Icky Sicky Bilbo Baggins

Bilbo shivered, rubbing his hands together over the fire.

The night was cold, he could see his breath when he breathed, and gooseflesh had sprung up on his arms and refused to leave.

He cupped his hands and blew on his fingers to warm them, his teeth dangerously close to chattering.

The rest of the Company had fallen asleep already, snoring loudly. Bilbo hadn't been able to sleep anyway, he was too cold, so he had returned to the fire and focussed on chasing away the chills.

To be completely honest, he hadn't felt completely well since they had continued on their trek after their escapade with the burning tree and the Pale Orc. He had been exhausted, not to mention scared to death for awhile, and his body was aching and protesting the terrible treatment it had received lately.

Bilbo let out a short, shaking breath. It formed a cloud of condensation and his shivering redoubled.

He'd thought it several times over already: this was no place for a hobbit.

But, as many times as he'd thought that, something had happened to make him think that, while it wasn't a place for a hobbit, this was his place.

Nevertheless, it was freezing cold, his fingers were numb, and he was starting to feel vaguely sick, and not just exhausted.

He pressed shaking fingers against his eyes, drawing in a deep breath.

His shivering was starting to border on something like convulsions when Bilbo thought that he ought to find the extra blanket. He stood, almost immediately noting the difference between the air near the fire and the air near their sleeping lodgings. He quickly grabbed the tattered blanket and wrapped it around his shoulders, tottering back to his seat next to the fire.

You ought to get some sleep, Baggins, he thought to himself, wincing delicately as he sat back down. His ribcage was aching; he was sure that he had multiple bruises from the earlier fight, but he hadn't wanted to deal with that yet. His head, however, was pounding as well, and he knew that wasn't from the attack. So, all in all, sleep would be beneficial.

However, as he had noticed before, when he desperately wanted to sleep, he knew there was no chance.

So, I'm not sure if anybody wants to read a Hobbit!sick!fic, but I write sick!fics all the time, and... The Hobbit is my new [second] favourite thing, so I had to attempt something, even if it doesn't garner much attention. This will be a multi!chapter.

Your favourites, follows, and reviews would be lovely. Thank you!