![]() Author has written 45 stories for Naruto, and Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人. STATUS : SEMI-ACTIVE - Haruno Sakura-centric. - Just a huge fans, die hard fans, front liner, or whatever you wanna call me, I'm a big fans of Naruto x Sakura!!! (copy-paste of Masahiro 'Night' Seiran with little-edited) NaruSaku is One True Pairing EVER! Nothing can ever change that. My love for NaruSaku will never change forever. Not even after the ending. - Please meet me on twitter Aika806. You love NaruSaku too? Follow our twitter @INArusaku (Indonesian NaruSaku Fanbase) and/or our group on facebook: Langit dan Bumi The NARUSAKU Indonesian Community. Sent me a private message if you want to be accepted in group faster. - Currently busy with my (crazy) real-life. Maaf atas review-review yang belum sempat terbalas, tapi aku selalu membaca semua review yang masuk dan amat sangat mengapresiasinya. Big thanks for that! :) I still love all this quotes, so I'll just leave it like that here. Source: DeviantArt. "He is her EARTH, her foundation upon which to grow... and she is his HEAVEN... his peace and tranquilty and also his reason to shoot for the stars."-NaruSaku (Heaven and Earth) "We know this is the opposite of what Naruto was trying to do. He was trying to get her attention not to see her struggle but to get her to see him. This is also why he is probably trying to bring Sasuke back, because he wants her to see he understands her pain and wants to fix it." -amandas-sketches "We've never seen Naruto even once go to hit Sakura back. He'd rather be beaten within an inch of his life rather than hit her." -Akano Kin "Naruto gives up all of his goals to fufill Sakura's. She sees the human side that needs to be cared for." Keyes "Naruto and Sakura are very similar. The relationship is built not just forced. The support they show for each other is just amazing." -Keyes "Why DO we like Narusaku? Simply because of their interactions and continual development throughout the series" -Pepilia "One of the major reasons I support the Sakura/Naruto pairing is that they can be who they are around each other, no masks." -Tyrconnell "Sakura can find strength and determination in Naruto, and at the same time, Naruto can find wisdom and maturity from Sakura." -Arsene "The greatest thing about Naruto & Sakura is that they have the ability to be romantic even without being overly sappy & amorous." -Arsene "Hinata even smiles when Sakura hugged Naruto. When Sakura was hugging Sasuke, Naruto was torn up. It's different feelings." -candleguy "Naruto has loved Sakura throughout the entire series. So that ends that argument right there." Dalton "From the whole course of the manga, he just likes Sakura more than any girls and some people tends to forget that." -Anguyen92 Salam cinta Langit dan Bumi, Aika Namikaze |