Author has written 13 stories for Naruto, Smallville, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Harry Potter. Hi! I'm an awesome girl who doesn't really like a lot of her old fanfics below, generally the Naruto ones. I'm not taking them down though, I'll let you see the difference in writing. Anyway, they have reviews and that's like proof of my awesomeness. Current fics: My vital regions: Yeah, sounds like crack, it's actually not. It's drama/angsty/romance/horror/historicallyplottyyeahthat'sawordnow. Hetalia - America/Canada, America/England, France/Canada, Russia/Prussia, Sweden/Finland, Poland/Lithuania, Hungary/Austria, Hungary/Austria/Prussia, hopefully one day Jeanne' D'Arc/France (I wanna do that sooo bad,) pretty much everyone everyone. Basically, to stay the hero America forgot a lot of the bad things he's done but those memories aren't going to stay forgotton forever. Features America going into split-personality mode and then popping back out of it and wondering why everyone is staring at him in fear. It steadily gets worse and worse. This is my favourite fic at the moment, it's just so intense and I really love writing America's point of view. Oh, it has happy/funny bits too and love and caringness so don't be scared off. Funnily enough, this was meant to be an America/England fic since I'd been reading lots of Independence War fics, but Canada stealthily walked in, waved his hand at me shyly and then commandeered more than half of the chapters. Sneaky Canadian. The hard-on affair: The title won't let me put a - in. Sigh. This sounds like crack, it actually is. It's cracky/crack/purpleelephants/Dumbly Dores/flamingodancer/romance/crack. Harry Potter - Harry/Ginny, Hermion/Ron, Harry/Draco, Dumbledore/Harry, George/everyone, everyone/everyone, Sirius/Remus, Remus/everyone (cause Remus is adorable.) In summary, Harry gets hard, he punches Draco in the face, they are in their seventh (called eighth) year of Hogwarts after The War. Dumbledore trolls people cause he's alive and a little bit of drama and plot will probably arise because no matter how hard I try, plot lines will always follow me. I'm trying really, really hard just to have fun and not have a plot. I won't bore you any more, go on and read any of my fics, or troll through my favourites. Tata |
endra1 (9) FLONNIE B (2) modeoheim (40) | Prisoner Len (41) ShadesofImagination (32) worshipthehat (6) | XxTwistedEverAfterxX (40) |