Author has written 6 stories for Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam Wing/AC, and Final Fantasy VII.
Random facts about me:
I happen to like manga (obviously!) and love Harry Potter! Writing fanfics is quite a nice little hobby of mine, though I'm awefull about updating without being pestered. I am utterly antsy waiting for more Sephiroth/Cloud fics. I helped with the untimely demise of a bar-b-que pit, my favorite color is green and I live in Texas! Now, on for a more entertaining approach:
You Know You're From Texas If...
Armadillos sleep in the middle of the road with their feet in the air.
Roadrunners dont say Beep Beep
There are 5,000 types of snakes and 4,998 live in Texas.
There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 live in Texas, plus a couple no ones seen before.
Possums will eat anything.
Raccoons will test your crop of melons and let you know when they are ripe.
If it grows, it sticks. If it crawls, it bites.
Nothing will kill a mesquite tree.
There are valid reasons some people put concertina wire around their house.
You cannot find a country road without a curve from corner to corner.
A tractor is NOT an all-terrain vehicle, they do get stuck.
The wind blows at 90 MPH from Oct. 2 until June 25, then it stops totally until Oct 2.
Onced and Twiced are good words.
It is not a shopping cart it is a buggy.
Fire ants consider your flesh as a picnic.
Green grass DOES burn.
When you live in the country, you dont have to buy a dog. City people drop them off at your gate in the middle of the night.
When a buzzard sits on the fence and stares at you, its time to go to the doctor.
Fixin'to is one word.
The word dinner is confusing. Theres only lunch and then theres supper.
Backards and forards means I know everything about you.
Jeeet? is actually a phrase meaning Did you eat?
You work until youre done or its too dark to see.
You measure distance in minutes.
You've had to switch from heat to A/C in the same day.
Stores don't have bags; they have sacks.
You know what cow tipping and snipe hunting is.
You only own four spices: salt, pepper, ketchup, and Picante.
You know all four seasons: Almost summer, summer, Still summer, and Christmas.
Going to Walmart is a favorite past-time known as goin wal-martin or off to Wally World.
You describe the first cool snap (below 70 degrees) as good chili weather.
A carbonated soft drink isnt a soda, cola, or pop .. its a Coke, regardless of brand or flavor.
Favorite Pairings:
Slash (dom/sub)
Non-Slash (I'm VERY picky in this category!!)