Author has written 2 stories for House, M.D., and Ironman. Hello; I am Bip. I am a writer, a photographer, a quick-wit girl with eyes wide shut and a tongue sharper than quicksilver. I've got a flare for fashion, summer is my favourite season and I find this whole life thing to be totally, magnificently beautiful. Oh, and I'm also a huge romantic. Especially when it comes to the following favourite couples: X-Files - Mulder/Scully House M.D. - House/Cuddy Bones - Booth/Brennan Glee - Emma/Will Lie to Me - Cal/Gillian I'd just like to say that I really, really love criticism. I like to improve because I'm a perfectionist, so anything that you have to offer is an ace in my books. Also, I'm willing to read anyone's story if you'd like feedback. I won't beta, but I will give you my honest opinion on it, writer-to-writer. Send me a PM anytime, I'd love to hear from you. much love, Bip. |