A/N: Lie to Me. My new (and worthy) obsession, which helped no end to soothe the pain of Grissom and Sara's departure from CSI.
And Tim Roth's hotness didn't hurt either...
So, just a short little drabble to ease my way into a new fandom.
Knowing and Doing are Two Very Different Things...
She should know better, damn it.
We are attracted to men who remind us of our fathers.
After decades of psychological training she knows this. She knows this. Unresolved issues with an alcoholic, dismissive father eventually paves the way for an ill-considered marriage to a drug-addicted, indifferent husband.
Her... feelings... for an adrenaline junkie, who gambles with his life just as easily as he gambles with their company's money, is nothing more than the foolish expression of a behavioural pattern established in childhood.
It isn't love.
It's just her default emotional response whenever she's confronted by a man who shares some of her father's less attractive proclivities.
And she should know better. Because there is no way that she will ever again allow herself to be put in a position where she's forced to watch the self-destruction of a man she cares for.
Of the man that she... loves.
Damn it.