Author has written 29 stories for House, M.D.. what does one say in these things... Well, I'm from BFE, so I have some spare time on my hands, some of which I spend writing. I love the TV. Show House, and it's been the only thing I've ever written Fan Fiction about. I'm a House/Cuddy shipper, and I make no bones about that, but I love a good story, whether it be Huddy, Hilson Cadley, Thouse, OC, or what. I read everything, though, being a Huddy, sometimes I feel odd posting reviews on non-huddy stories, so, my apologies to those of you who are excellent authors that I've never left a review for. My music really influences my writing, but I don't listen to conventional top 40. You'd be surprised at how many Green Day, Metallica, Iron Maiden, and Black Sabbath songs make me think of Huddy. Or, of House in general. When I'm not writing, I'm usually shooting archery in my back yard, or working on my various craft projects. I also write fantasy stories, but those have yet to be read by any other human eyes besides my own. So, thanks for stopping by :) Rock On! ~I'mnotcrazy ;-) |