YJAM Prompt Fill: Ok, so if you've seen Misfits you know about Superhoodie, and my prompt is that kind of scenario. Nightwing goes back in time to help the YJ team out of some situations that, ordinarily, they would have been SOL in, but since Nightwing was there to randomly help them or give them hints or whatever, they make it through. Everyone's like "WHO THE FUCK IS THAT" and they have no idea who he is or why he's doing this. up to writer where it goes from here. Nightwing/KF comes in to play when Nightwing approaches Wally alone and is like "~we're together in the future~" and reveals that he's Dick from the future and they bone.
yj-anon-meme. livejournal. com/3209 .htm l?thread= 5495689#t5495689
I also made art of what I think Dick and Wally look like in the future! http :/tinyurl . com / 429wn8c
As you can tell from the prompt, there's definitely KFxRobin slash! It won't show up for a couple of chapters, and yes, Robin's way older as Nightwing, so there's that. I may need to up the rating to M later on. I'll try to keep the sexay chapters skip-able, because this is heavy on the plot as well, and it would be sweet if everyone who wants to can read it. :) Rated T for swearing and, eventually, boys kissing.
Since I don't want to give anything away, the light slash warning stands for EVERY chapter. This is to say, there may be kissing at any time (lol), but nothing more than that. If there's more, I'll put a slash warning on. Is that ok?
Wally couldn't breathe, and he suspected that one of his ribs was breaking. He shuddered and vibrated, but the heat and friction he generated didn't bother the Kryptonian in the least - Superboy just growled and squeezed Wally's torso harder. Miss Martian guarded the giant doors of the hanger-sized warehouse that led to the ski slopes beyond, and Aqualad circled around her, moving gingerly over the snow blowing inside. He did his best to engage and distract his brain-washed teammate, but she deflected his water attacks almost casually. On the other side of the room, Artemis struggled to outmaneuver Robin, but he had her cornered behind a pile of battered red ski lift chairs. Her bows weren't very effective at close range - and Robin was. Maybe even deadly. His laughed echoed throughout the warehouse, and for the first time, Wally was really creeped out by it.
It was a thoroughly uneven match, though not the least because the three sober ones held back considerably to avoid hurting their friends.
"Supey," Wally wheezed one more time, "Supey, it's us. You've got a mind-control …"
Superboy crushed the last of Wally's breath out of him, and he wilted, gasping. The squall outside was terrible, and another one of the windows busted open. Chunks of ice and rock sifted in.
Robin carefully paced around Artemis as she scrambled up an industrial-sized snowblower to gain distance and higher ground on the acrobat. As soon as she cleared the floor, Aqualad yelled at her: "Aim for the device on Superboy's neck! If you miss he won't be hurt!"
Artemis snorted. "Like I'll miss," she said dismissively under her breath.
She drew a green arrow and took aim at the back of Superboy's neck where the device was embedded. Wally, who had been fading in and out of consciousness, snapped back to life. He was inches away from the blinking green box.
"Dude, don't aim arrows at my head!" he squeaked.
"Don't whine, Baywatch," Artemis said, and let the arrow fly. It was a perfect shot.
Until Robin stepped in front of it to take it in the chest.
Everyone froze, except Wally, who recovered almost instantly. He kicked and vibrated like there was no tomorrow; Superboy's skin began to smoke.
A tiny projectile whizzed down from the catwalks in the ceiling. Inches before the arrowhead embedded itself into Robin's heart, the blade sliced the shaft in half, knocking it off-course. The arrow cut his uniform open, but as it deflected to the side, it left only a scratch - a deep one, but just a scratch nonetheless - across his breast. Robin barely noticed and continued to advance on Artemis, giggling ominously.
Wally, Artemis, and Aqualad's eyes shot up toward the source of the weapon, but they couldn't see anything - and they had more pressing concerns. Robin had grabbed Artemis's ankle and tripped her; she barely kept him at bay with her bow. M'gann had tossed Aqualad across the room, and Wally was starting to wonder how long it would take to heal from two punctured lungs and a crushed heart. Two weeks? Eternity?
His hair ruffled in a breeze as someone - or something - flew just behind Superboy's head.
The mind-control box crackled as it was half-ripped from the nape of Superboy's neck. Superboy groaned and collapsed onto his knees. As Wally scrambled to avoid his crushing weight, he rolled on the floor until he could see the ceiling where the figure had disappeared. There was a whir of a retracting grappling hook and another cracking sound as the dark figure crushed the half of the device he'd disconnected underneath his boot. Unfortunately, the small flash of green light it gave off wasn't enough to illuminate the mystery man. At least, he'd sounded like a dude.
Wally took a few deep breaths - shit, one of his lungs might be punctured - but he could deal. He took after Robin, who was still hunting Artemis; three more batarangs whizzed by her ears before Wally managed to get to her. Robin dodged the wounded speedster a couple of times, but Wally was still a second ahead, and he finally tackled Robin to the ground. He couldn't hold the boy down and get the device at the same time, though.
"Artemis! Help me get this thing o - oooouuffff!"
The Boy Wonder kneed him in the balls and squirmed away, giggling. As Wally doubled over, another laugh echoed through out the building - it was stifled, though; familiar and strange at the same time.
"Owowow ... not funny, dude," he growled into the darkness.
Robin had mindlessly returned to his task of subduing Artemis, and Wally stumbled to his feet, clutching his wounded ribs and, well, pride. He wasn't feeling very fast at the moment.
"Let him catch you!" called Wally weakly.
Artemis ducked under Robin's arms again. "What?"
"It's ok! I got you both! Just let him grab you!"
Artemis narrowed her eyes at the yellow and red boy, but she stopped running. Robin pounced on her, and Wally pounced on him. They collapsed in a struggling dogpile until Wally pinned him again, and Arty snapped off part of the device. Robin collapsed, but he didn't pass out.
"Uhng," he complained as he brought his hands to his face. "Killer headache."
Wally bent over him, massaging his aching ribs. "You ok?'
Robin looked down at his ruined uniform and the scratch across his chest. "... what the hell?"
"Kind of a weird story …" Wally began, pointing over at the strange batarang-like weapon lodged in a wooden crate.
"Artemis! Kid Flash!" Aqualad shouted. "Superboy and I need help subduing Miss Martian … now!"
Wally and Artemis helped Robin to his feet, and they headed toward the door.
In the rafters, a figure clad in black and blue was rubbing his biceps vigorously and hopping back-and-forth from foot to foot. His teeth chattered.
Shit, he thought. Where are they going?
He panicked as the trio was almost out the building. You guys are supposed to … Dammit, what the hell?
Crap. He ran through a couple of options he had, and chose the one closest to what was "supposed" to happen. His grappling gun whirred as it landed in the side of a small box on top of the crate that had his modified batarang. He dragged it off.
Robin glanced behind him in the direction of the soft clatter. He let his friends go ahead while he carefully snuck back; his eyes went wide with surprise as he noticed the bird-shaped blue batarang. Robin's gaze shot right up to where the hero hid in the darkness, and the young man held his breath. Robin didn't stop looking, though, so the figure slid closer to the wall, just in case.
Go on, go on. He mentally egged on the red-and-black kid below him. You know you want it …
Wally called for Robin again, and Robin hesitantly looked back over his shoulder. He pulled the batarang out of the crate and stashed it in his belt as he ran out the door.
Oh thank God, the hero breathed. He tucked away his grappling gun and climbed out a window, huddling against the wind and snow.
I don't remember that box falling. He frowned. Maybe I just forgot.
It had been a while.
There should be a time traveller's manual for this crap. He shivered again. Also, why didn't I wear a damn parka the first time around?
… he briefly wondered if a total rewrite of history would be worth risking a new coat.