A/N: A series of Valduggery drabbles. In no particular order (well, on the most part anyway.)

I'm willing to try out requests should anyone have one, and I don't know how many there'll be, nor how regulary they'll be up. Just until I can think of no more I guess.

Some follow the plots of the books whilst others are my own.

-I've got a whole bunch to put up now, but I won't usualy be uploading more than a couple at a time I reckon. Though when the third book comes out I may write a bunch (I can't wait for it!)

Disclaimer - I don't own Skulduggery Pleasant - that goes for each drabble I write.


As he was concerned, driving involved little effort. As he had explained to her, the fact that she had witnessed people driving many a times should have meant that she was able to do it also.

But no, the foolish girl had to go and crash. Of course, he didn't blame her for them losing the Grotesquery, nor, he supposed, for crashing. It simply amazed him how she had failed such a simple task as driving.

He'd almost forgotten that she was but a child, only thirteen. Valkyrie Cain was wise beyond her years, and she often acted in such a way that made him forget how young she truly was.

As he had carried her broken body to the Bentley, he had remembered just how fragile she was, and how foolish it had been for him to leave her in such a dangerous situation. He had spoken words of comfort to her, but knew that she was listening to none of it. Her body had been struggling to deny unconsciousness, and whilst he knew that the damage was far less than it could have been, he blamed himself for her injuries.

Still, he mused, she'd known the fundamentals, the rest was easy!

As he walked into the medical bay, trying (and failing) to be proud of his bright pink attire, he decided that he would teach her how to drive.

After all, he couldn't very well let his partner crash every car she drove.