Poll: Here's some pairs that really intrigued my mind. Choose what you like most and maybe I will make a doujin based on which pair that has the highest votes. Thank you. :) Sidenotes: Male!Scotland, Male!Portugal, Fem!Indonesia, Male!Cambodia, Male!Nusantara, Male!Negara Agung. (Nusantara and Negara Agung are part of Majapahit Empire) Vote Now!
Author has written 23 stories for Fruits Basket, Soul Eater, Harvest Moon, How to Train Your Dragon, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人. Poll is closed, finally. The two highest votes are ScotEng and RusNes. I'm sorry I'm just a lazy person. I hope I could finish all of my multi-chapter stories but maybe I'm not that dedicated to doing all that. I'm gonna focused on finishing Beyond Dead and editing Supernatural!AU German Bros. I think that's all I could say for now. Thank you so much for reading my shits. current mood: Eruri, original stories In A Safe Place by gunpowderlatte DeviantArt * Facebook * Blogspot * Twitter * Infantrum * Pixiv * Tumblr |
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