champion in Duel Monsters?"
Tea laughed. "Of course it has, silly. That's the principal's son, the King of Games." Yugi's amethyst eyes doubled in size. "For real? Wow, I can't believe that I'll get to meet him." Tea turned her head to look at him, one eyebrow raised. "You mean you haven't seen him in TV?"
Yugi shook his head to show his answer. "Only heard of him." Tea placed a finger to her chin. "Is that so? Well, you'll get to meet him now." Yugi nodded with a smile. "Here we are." Tea whispered and gestured a door on their left. Yugi gulped, his nervousness returning with full force. "Just relax. It's going to be alright." Tea said in an attempt to calm his anxiety. "S-sure." Yugi said hesitantly and after sending him a comforting smile, Tea turned the door handle.
"…and you'll find the information you need in page 12." a voice reached them once the door was opened. "Mr. Shadi?" Tea questioned, catching the attention of everyone in the classroom.
At the mention of his name, the teacher, Shadi turned around to face them. He had violet eyes and a strange turban on his head, which made Yugi blink. "I'm sorry I'm late, sir, but I escorted the new student to the principal's office." Tea explained and passed him the paper the headmaster had given her to prove her words.
Shadi studied the piece of paper for a moment before nodding with his head. "Very well. You may go to your seat now, Miss Gardner." Tea glanced one last time at Yugi's direction and then did as the teacher instructed.
"And you must be our new student. Yugi Mutou, isn't it?" The boy nodded hesitantly at him and Shadi patted him in the back. "Everyone, this is Yugi. He was home-tutored up until now. Try to make him feel welcome."
Yugi smiled lightly at him before turning to face the rest of the classroom. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Yugi made a small bow. "I'm Yugi Mutou. Nice to meet all of you."
Shadi made an approving nod with his head. He then focused his attention towards a specific student in the end of the class. "Mr. Sennen, would you like to say a few words?" Blinking at Mr. Shadi's question, Yugi looked at the direction his new teacher was looking.
The student that Shadi had referred to, stood up from his seat and immediately all eyes were turned towards him. Yugi's eyes widened. In front of him was standing the boy he had bumped into a while ago. The moment red met amethyst, a smug smile crept over the boy's face that only made Yugi narrow his eyes.
"As the president of the student council, I welcome you to our school, Yugi. I hope you find it to your liking." A smirk accompanied that last sentence and Yugi's eyes only narrowed further at the mocking tone. 'Perfect. Not only he's my new classmate but he's the president of the student council too. Nice going Yugi.' The teen couldn't help the sigh that passed through his lips.
"Since when you started talking so formally, Yami?" asked a brunet, blue-eyed teen that sat in front of the so called president. Yugi's look-alike growled at the other's mocking question. "Shut up, Seto." The one mentioned as Seto smirked at him. "Now, that is more like you."
'Wait, did he just call him Yami?' "Mr. Kaiba, Mr. Sennen!" Shadi scolded them, earning a grunt in return from the spiky haired one who seemed to be completely unfazed. "Mr. Sennen, you may sit down now." The boy shrugged and did as the teacher said.
'W-wait a second. That guy is Mr. Aknamkannon's son? He is Y-Yami? But h-how…? No, no, no. It can't be him.' His thoughts however were interrupted thanks to Mr. Shadi. "Now, as for your seat Yugi, why don't you take the vacant one next to Mr. Sennen?"
Yugi's head snapped back towards his teacher. 'W-what? No way.' "Sure, no problem." he said and made his way to the end of the class. Trying his best not to look to his right, where Yami was sitting, Yugi placed his bag next to his desk and sat down on his chair.
Being as nervous as he was, it was only natural for him to jump when he felt hot breath next to his ear. "Who would have thought that the brat I met a few minutes ago would end up being my classmate?" "M-my words exactly." Yugi shot back, trying his best to sound confident.
Yami chuckled quietly so as not to be heard by the teacher, who was currently talking about the Roman civilization, but Yugi certainly heard him and cursed himself mentally. Glancing at the middle of the class, Yugi spotted Tea looking at his direction and he shot her a pleading look. But since there was such a long distance between them, there was nothing else they could do.
Yugi reached into his bag and took his history book before opening to the chapter about the civilization the teacher was talking about. He instantly stiffed when a note was passed to him, landing soundlessly on the page of his book. Taking a hold of the note, Yugi read what was written on it.
Seems like you have yet to learn your place
Yugi frowned at that single sentence and he quickly wrote back his answer before passing it over to Yami's desk.
And it seems you have yet to learn manners.
The growl that emitted from the other was quiet audible once he read the answer. Yugi sighed. 'I'm not going to like this.'
Just to make this clear before there are any misunderstandings. Yugi won't end up with Tea. Can you guess with who he will end up with?