Reviews for The Road Not Traveled Leads To Here
Starmaster10 chapter 1 . 5/3/2013
Ahh this story is amazing. Incredibly well written and entertaining. I always love reading AUs of Booth and Bones' relationship. Only ones with a good ending though. :P
Hazelmist chapter 1 . 12/3/2011
I loved this! All of the little glimpses of the AU's were lovely and entertaining. Booth and Brennan were so different and yet so much the same and you kept it interesting and dragged me in each time. The ending and the beginning tied it altogether beautifully. I can't wait to read more of your writing! This was awesome!
toffeeeclairs chapter 1 . 7/27/2011
The third installment is my least favorite...I just don't like the idea of a cheating Booth - even if it isn't physically. Love the second one the best and the first and last equally after that. Very creative idea to take an element in their life results in the same partnership - I think the first two stories are the most interesting. Its a unique take on parallel universes - where typically each choice has an infinite number of outcomes, you've shown that ultimately those outcomes converge back to one long term outcome. I really like the premise!
calliopechild chapter 1 . 10/6/2010
This is lovely! I've always enjoyed AU looks at characters' first meetings, and all of these are really well-written. Thanks for a great read! :)
wicherwill chapter 1 . 5/14/2010
Simply marvelous. I love these sorts of "Five Things She Didn't Say (And One Thing She Did)" stories, but this just takes the general concept and COMPLETELY hits it out of the park. Bravo!
Starlight77 chapter 1 . 3/10/2010
Oh I really really enjoyed this. Very realistic and creative ways for them to get together as we know that they will, no matter what path they take, it does have to happen eventually.

Thanks so much for sharing. I especially enjoyed the second one because you have such a great voice for Booth and it was a very interesting way to bring them together!
bugies80 chapter 1 . 3/2/2010
This was fantastic! Your characters are very realistic, and the different settings were fascinating. I love B&B, and seeing them end up together, regardless of what path they took...just gives me hope for reality!
anonymous.individual chapter 1 . 3/2/2010
:O wow. absolutely brilliant.
Tadpole24 chapter 1 . 3/2/2010
I really liked this!

It was very unique, very original and although it was AU, I loved that you kept lots of aspects of the show true to form.

I particularly loved the gun conversation in the second part. :)

The story was very well put together, i liked all the title lines for each part.

And the ending was gorgeous. I really like how it summed it all up. Everything will happen eventually.

Very nice. :)

Thanks for writing. :)


freelancer starbuck chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
this is a fantastic story. however, i would suggest breaking each story into individual chapters. it's a little hard to follow this way...
YellowRosesAndHearts chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
Yay! I was so excited to see that you were back. I was surprised that I really, really liked these- considering that it was a rather long story, and I generally don't read AU- but then again, it's you. And these were great. I probably liked the second one the most, but they were all really good. Thanks for writing this, and I'm excited to see more stuff from you soon, hopefully!
Katniss730 chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
Wow, that was truly incredible. I loved all of the scenarios. You have a great imagination.

deltainfinity chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
Fantastic job!

I really enjoyed this fanfic!

I am actually surprised, because I normally dislike AU.

The presentation was spectacular.

Thanks for your hard work :D

Marcus S. Lazarus chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
VERY nice AUs you’ve got here, I have to admit

I freely acknowledge that I was more ambiguous about the last one, but that’s mainly because I’ve always been ambiguous about Bones/Sully rather than a flaw on your part, I assure you, and the fact that you actually had Brennan acknowledging why they COULDN’T have worked out- Sully’s lack of genuine passion for his work compared to Booth’s and his inability to really CHALLENGE her- definitely went a long way towards making up for that.

In the end, though, I think my favourite AU here was the third one; the first had a definite originality factor in looking at how Bones still ended up following the same career path as before- albeit under a different name and for different reasons-, while the second creates an interesting new beginning for their connection that leaves the potential open for them to resume a promising bond that was unintentionally cut short by their initial misunderstandings about each other, but the third...

It might have been brief, but it presented us with a VERY interesting look at Booth’s internal dilemma as he finds himself increasingly torn between the woman he married and the woman he’s working with, increasingly choosing to be there for Bones over just being with his family, culminating in the moment when he chooses to preserve ‘his’ Bones over his own life with Rebecca...

Quite frankly, I wouldn’t mind seeing more of THAT particular AU if you decide to expand on any of these; the exploration of Temperance Brennan’s feelings about the fact that someone essentially sacrificed his family for her- even if he never intended for it to end the way it did- alone would be VERY interesting to witness no matter HOW you did it, so long as it didn’t end with her pushing him away out of guilt or something like that...

Keep up the great work!
anthropologist chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
Let me just tell you, this is truly one of my favorite stories that I have ever read on this website. You write very, very, very well, and you write Brennan, Booth, and their relationship exceptionally well. I loved the dialogue and each individual plotline - truly, I am so, so impressed. The stories tied in very nicely and each one really moved me immensely. I am so in awe, I don't think I can even really express just how much I loved it. You definitely deserve to be a writer on Bones. :)
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