I got the inspiration to write this chapter from SSYM and senorflamingo. It ended up a bit different than planned though, but I don't think that's a bad thing. So this chapter is for you two ;)

The long and steamy nights that they spent together in and around Ludwig's bed made it easy to forget that there was actually a war going on. But reality eventually caught up to them and Ludwig had to return to his duties, and of course there was no way that Gilbert could simply stay behind.

But Gilbert was a warrior by heart, and in that, if not in a lot more ways, they were alike. Gilbert had embraced Ludwig's life style, regular training sessions, exercising with the troops and of course they flew more than one mission. Ludwig was quite the big shot after all.

Ludwig made a point of regularly attending his soldier's drills, more of the than not he would participate, Gilbert along with him. Today was one of these days. It was early in the morning and Roderich had joined them, on Elizaveta's insistence.

Gilbert had, after their initial encounter going wrong, befriended Roderich's dragon and by now they were best buddies. They usually ended up competing against each other during training, in turn spurning on the other soldiers to keep up and almost every time resulting in at least one break down due to exhaustion but an otherwise really pleased Ludwig, which usually paid off for Gilbert.

Roderich was watching from the side lines, he only came to accommodate Elizaveta, but otherwise making sure everyone was aware of his disdain for physical labor. Still, he held Gilbert's begrudging respect for doing this for Elizaveta, or, as he liked to see it, for being a decent human being, since it really was rude and barbaric to enslave his race. Considering that most humans treated their dragons like trash, he could really be grateful for having Ludwig, but there was this quite voice that kept insisting that Ludwig, despite respecting him most of the time, still held him captive.

And sometimes, just sometimes, in the dead of the night, when he couldn't sleep because of the ache in his shoulders where the curses sat, he hated himself for being so weak that he allowed humans to dominate him, and even more for having accepted that fact a long time ago.

But there was no room for thoughts like this on a brilliant and bright day like this. Ludwig was in a bad mood, due to bad news that had arrived in the early morning hours and that always resulted in a particular thorough, thus satisfying, workout session. Woe to the human soldiers behind him though, they usually couldn't keep up with the brutal pace. That they tried to anyway only showed how much they respected their leader. And that, in turn, made Gilbert possessively proud.

Ludwig blew into his whistle and everyone instantly snapped into attention. Gilbert and Elizaveta stood next to each other in the first row, backs straight and eyes ahead as Ludwig shouted his commands. Another whistle and the group seamlessly broke into moving as they ran laps around the perimeter. And if Gilbert checked out Ludwig's ass whenever he passed him, that was simply the man's fault, because, honestly, the guy had a great ass, and body.

The drill continued through half of the morning and by the end of it Gilbert and Elizaveta had broken out, again, in a heated discussion about who had performed better. Only this time it ended with one sharp and, unfortunately, loud exclamation from Gilbert, about how well versed he was in the fields of 'performance' and that if 'Madame frilly pants' didn't believe him she could just go ahead and ask Ludwig about his insight on the matter, because he would bet his customized cock ring that 'lil Roddy' hasn't nearly as much prowess in the sac.

Yes, they had escalated into the fields of sexual innuendos, another common occurrence during their drill rituals. It was at this point that Gilbert realized he just had put his head into deep shit, and that Ludwig would take a hell of a lot of time to pull him out again.

He couldn't decide if he should be excited or terrified. Probably both. Most definitely both.

There was not even a hint of what he was thinking visible on Ludwig's face, and if anything, that only added to Gilbert's uneasiness. The soldiers had fallen quiet after the exclamation but in absence of any reaction from their leaser they returned to their conversations, but Gilbert didn't miss the side eyes he got. And there was no way anyone could miss the way-too-pleased-for-her-own-good on Elizaveta's face.

He would pay dearly for this, and Elizaveta knew that. Roderich on the other hand seemed to have been shocked into stunned silence. It took a few attempts from Ludwig to pull him out of it, but even then Roderich gaped a few times like a fish on dry land before finally a sound came out.

Gilbert might have, maybe, accidentally, laughed at the squawk-like sound Roderich made, but afterwards he would swear on his Awesomeness that it was Elizaveta. He didn't really get why no one believed him though.

Anyway, Ludwig dismissed his troops, rebuilt Roderich's sanity, by probably proposing a bake-bake date, and collected his more-than-a-handful pet dragon, after politely saying goodbye to Elizaveta of course. Gilbert wasn't entirely sure how he should interpret the last look Elizaveta cast him, it could be schadenfreude or it could be pity. It was hard to tell and he wasn't too interested in sorting it out, not when Ludwig grabbed his wrist the moment they were out of sight and slammed his back into a wall.

Not so long ago he would have been offended if someone suggested that being manhandled would turn him on.

"I hope you realize your transgression." Ludwig downright snarled into his ear, and damn if that wasn't the hottest thing ever. Gilbert knew he was supposed to be submissive and grovel in front of Ludwig for his mistake but at times like this he just wanted to rile Ludwig up even more. They were still outside their rooms, that Ludwig was upset enough to demonstrate his dominance outside, where everyone could see, was a sure sign that Gilbert would have difficulties to walk for at least a week.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Gilbert smirked and pushed his knee between Ludwig's legs, an obvious sign that he wouldn't get down with a fight.

"I think you know exactly what I am talking about." Ludwig's voice dropped into an even lower growl and Gilbert had to fight the shivers that rolled down his spine. The voice sent sparks of heat straight between his legs, where his cock clearly stated its interest in the matter. "Do I have to remind you of your place?" Yesyesyes!

"I'd like to see you try." Ludwig growled out his challenge, knowing fairly well where this would lead to. Not that he had any objections.

He hadn't even finished the sentence and Ludwig's hand was already on his throat, fingers digging under the tight black collar he wore at all times and Gilbert gasped for air as Ludwig pulled him closer. There was a short moment where they locked eyes, despite his hard grip on him, Ludwig's eyes were warm and questioning, and only when Gilbert nodded his consent, did he continue with his rough treatment.

He yanked Gilbert forward and kicked his feet out from under him at the same moment, effectively forcing him on his knees. "Know your place." Gilbert stayed on his knees but he refused to cover, instead he glared up at Ludwig, showing his defiance with bared teeth. For a split second he imagined to see an approving glint in Ludwig's eyes before he was slapped hard across the face.

The sting was delicious and Gilbert's were ringing. It was not often that he was in the mood for physical pain but today was one of these days. And Ludwig just knew how to deliver without ever hurting him seriously.

"I should have out a leash on you and lead you like the filthy little dog you are." Ludwig looked down on him, brows drawn together in disgust and if Gilbert hadn't known that this was all part of the game, he would have trembled under that gaze. But knowing all the implications behind it, it actually made him, well, tremble actually, with anticipation.


Ludwig thought, not for the first time, that he should start a book or something, where he would put down all the little things about Gilbert, for example how being reduced to a dog seemed to have fried his brain and turned him into a drooling mess on the floor. He would have been annoyed, but the hell, it wasn't his carpet. And the sight was quite endearing, and Ludwig decided that, if Gilbert had to insist on trembling and drooling on the floor, he might as well do it in his room and naked.

He dragged Gilbert up by his collar, sending another shiver through the other's body, and yes that was an obvious tent in his pants. Maybe he should really start and think through his punishment strategies, this was not a punishment, this was a party, in Gilbert's pants. But then again there were plenty of other ways to drive Gilbert crazy with lust and need, and to hell with him if he didn't use at least one of them today.

Thankfully they didn't encounter anyone on their way back to their rooms, kind of strange how these palace corridors always were empty when they needed it. Maybe it was his aura that scared everyone away when he was in a sexual and, on top of that, punishing mood. Or he had missed another memo regarding an upcoming meeting. Wouldn't be the first time that the messenger boy assumed that Ludwig knew of the meeting because usually Ludwig organized said meetings, and only when an indignant Roderich showed up at his desk did he actually learn of the meeting. After it was over of course.

He really should do something about that, but not now, now there were more pressuring matters he had to attend to. He shoved Gilbert through the door into his reception room and slammed it shut behind them. Gilbert's face was flushed red, and his breath was ragged as he stumbled from the force of Ludwig's shove.

The door slammed shut with a loud bang and Ludwig smirked down at Gilbert on the floor. "It's time for a lesson, don't you think?" He didn't miss the slight shiver that trembled through Gilbert's frame at his words. There was nothing more precious in this world then Gilbert, when he was like that, red spread among his cheeks, eyes glazed over with lust and breath puffing out in sharp gasps. There was only one thing missing, but Ludwig was sure he could get there soon enough.

He grabbed Gilbert's collar again and yanked him up and into a rough kiss. Gilbert immediately tried to force his tongue into his mouth but Ludwig wouldn't have it. He put his hand on Gilbert's throat and gently squeezed, a silent warning to behave. Gilbert of course took it as a challenge to resist him even more, growling softly as he started nipping at Ludwig's lower lip.

Ludwig's other hand dug into the back of Gilbert's head, fisting strands of his hair and abruptly yanked him back, tearing a snarl from his throat. He bent Gilbert's head back until his throat was bared to him, licking once over the pulsing vein to the spot behind Gilbert's ear that always, always, drove him crazy. "Do I have to muzzle you?"

Gilbert growled low in his throat, but didn't do anything else as Ludwig continued licking at the area behind his ear. "Good boy." Ludwig released his iron grip on Gilbert's hair and rested his hand on the side of his neck. "But you still need to be punished." The hand on Gilbert's throat tightened around the collar and he yanked Gilbert forward again, through the door into the living room and through another door, until they reached the bedroom.

"Will you behave, or do I need the crop again?" Ludwig asked with a smirk as he tossed Gilbert unceremoniously on the bed. For a moment he thought that Gilbert would actually choose the crop option but then he faltered just slightly, his arousal winning over his desire to mess with Ludwig.

"How boring." Ludwig commented idly as he pushed Gilbert down spread eagle and tied him to the four corners of the bed. A familiar position but one he never grew tired of. Everything important was in reach and in clear sight and it was always so easy to make Gilbert struggle against his bonds.

"I hope you don't like these clothes." Ludwig flicked his finger against Gilbert's thigh, taking note of the straining erection that begged for freedom. He could have undressed Gilbert before he tied him to the bed, but he favored the intimacy of cutting the clothes off of Gilbert. Gilbert was a dragon, he could easily break the bonds and tear Ludwig apart but he trusted him enough to let him put a blade to his throat. And that was something that never failed to fill Ludwig with awe, and desire, lots and lots of desire.

"Naaa, I prefer to be naked." Gilbert teased with a smirk. Sometimes Ludwig thought that Gilbert was far too comfortable in the submissive role. But he would certainly not complain.

"Maybe I should chain you naked in my living room." Ludwig mused and dragged his finger over Gilbert's collar bone. "I would show you off to my guests. You'd get a ring on your sweet little cock and a plug for your greedy ass. Maybe I'd even take you while Roderich was watching. Or maybe I'd let him take you, while I was watching. How'd you like that?"

Gilbert groaned, straining against his bonds as he tried to gain at least a little bit of friction between his legs. It shouldn't be, by all means, it shouldn't be this arousing when Ludwig talked about using him like that, about sharing him with Roderich of all people. But it worked, and not because Gilbert had some hidden kink for Roderich, but because he knew that Ludwig wouldn't do it, he would never share him but, he was just teasing, hitting the very spot where Gilbert was vulnerable. He knew him so well and at the same time Gilbert could trust him completely to never use it against him.

"You're terribly overdressed, don't you think so? I think I'm going to change that." Ludwig slapped Gilbert on the thigh before he pushed off the bed and pulled his knife out of its hilt in his boot. Maybe he was paranoid, but he preferred to have a knife on him at all times.

He sat down next to Gilbert, trailing his finger down his chest. There were faint stains of sweat on it from Gilbert's earlier workout, but to Ludwig the scent was alluring, it reminded him of Gilbert's primal fury, his monstrous nature and the pure danger that lurked underneath his skin. It was Gilbert in his purest form and he wouldn't change it against anything in the world.

"Maybe I won't punish you at all." Ludwig quietly mused to himself, hooking his finger into the collar of Gilbert's shirt and pull down to reveal the faded marks he had left there a few days ago. "Or not so much." He dipped down and pressed a lingering kiss on Gilbert's kiss, while he slowly pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket. "You have been very naughty after all."

Gilbert sucked in a breath the moment Ludwig pulled back but he didn't get the chance to answer before Ludwig shoved the handkerchief between his lips. "Can't have your naughty voice distracting me now, can we?" Gilbert twitched as Ludwig dragged the tip of the knife over his chest, applying just enough pressure that the blade was tangible through the fabric.

It wasn't the first time that Ludwig had used a knife on Gilbert's clothes, but the soft red flush that followed the path of his blade never ceased to amaze him. Sometimes he felt like carving into Gilbert, not physically, he would never mar this perfect body, but with the shadow of his blade. He wanted to use him as a canvas, etch his name onto him, even if it was for only just a moment. But it was moment like this when he had to remind himself that even though he technically was, he never wanted to see Gilbert as his possession. Not like this, not while Gilbert was still tied to his will. Not when he was still too much of a coward to risk losing Gilbert to his freedom.

He made quick work of the shirt, slicing away not only the fabric but also the sentiment that threatened to swallow the mood. Heat pooled in his body as Gilbert's chest was bared to him. Gilbert was breathing hard again, his eyes followed the blade that trailed down his stomach, over the hem of his pants and circled once around his erection before it cut away the fabric effectively.

Ludwig pulled away the cut up clothing and put his knife on the bed side drawer. He took a moment to relish in the sight of an exposed, and very needy, Gilbert. The skin stood out pale against the dark sheets and the red flush on his face and around his neck was unmistakably. He could stare at Gilbert like this for days and never grow tired of it.

But Gilbert had been a bad boy, and bad boys needed punishment, so Ludwig got up again and prepared his equipment. He wouldn't need much, he wasn't in the mood for elaborate punishments that took forever, his own straining erection urged him on to make it quick. And for once, he was happy to oblige.

"I should whip you, until your thighs are weeping red." Ludwig whispered into Gilbert's ear, following the quiver that racked through his body with his hand. "I should spread you open until you beg for my cock to fill you up." Gilbert's whole body twitched in a sure sign that 'yes, yes he would like that very much'. A smirk fought its way onto Ludwig's lips and he leaned over to get the cock ring from the table. It was a simple but effective device and he always returned to its use.

Gilbert moaned shamelessly as he put it on, his cock needed a few strokes to get back into full hardness but then the ring fit snug around its base. Ludwig didn't take the time to appreciate his handiwork, instead he started to undress, he wasn't in the mood for clothes when all he wanted was to press flush against Gilbert and soak up all his excess body heat.

He laid down next to Gilbert, aligning their bodies until there was not a hair width of space between them and he breathed in Gilbert's musky scent, the pure potency that seemed to seep from the pores of his skin. Gilbert was whining against the gag in his mouth and Ludwig relented, pulling out the piece of cloth and replacing it with a warm kiss. He had wanted to punish Gilbert for his transgression but he found he could no longer remember what he did. And he no longer cared, he just wanted to be close to him.

"What's wrong?" Gilbert asked when Ludwig stretched his arms to undo the cuffs that held his hands. "Why d'you stop?" Ludwig sat up and untied his feet before he laid down again and pulling Gilbert into another tender kiss.

"It seems that I just can't stay cross with you." Ludwig murmured into his ear, his hands trailing a path down Gilbert's body.

"I'm just that awesome." Gilbert snickered before he pulled Ludwig into a harsh kiss. "So are we going to make love now?" He asked once he released Ludwig and smiled against his lips. "Come on Lud, I know you want to slam your big cock into me, there's no reason to hold back. You don't have to choose between lovemaking and role play. You can play rough without it having to be a game. I can take you."

Ludwig hand had stilled on his body, but after Gilbert had finished he resumed his ministrations, this time with much more fervor and insistence. "Oh Gilbert." He whispered, breath ghosting hot over Gilbert's flushed skin. "The things you do to me." He pressed his lips against Gilbert's temple, kissed his way down his face until he reached the edge of his mouth. "Let me show you…"

He bit down on Gilbert's lower lip, dragging his teeth over the skin, growling as he pressed closer into Gilbert, hands sneaking down to where both their cocks laid unattended and needy for attention. Gilbert groaned, pressing eagerly into the touch and returning the kiss with equal fervor.

"Don't hold back Lud." He growled once they parted, only to pull Ludwig back into the kiss. Ludwig complied, allowing his other hand to wander to Gilbert's backside and knead his ass while he continued to rub furiously at their cocks. "Just take me like you want to. You don't have to pretend."

Somehow a smile had sneaked its way on Ludwig's face and it felt like a weight had been lifted from his heart, without him realizing it had been there in the first place. The truth was, and always had been, that Ludwig needed the safety of their games, where everything was just pretend. There he could hurt Gilbert, break him down and pick him up again as easily. Without fearing to overstep the line. His own rules kept him in place and over time they became as impenetrable as a steel wall.

So every time they didn't establish their game rules he forced himself to be gentle, to make love instead of what he really wanted to do. To take without holding back, to etch his desire into Gilbert's body with every beating of his hungry heart. No rules to hold them back, no inhibitions, just unbridled passion.

Gilbert kept whispering his reassurance against his skin, sweet puffs of hot breath, but Ludwig was no longer listening. He was too lost in the taste of Gilbert on his tongue, the scent that grew heavier with every wave of arousal and he wanted to take it all at once, engrave it into his memory so that he would never forget.

There was a bottle of lube in his hand but he couldn't recall how it got there. Maybe Gilbert took it from its place on the nightstand, maybe he had taken it himself, it didn't matter. He didn't bother with warming it up in his hands and he certainly wasn't slow with the preparation. He knew that Gilbert could take a lot, had always known it, but he had always ignored the implications, going for slow instead of wild.

His finger went in easily, absorbed by the greediness of Gilbert's body and he only wiggled it a few times before he pushed I a second. It must have been uncomfortable for Gilbert, his body was tense and he groaned more than once but he kept thrusting back at Ludwig, urging him on relentlessly and Ludwig was too far gone to bother with holding back. He wanted this, Gilbert wanted this, and to hell with him if he waited any longer.

He barely took the time lubing himself up before he pressed in. Gilbert welcomed him with a loud moan and the arch of his back, swallowing him up nearly completely in one smooth pull of his body. Ludwig stilled for a moment, taking in the sight before him. Gilbert's eyes were open and fixed on him, his chest was rising and falling with the panting of his breath and his skin was flushed a deep red, almost matching the hue of his eyes.

"Come on Ludwig." Gilbert teased with a half smirk. "What are you waiting for? A special invite? Sorry, I don't do those." His smirk widened and Ludwig gasped as Gilbert's legs closed around his hips and he pulled him in the last inch. "Whoops, I lied."

Ludwig's hands clamped down on Gilbert's hips and he pulled out, only to slam in again, setting up a fast pace right from the beginning. Gilbert kept eye contact, but his eyes were gradually glazing over and his moans came in time with Ludwig's thrusts. But despite his ragged breath, despite the violent jerks his body made whenever Ludwig hit somewhere especially deep, he kept teasing, making Ludwig's blood rush with the throatiness of his voice.

"Is that all? Come one you can do better than that. I want to feel you for the rest of the week. You call that fucking? I'm not even screaming." Ludwig silenced him with a harsh press of his lips, licking his ways into Gilbert's mouth and drinking up every sound that threatened to follow his tirade. He increased his pace, pulling Gilbert's legs up until the angle was just right and Gilbert dissolved into a shaking moaning heap.

The kiss turned sloppy then, both were too fixed on other things to pay much attention. Ludwig bit into his lips, or Gilbert bit into Ludwig's, it was hard to tell at that point. Gilbert dug his fingers into Ludwig's shoulder, pulling him close, until their chests bumped together but he still pulled, desperate to melt into Ludwig as he was filled by his throbbing cock. And his moans turned almost into screams when Ludwig finally touched his aching need, not with his hands, there was not enough space for that, but with his stomach, muscles pressing in on his erection.

Ludwig can feel it, he can feel the exact moment when it was too much for Gilbert, when the constant assault on his prostate is enough to send him over the edge. Gilbert tensed, his whole body going rigid, his eyes fluttering closed as he moaned his pleasure out into the room. But still he held on to Ludwig, hands drawing him closer, legs pushing him deeper and it wasn't long until Ludwig gives in to the heat that surges through his body. He came with a loud and garbled sound, a mix between a shout and a moan and Gilbert kissed him through the whole thing.

Gilbert's pull on him finally subsided and he had enough space to slide out and collapse next to Gilbert, all his strength drawn out from the intense orgasm. Gilbert's lips were still on him, kissing him and whispering assurances that immediately dissolved in the haze that still clouded Ludwig's mind. He couldn't remember ever having an orgasm that left him this wrecked. Usually it was the other way round, Gilbert lying boneless on the bed or the floor while Ludwig was relatively fine.

And that just showed him even more, how much he had needed this. How much he had needed it to let go, to just take.

"See." Gilbert murmured in his ear. "It's not that bad."

Ludwig smiled weakly. He was aware of the stickiness that covered his stomach, he was aware that his bed would need changing soon, with all the come and lube probably leaking out of Gilbert at the moment. But he couldn't bring himself to care, not when he felt this sated and happy. Fingers carded through his hair, careful and gentle and Ludwig allowed himself this moment. The reprieve from responsibility and order and he just lied there, eyes closed, body still thrumming with the afterglow, until his mind finally accepted that he had bound himself to Gilbert as much as the other was bound to him.

And maybe that was for the best.