A Single Sneeze Can Cause an Avalanche

Bilbo actually felt totally pleased with their journey right now.

Of course, that was a lot easier to do when you had proper shelter, good meals, and a powerful companion that seemed willing to help.

But... his heart grew heavy at every mention of the Forest of Mirkwood, and he knew that they couldn't stay with Beorn forever. Having a healthy meal and warm shelter, and songs and stories and a skin-changer, helped to raise their spirits, but it wouldn't help to reclaim Dale. It wouldn't find any treasure and it wouldn't help if they stayed with Beorn forever.

So... while Bilbo was pleased with this stage in their journey, it was high time to begin another one.

And that meant the Forest of Mirkwood.

"These ponies will suffice for your transport. And this horse for Gandalf. But you must promise to send these ponies back before you venture into the Forest. That is the one demand I ask of you."

Bilbo stared longingly at Beorn's home as the dwarves and Gandalf agreed to send the ponies back. How much Bilbo would love to stay here...

... but he had made a promise. If not, in so many words, to the dwarves, but to himself.

As long they had provisions to carry them through the Forest. As long as there was food, Bilbo couldn't be entirely unhappy.

After Beorn had wished them well and they had set on their way, with singing and chatting and a generally good mood.

They were hours into their trek when Bilbo felt his nose itch.

Oh. Oh, no.

Not again.

He rubbed his nose roughly, sniffing quietly.

It didn't help.

He tried holding his breath and rubbing his nose and covering both mouth and nose, but to no avail. It was not a minute later when Bilbo couldn't handle the telltale tickle and he sneezed.

(Quite loudly, for a little hobbit.)

The dwarves nearest to him immediately snapped their attention to him and even the ponies seemed to start, whinnying unassuredly.

Bilbo rubbed his nose, his face feeling quite warm. "... Excuse me..."

"Don't telly me you're getting sick again?" Bombur asked, sounding unsure.

Bilbo felt like all eyes were on him.

"Er- no... I don't think, I mean- allergies, remember?" He gestured to the pony.

There seemed to be a collective sigh amongst the thirteen dwarves. They all looked away again. There was the sound of quiet laughter, however, and Bilbo looked around for the source.

It was Gandalf.

Bilbo looked up at the tall wizard, questioning. "What?"

"For a little being, you have a powerful sneeze. A single sneeze could cause an avalanche, Mr. Baggins," Gandalf chuckled.

Bilbo smiled faintly, looking back ahead.

He liked the sound of that.

A single sneeze could cause an avalanche.

It become Bilbo's favourite thing to say, and quite a proverb after their journey.

So, this is obviously more book!verse, so if you haven't read the book, well, Boern is a skin-changer (shapeshifter, essentially) who helps them out, gives them shelter and meals for a bit, as well as ponies and a horse for the Company to get to the Forest of Mirkwood.

So, that's all for Icky Sicky Bilbo Baggins! I'm glad that it garnered some interest... It was nice to write something for The Hobbit! Perhaps I'll write something else... Who knows?

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