A/N: WARNING: This contains SPOILERS for Naruto Shippuden Episode 133 and Chapter 382...so if you're not up to this and don't want to ruin yourself... DO NOT READ THIS FANFIC.

Okie, now I can start talking about this... Hello Everybody xD! I decided to write another NaruSaku oneshot... go figure xD. So this is after Naruto is told about Jiraiya (Ero Sennin)'s death when he is killed in the Pein arc... I obviously changed what happens after completely, but that's why this is my fanfiction and instead of Shikamaru comforting him... Sakura-chan does ^^! And...with comforting comes...stuff xD.

So this is actually in Sakura's POV, and also in present tense! Which to be honest, I don't think I've ever written in...so bear with me if it sounds retarded ^^' I think I messed up some present/past tenses, though I'm still learning so please have patience and be kind xD...

But! I am going to update another chapter and do the same thing in Naruto's POV too... I think it would be nice to have each of their thoughts heard, yus :3? Okay without further ado, I give you...this hurt/comfort/romance oneshot!

Also, FYI! Listen to the song "Pieces" by the band Red. It really inspired me to write this... okie, I promise I'm done now. Thank you all who read my useless blabber. Enjoy!

Original: 12/12/12

Update: 12/18/12 Fixed some present-tense, spelling and grammatical errors.

Disclaimer: Kishimoto-san, yus.


Let Your Guard Down

Sakura's POV

By: darkdreamerx

"Naruto! Wait!" I scream. I threw myself down the Hokage tower stairs, half falling—half running. I try to catch up to him but he's running so fast, running and running... Away from me. Away from the team. Away from Kakai-Sensei and Tsunade-sama. Away from everyone. But most of all...

Away from the news.

I'm out of breath now, my lungs are burning. Most of the time I can keep up with him, but he's leaving me behind. I have to comfort him, I have to tell him it's okay.

This is crazy, I'm fumbling and tripping over myself.

"Excuse me! I'm sorry!" I apologize out loud. The Konoha villagers stare at me; they look confused. I don't blame them. I try not to bump into them but it's difficult. I'm sweating and coughing and choking on the air that's suffocating me instead of helping me. My legs are pumping; I'm concentrating all of my chakra into my feet.

"NARUTO PLEASE STOP!" My voice cries. He doesn't turn around. I think he's too far away by now to hear my words. He's too damn fast! I swallow hard, wincing in the action. My throat's so dry. I stare at his back, the orange and black of his clothing quickly blurring.


Is he going to his apartment? I think that's the direction... The pace I'm at slows down. Naruto's disappearing from my vision. He turns a corner and I lose him. My heart's going to explode. I know it won't, I know my body well enough—but that's how it feels!

We've been running for almost ten minutes and I'm really going to collapse. But I can't! I have to find him. I have to reach him. His emotions are...raw.

And those eyes... I shudder.

Those blue eyes that had dulled with the disintegration of life. I narrow my own; fill them with determination. Set them on his building. I almost knock over a little kid in my madness. "S—So sorry!" I call, but I can't afford to stop to see if he's alright.

Jumping up stairs and fences and ladders, I finally reach my destination.

Naruto was already inside, I was sure. I collapse in front of the door, pounding it with my gloved fists. "NARUTO! OPEN UP!" My lungs gasp for air but it's no setback. I say his name again, louder.



And by the fourth time, I manage to lift my body up and grab the doorknob just as it turns and gravity pulls me forward.

I stumble in, brace myself for the fall. His hands grip my shoulders. I wheeze, look up at his face—and there's nothing there. No emotion at all. My eyes are big, I'm breathing heavy still. "N—Nar...uto?"

His eyes see through me, not at me. What's going on? His mouth opens and he speaks.

"Sakura...chan." Empty... Words. Then he continues, "Why...did you follow me?"

From his words, I can't tell if he even cares to know the answer. My heart's in my throat—I'm choking for air again. I try to calm down. With a few deep breaths, I can answer him. "Naruto..." I take his shoulders and hold him at arms length. He lets mine go. I carry on, "I'm here because you don't deserve to be alone. I want to comfort you!" My own eyes water before his.

When he notices, his face contorts painfully. His head lowers, sapphire downcast. "I don't...want it." That voice...again. Low, broken, monotonous. How can I help him? I hold his shoulders more firmly, gesturing my concern.

"We're friends, Naruto! I know you better than anyone! We're teammates, comrades...and I care about you! It's...it's okay to let...your guard down..." I'm so nervous, my voice is shaking. What are all these feelings welling up inside of me?

I... I want him to know I'm here.

It's silent, and I think my body is starting to shake too. Naruto finally looks up at me—I think he's questioning what I said. Ugh, but it was true! I joggle him a little. Maybe it'll put some light in his eyes.

"Hey, did you hear me?" I ask. I'm really concerned for him. He nods meekly but still doesn't answer me. Now I'm just plain frustrated. "Naruto...it's okay. I'm here, even if I don't know what it feels like... To—to lose someone close! But, ...you can make me feel it. I... I'll cry with you..." My voice is a whisper and I know I'm making no sense. Like I could really feel his pain? All I can do is pity him; I can't empathize.

Under my hands, I feel his limbs quiver. His head lowers again. I feel terrible.


Distraught, I remove one of my hands and slip off my glove. It lands beside my feet. I take his chin softly. Lift it up to my eye level, peering at blue with all the compassion I can muster. "Look at me..." I whisper quietly.

Then his face falls. Tears dare to leak out of the corners of his eyes. They cascade down his cheek, tucking under his chin and dropping to the floor. My naked fingers holding his chin get wet. Then my heart swells for him.

My eyes brim and follow suit. I let them trickle down my face, warming my cheeks. My ears pick up soft whimpers. Naruto clenches his jaw; I feel it tense. Sobs break out and his body is wracked with them.

His hands shoot up to his face and cover my fingers and his eyes with them. My voice chokes. "N—Naru...Narut...o?!"

My teammate. My comrade. My friend. My... My... My Naruto. Someone I care about. He's so...broken. I notice his knees shake, and then I think he's going to lose balance.

"Hey... It's okay, wait... Let me close the door. Let's sit..." With my hand still on one of his shoulders, I push him gently with me and step out of the doorway. It's easy to shut the door, and give us privacy... But now I have to decide what to do. I'm so incredibly nervous. I don't want him to shatter in my arms...

But I take a huge lungful of air, and close my eyes for just a second. Calm my erratic heart. And they're open again and I lead Naruto to his bed.

My voice is a loud whisper now, so he can hear me over his crying. "Naruto, do you want to sit?" To be honest with myself I think my heart is going to shatter before his. I keep babbling, "Hey, it's.. It's going to be okay...I promise!" Like hell that's going to do anything. I'm so bad at this. Naruto won't respond, so I take his hands into mine and reveal his face.

Bad idea.

His eyes are overflowing, glossy and swollen. He sniffs, his nose about to run. Oh no, this is horrible. Instinctively, I throw my other glove on the floor to free my hand. Then I can't think of anything else to do and I grasp his arms and body and everything and just pull him right into me.

His body hits me hard and I stumble back a bit but I can't think straight and this is all I can do.

I wrap my arms so tightly around him that maybe, I'm thinking, I'll suffocate instead but it's really alright. His body is stiff but still quaking.

"Naruto... I'm here. I'm right here..." I'm just saying the same thing over and over, but isn't that all I can say for now?

Without warning I feel his arms grab me, and pull me down to the bed. The mattress creaks with our weight and I gasp out of shock. "W—What?!" But my voice dies in my throat. Naruto clings onto me, his face nestled in my chest. I feel my shirt dampen. He's sobbing uncontrollably now. His whole form writhing in pain.

I'm too stunned to move. I'm hugging him but his embrace is so fierce I can barely comprehend this—let alone anything. Maybe I should just stay quiet. Maybe this is all he needs. Just silent comfort. He clearly lied before when he said he didn't want it.

And now I'm crying harder. I bury my face in his messy hair and inhale. The familiar smell he has soothes me and I close my eyes tighter, more tears escaping. His hair soaks up the ones that get away.

I whimper. "I'm s—so sorry... I'm... so so... sorry Na—Naruto...!" I feel his arms crush me but I don't care; I hug him back. And he continues to sob and wet my shirt with endless tears.

His voice hits my ears like poison, traveling to my heart and rupturing my Aorta. "Why... c—couldn't it... have been me?! It—it... should have... Been ME! Ero-Sennin... W—WHY!?" I squeeze him, letting him now I'm listening.

After more cries, I manage some words to my lips. "You... You can't die...! Not now...!"

His chakra changes. He's getting angry. He fists my back and I wince in pain.

"HE... HE DIED BECAUSE OF...! ME! SAKURA-CHAN! IT'S MY FAULT! MY BURDEN! MY SELFISHNESS...!" He stops abruptly, then finishes with a gurgled "...my p—pain..."

I'm taken aback, rendered speechless. I must have swallowed my words a thousand times before I could recover. "Th—That's not true, Naruto! You... He... He'd never want you to feel that way! Jiraiya-sama would never... He'd never bl—blame you! Naruto...!"

By then he was bawling again, soaking my shirt in the most tears I have ever witnessed him shed. I was losing him, losing myself, losing control of the situation. What kind of a friend am I? How is this helping him? I blinked back fresh tears.

I have to be strong.

I have to be.

For him.

I free my arms, pushing him away from me slightly. His own fall slack and his chest is barely against mine when the space between us is created. I think he's okay when the sobs subside... Until his eyes look up at me in fear. Pure, unadulterated fear. Widening my own in return, I feel sick. Then I lose all my sanity and slide to his level, my face directly in front of his.

I watch him stiffen again, his eyes pooling with water. His lips tremble. Before he can say anything, I meekly take his face into my hands. I pull him close and do something I thought I'd never do in my entire life.

...I kiss him.

On the forehead. His brow. On the right cheek. His left. On the nose. His chin...

But I hear a sob in his throat so I know I can't stop there.

Sapphire blinks at me, more tears accumulating. I'm so red in the face and my heart's beating kunai into my chest. But I peer back at him.

I hoped, desperate, that my eyes would convey all of the compassion and love I was feeling for him in that moment. This boy in front of me that grew into a man. That frustrated me to no end. And made me incredibly happy at the same time. Someone I could and can count on, always. Who'd be there for me through absolutely anything.

Damnit, I'm starting to realize all these feelings are so much more than I'd originally thought. My heart is swollen and his face looks fragile and I can't stop myself from leaning into it.

My lips linger close to his. Mere seconds. Then I shut my eyes and press my mouth against his. And I really kiss him.

And now I can't stop.

I feel his hot tears against my cheeks and it flares my entire being. I kiss him again, but he still doesn't respond. His lips are moist—they taste good. I blush, thinking irrationally. Now is not the time to be thinking that way! But I just want him to know how much I care about him... And words are failing me. And this is what I can do. Show him I'm here. And that he's not alone. Not anymore. And he won't ever be.

Not ever again.

Then I feel Naruto's hands grasp my face to his and close the space I created just a moment ago.

And now we're both kissing...

I kiss him. He kisses me. Our lips are meshing, our bodies aching with heart break. His body pushes against mine and I feel heat course through my veins, everywhere. I love how this feels. I feel so good, so much passion in the way our bodies are touching and kisses are exchanging. I had no idea kissing Naruto would make me feel so much ardor. My body's on fire. I want more of him, so I open my mouth to his.

He swirls his tongue into my mouth without any hesitation. But it's not rough—it's gentle, full of need. He tells me, with these kisses, with his body language... And I let him. His tongue feels delicious.

I'm so overwhelmed with affection that I get dizzy. Naruto moans into my mouth and I feel my heart stop for a second. I push him back, creating an airspace for the both of us. I'm out of breath. So is he.

Heated blue eyes steal my gaze. I'm so dazed, so warm, so full... I'm reading his soul, seeing what's behind his irises.

I can't control them; tears trickle down my face again.



And I have to say something. I have to break the silence. "Naruto... Are you...?" I swallow. I'm blushing. "I—Is this... okay?" Oh I'm so stupid. My brain stopped working ages ago.

For the first time all day, Naruto's mouth opens to show teeth.

He is smiling.

His hands still cup my face. His fingers now stroking both cheeks.

"What...are you saying...? I... now I feel so... happy." His voice is quiet, but full of tender emotion. No more tears are spilling. His breathing is slow and steady. I look at him and see the Naruto I always see. That I... That I cherish.

So much.

He wipes my tears away with his gentle caresses.

I grin back, finally able to register all that happened so quickly. "I'm so glad... I was so worried, Naruto..." I don't want to bring up Jiraiya-sama again because I think Naruto might have a heart attack, this time, if I do. So I stay silent, watching his expression. I also enjoy his ministrations... My face is melting.

"It's okay Sakura-chan..." He smiles bigger, his trademark face. "I think Ero-sennin would have wanted this to happen anyway!" His grin widens, and he laughs. It's carefree and full of mirth.

I narrow my eyes. After all the sobbing that happened prior to this—that's what he had to say? To justify their intimate actions afterward...

I scoff, "Oh really?". But I don't want to ruin the moment... Damnit, I'm ticked off though!

Naruto's face does not falter while observing the inner turmoil on my profile. He laughs again, his eyes glittering with life. Before I can think of anything cunning to say, he speaks once more. "I'm sure of it! I'm... I'm going to miss him but, I don't think he'd want me to be sad... That's why! That's why I have you, Sakura-chan..." He nods at me, in his own right, justifying his words. Then he turns serious. "You're here... just like you said. And... that's more than I could have ever wanted."

My face burns. But his words latch onto me and seep through my skin, traveling through my blood and attaching themselves to my disoriented heart.

I laugh, embarrassed. "Ahaha... N-Naruto...youuummpf?!"

His lips are against mine. Again.

I swallow my words. Again.

He pulls back a little, staring deeply into my irises. "It's okay Sakura-chan... You can let your guard down around me, too."

And I'm in awe! His words... They mean everything to me. No use in denying it any longer...

I genuinely grace him with a smile, unable to hide it for the life of me. He is the sweetest guy to ever offer me his absolute everything...

And I'm incredibly grateful, for that.

Before I can respond, he hugs me to him so my face is in his jacket now. I place my hands on his chest, holding the fabric loosely. His head rests on mine leisurely. And we lay there, wrapped in each other. I listen to his heart beat smoothly, and he listens to the sound of my breathing.

"Thank you..." I mumble , but I know he hears me. He kisses my head softly, and I know his lips are curving happily. This is it. This is what he always wanted...

And this is what I want, too.

A/N: Yay finished! I'm quite pleased. Now I have to get around to re-writing this in Naruto's POV...ahahahah ^^'. Review if you'd like and tell me what you think, because it makes me want to write more :]. Love all you NaruSaku fans, you're the best!