Sorry guys for the very late update. I've been working full time for the past two weeks and its been difficult especially since Anime North was coming up too. But I have the chapter done. Unfortunately it hasn't been edited by my beta yet so bare with it.
As well this story has unfortunately come to an end. This is the last chapter. There maybe a one-shot later as an epilogue to this for a reason you'll probably notice at the end of the chapter since I know I'll hear about it, but otherwise this story is done. If anyone is interested the next story I will be writing is called The Forgotten. Its already on Fanfiction but I will be doing a rewrite of the chapter that's already up and continuing it. Its a serious Hetalia story that will be following England and Prussia.
Please enjoy the chapter guys, I hope its acceptable to you.
Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia!
Oresama's Nekogirisu
~Chapter 19: From Here On~
Arthur wasn't sure how to react. Gilbert had kissed him. It had been so gentle that the Brit could just melt into the touch. It's been a long time since he'd been kissed let alone be in the position he was in with another nation. He felt more than flattered that someone felt that way towards him and he knew just by that kiss that the relationship between him and the Prussian would be different than anything he's ever experienced before. Nations didn't generally get the luxury of love or anything close to it. The emotions of their people could make them do terrible things to the personification they loved and ruin any connections between them for years to come. Just like the American Revolution did.
But this was different. This was a relationship that only a few nations ever got to experience. Somehow he knew that no matter what happened from then on, no matter what wars would come, that everything would be fine. He wouldn't be alone again. He won't lose everything again. Prussia will always be there no matter what may come. It was scary especially since England hadn't ever had that reassurance before or knew exactly how he felt, but at the same time he felt more than overjoyed. He thinks Gilbert did too otherwise they wouldn't be in the situation they were at the moment. He didn't think they were getting carried away; in fact he was too caught up in the moment to really think if what he was doing would have any consequences. But as karma liked to catch up to the Brit at that particular moment the door to the basement opened.
Arthur had never been more embarrassed to be caught in a scene since Germany had found his cat form in a toilet. The same German who now found himself once again finding the Brit in a bizarre position. Germany, for a reason the Englishman couldn't explain but can only describe as life screwing with him, stood in the doorway looking at first serious and then shocked with his own form of embarrassment. If Gilbert had only been kissing the Brit it wouldn't have been that awkward but at that moment Prussia had been straddling Arthur since at one point or another he had pinned England to the bed. Luckily for Arthur that was as far as they had gotten but just having the albino leaning over him as Germany looked at them made his face flush red.
"Hey West," Gilbert greeted awkwardly, a half grin on his face as he looked his brother. Arthur hated that the albino made no attempt to move off of him and even made him wonder how many times Germany had walked in on the Prussian topping another nation. Ludwig cleared his voice and looked away.
"You two were too quiet, I came to see if you killed each other," he explained uneasily. Gilbert laughed in his weird way as Arthur groaned.
"Bloody hell," he grumbled while burying his face in his hands.
"Just trying to get in Limey's pants, no need to worry," Prussia joked, his grin widening which earned him a hard wack over the head by England. Germany scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Behave yourselves," was all he could think of to say before he turned and left. England sighed, staring up at the ceiling.
"Of all the things," he mumbled. Gilbert laughed again as he finally shifted off the blond and laid beside him.
"Lighten up, Limey."
"How can I when your brother just walked in on us?"
"We were just kissing."
"You were on top of me."
"Hardly a crime." Arthur huffed as Gilbert grinned at him. "Looks like we passed the friend zone again."
"Again?" England questioned skeptically. "What 'again'?"
"We were in a relationship a long time ago, remember? Beginning of the…what? Nineteenth Century?" the albino wondered. Arthur thought back and nodded.
"Right…Waterloo…That's only because I was vulnerable about America leaving," he defended. Gilbert shrugged.
"Still a relationship. It has been a long time since then," he sighed. England looked at him uncertainly.
"…You haven't been thinking of us since then, have you?" he questioned. Prussia shrugged as he crossed his arms behind his head.
"Sometimes. Even more recently," he looked over at the Brit, "I wouldn't have made a move otherwise."
"I suppose not." The two lay in silence for a moment. "…So are you going to take me out to dinner or something?"
"Kesesese, I was thinking a bar."
"A bar?"
"You're hilarious when you're drunk."
"Shut up you bloody Kraut!" Prussia could only laugh at the Brit as the blond wacked him repeatedly.
"Let me get this straight," Germany sighed as he looked at the two nations sitting in front of him, "You two are together now?"
"Ja," Prussia replied happily as he slung an arm around the Brit's shoulders. England gave a huff at the public display of affection but didn't move. Ludwig looked at them both uncertainly before sighing and turning back to the food he was currently cooking.
"You'll be here more often, I presume?" Arthur nodded.
"It's as though I never left," he mumbled to himself. He didn't think that was a bad thing, though. Not having to deal with America sounded great to him at the moment. But that did remind him that he should inform the two North American nations that he was alright and that everything had gone well. "Do you mind if I use your phone?" Germany blinked at him before motioning to the living room awkwardly.
"Ja, it's in there," he replied. Arthur nodded.
"I remember." The Brit lightly brushed Gilbert's arm off of his shoulders as he exited the room. He gave a small sigh, imagining what kind of reaction he would get if he told his son's about his new found relationship. He wondered if he should tell anyone at all, it was really not their business. He decided to leave it up to the conversation and see if it led to him feeling obligated to share.
Nearing the phone the blond picked it up a little hesitantly before dialing the numbers. He knew he had nothing to be ashamed of and that he made the right decision to leave but he couldn't help wondering if there was a better way he could have done it so that he wouldn't be in the position he was in now. Putting the phone to his ear Arthur waited. He didn't have to wait long because after one ring America answered as though he had been sitting by the phone the entire time.
"Iggy!" the familiar voice practically yelled in concern. Arthur held in a sigh as he tried not to rub his temple in annoyance at the nickname.
"Alfred," he greeted less enthusiastically.
"Are you okay? We were worried sick dude!"
"I'm alright, calm down."
"Calm down? I thought you were kidnapped!"
"I sent you a text."
"What if Prussia had sent it!"
"He didn't." Arthur sat down on the couch, already feeling tired by his short conversation with the American. He had a feeling it would take a while. "Listen, Alfred, I'm alright. In fact everything's more than alright and I've decided I'm going to stay here in Germany for a little while longer before I go home."
"What?!" Alfred exclaimed. "Why? Is he holding you against your will? Don't worry Iggy the hero will-"
"No, Alfred," the Brit quickly interjected before Alfred could abruptly hang up on him and take a flight to Germany. "I'm fine. Like it or not I want to stay here for a bit."
"B-But…" America paused as though he needed to think of a good excuse. Finally he just spoke what was on his mind. "Why?" Arthur sighed.
"I know it's hard for you to understand but I wasn't kidnapped when I was a cat, I wasn't being held against my will, I did enjoy my time here, and most importantly Gilbert and I have a closer relationship," he explained. Alfred was silent for a moment.
"He hid you from us."
"The circumstance didn't require for him to contact you."
"He should have!"
"Alfred," Arthur chastised. "Stop it."
"No! How can you be okay with that…that…that Nazi!" England paused; stunned that he heard that word come out of the American's mouth. He could tell in Alfred's voice that it wasn't something he planned to say but it was still spoken. A flash of anger went through him that he didn't expect to feel. He of all nations shouldn't feel as much anger to that word but he did. Gilbert had been nothing but kind and caring towards not only the Brit but most of the other nations. He and his brother were no longer under the influence of their old boss or that time period's people. They didn't deserve to be called such a hateful word.
"Shut up!" he exclaimed, surprising himself on how loud he was. "You have no right to call him that! You're the one trying to trap me away from everyone else, not him! So fuck off!" With that he hung up. He had to admit he felt stunned that he had just snapped at America. He hadn't done it like that in a long time. But he knew he was right to tell America off.
The door the kitchen opened but Arthur didn't look at it. He assumed both of the German brothers had heard him. He felt someone sit beside him. "Who was that?" Prussia questioned as he looked at the Brit. England sighed.
"America," he grumbled in reply. Gilbert was silent for a moment, though whether it was because he wasn't sure what to say or something else Arthur didn't know.
"You okay?" he finally asked, moving his head to look better at the Brit's face. England sighed and looked at the other.
"He's a bloody arse. He still blames you for what happened! He even called you a…" he paused, looking away ashamed as though he were the one who had said the foul name.
"A Nazi?" Gilbert finished quietly. Arthur looked at him astonished, not expecting for him to guess.
"Lucky guess," Prussia replied bitterly before putting on a fake grin. "Don't worry, Limey, I'm awesome. I can take whatever insults he gives." England stared at him uncertainly.
"It's not right."
"Don't worry about it," Gilbert insisted as he slung an arm around the Brit's shoulders. Arthur sighed wondering where the albino got the idea that ignoring the matter would make things better.
"I'll give him another mouthful later," he finally promised. Gilbert's grin turned more genuine as he ruffled the blonde's hair.
"I'm counting on you, Limey." Arthur couldn't help smiling. It was nice to have Prussia by his side and having the tension of the conversation over. The matter was still there but England wouldn't need to worry about it until the next time he spoke to America.
Feeling more comfortable with Gilbert, Arthur slowly shifted so that he leaned against the albino. It felt a bit awkward but he decided he should extend the intimacy since they were having a nice moment. Gilbert got more comfy himself as he pulled the Brit into a better embrace.
It was quiet between the two. Not an awkward silence but a comfortable one where they could sit together in peace. It was something they both were more than happy to have since it was a comfortableness neither had had with anyone in a long time. Prussia smiled as he looked at England.
"Hey, Limey?"
"Want to play DDR?" Arthur blinked as he looked up at the Prussian before looking at the TV as though the game was there.
"Where did that come from?" he questioned curiously. Gilbert shrugged.
"I was just thinking of when you did it as a cat," he snickered. Arthur huffed with a small embarrassed blush. He had forgotten that he had done that.
"You were boring me," he defended annoyed as he crossed his arms. Gilbert laughed as he pushed the Brit slightly off himself as he stood. Arthur watched him in slight surprise that the Prussian was serious as Gilbert walked towards the TV and sat down, looking for the game in the pile of DVDs. "You can't be serious!"
"Why not? You scared of the awesome me?" Prussia teased as he pulled the game out and held it up mockingly. England gave another huff at the challenge.
"Fine! But don't come crying to me when you lose," he replied with a small grin. Gilbert smirked.
"Care to make it interesting?"
"How so?" Prussia thought for a moment as his smirk widened.
"If I win you have to remind West that you licked him while you were a cat," he wagered. Arthur sputtered, an embarrassed blush on his cheeks.
"Wh-No!" he exclaimed.
"Scared you're gonna lose?" Gilbert teased. Arthur narrowed his eyes.
"Fine, but if I win you have to tell him about how attracted you were to me while I was still a cat," he countered. Prussia looked taken aback.
"That's not true!"
"Yes it is, otherwise you wouldn't have 'made a move', remember? But Germany will take that news a little more differently than I did," England replied. Gilbert thought it over for a moment before nodding.
"Alright, I have nothing to worry about since I'll win."
"You wish." The two grinned at each other as Prussia put the game into the console, the challenge placed between them. Arthur could only imagine what the future held for them but if it was anything like that moment than he knew it was going to be great. An accident put them together but there must have been something more at work for them to be where they are now. It didn't matter who won the game for they were both certain at one point or another both of them will lose at one of the wagers they'll put on the table. But being together, that was something most nations would give anything for.