A/N: Wait… can it be? OMFG! It IS an update! (does Guy-Sensei pose)
I FOUND THE PLOT TO THIS STORY! Woot woot! I found it on one of my flash drives for school - once I did I started writing immediately! Anyways here ya guys go!
On With The Fic!
Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto.
Chapter 7 -
To Ignore Is To Be Punished
She really shouldn't have taken his words too much to heart. After all, it wasn't as if they really meant anything of sentimental implication.
It was more of a fact.
A statement of something obvious.
She didn't care about him. She sure as hell didn't love him. And god knows that there would never be anything romantically involved between the two. Mainly because 'romantic' wasn't in the crazy mans dictionary.
There was no love for him.
No caring.
No obligations or hope for anything besides the incomprehensible relationship they already had.
So why was she avoiding him?
Why did she mentally chant repeatedly in her head not to even look at him?
And, most curiously, why was she sitting with her back facing him and peering off into another direction in the hopes that she wont have to face that beautifully crafted face that might actually make her want to be tied to him forever?
When he'd spoken the deep words to her while she was on the horse, her first reaction was an irritated glare and a 'huff' before turning to stare ahead. It hadn't meant anything at the time, but as the minutes passed on, she began feeling the slight pitter pattering of her heart.
Was she hopeful?
But of what?
Surely she wasn't being hopeful and thinking that maybe he'd - in his own way - declared that he wanted her by his side for more than the reason of possessing her? No, she could never be hopeful of something so idiotic. His feelings towards her were very clear.
His actions were very clear indeed… so where did the kissing a while ago come from?
The young woman shook her head violently.
Some things are just better left untouched.
To her relief, her brain stopped processing irrelevant thoughts and allowed her mind to clear. It was then that she stopped staring off into the brass area of trees and actually took the time to take in their very appearance.
Green and brown.
Hinata sighed in boredom.
She wasn't going to admit it but a part of her was hoping for a little bit of the demons taunting. Hinata was not a woman who obsessed with or even liked attention - however - she would not lie to herself and say that the demons constant teasing wasn't satisfying.
To a degree, she liked the attention.
Although she would never admit it aloud to the crazy and arrogant man.
It was rather frustrating however -which had led her to the conclusion that she liked the demons attention- when he stopped speaking to her for the remainder of that day and the day afterwards. It was almost as if she hadn't existed.
But in truth, she had a feeling that he was so accustomed to silence and only made remarks and talked to her when she did something to provoke it.
Seeing as she was avoiding him on purpose and being a perfect angel, he had no reason to open his mouth to her. She wasn't under the impression that it had been his own words of expressed male dominance that left him in a mood of complete self absorption.
She wasn't used to it though.
It was because of this thought that she was now -trying but with no avail- to be stealthy about turning around and sneaking a peak at her demon. And she was going to purposely disregard the fact that she had just said he was hers.
Hinata felt the butterflies flutter in her stomach with passionate youth. Her heart increased with a rough yet smooth pitter patter as she stared at the most breathtaking sight before her.
Sitting propped up against a large tree he had one leg outstretched while the other leg was arched into a triangle figure. With one arm lying behind his head and the other lazily hanging over his arched leg, he looked like a man pulsing with power.
An untamed beauty.
He was gorgeous.
His long smooth hair hung low, his head lightly bent into his hand, whilst his eyes remained closed. His face was a rough angular shape yet held the hint of smooth beauty. He was not a brute, not a boy.
He was a man.
Rough yet beautiful.
There was simply no other way to describe the irresistibly dangerous demon sleeping a mere ten feet away from her. He was both an appreciative yet envious sight to behold, and it really wasn't fair that even in his sleep he could bewitch her to no end.
He wasn't even trying and already she was taking his presence in like a hungry animal.
God I want to eat him.
Hinata mentally glared at her conscience, the damn pervert. "Quit being so nasty."
Oh come on, he looks like a good piece of meat. Lets go bite him!
"N-no! Stop talking like that!"
Listen to me Hinata, sexy and dangerous men are a delicacy!
Hinata mentally gave a deadpanned look and shook her head. It was almost hilarious hearing someone call the rude, gruffly untamable, brute of a demon, a delicacy.
She giggled at the thought. It was soft at first, but the more she contemplated on her conscience's words, the more of a ridiculous image settled in her brain.
The demon lying on his left side. Right leg arched into a triangle on the wooden table, his right arm was then hung lazily over it. Blood red eyes seductively flashing with a hint of dangerous cockiness and his head held up by his left hand. The only thing covering his very nude body was the steel tray used to carry the food.
Her giggles suddenly escalated into embarrassed laughter.
The image of him would have lasted a lot longer in her head - but her words were cut short when the demon in her head suddenly became very alive. And his voice lashed out into the silent forest with a deep alluring growl of disapproval.
"Find something funny?"
"You cant hold me prisoner f-forever." She whispered softly.
There was a calm moment of silence before his deep voice rang in her ear.
"Watch me."
After she'd heard his words she gave him the most startled look. With a snap of her head she was immediately facing forward again, her hands clenching and unclenching.
He smirked in satisfaction.
It was an amazing feeling, having so much power over someone with a mere two words. Her reaction had been a little more than he had expected, usually she got over things rather quickly, but as it stood - she was ignoring him longer than he was accustomed to.
For the rest of that night she had ignored him.
Perhaps it was childish.
Perhaps not.
Whatever the reason, Naruto suddenly found himself narrowing his eyes at her with vicious contempt.
So. She didn't want to be stuck by his side forever did she? Naruto could feel his anger building up at the prospect. The idea that this little thing looked at being with him for an eternity as a bad thing - was simply blasphemous!
He could have any damn woman he wanted! Begging and crawling on their knee's if he so wished it. So why, why was it that this human girl - not even a woman - denied him?
He couldn't understand.
Naruto, literally, was at a loss of comprehension.
From the moment he was born, he was showered with the praise and attention of the female population. Hell, the first female he kissed was when he was merely five. He was a - woman population proclaimed -sex-god.
He knew he was:
A Prince.
And most importantly - he was better than anyone else. (A/N: Pfft, arrogant much?)
Who in their right mind wouldn't want someone like him? Besides that innocent, beautiful, ignorant, and whining little girl beside him?
Who was now ignoring him because he took her up on her challenge. Never will it be said that Naruto Namikaze can 'not' do anything.
He can do whatever he damn well please. And if innocent little wenches wanted to tell him that he could not keep them forever, then who is he not to avenge his pride and do the exact opposite?
He's Naruto Namikaze.
And whether she likes it or not, she will belong to him.
He'd spent nearly a good couple of hours playing his thoughts in his head, before he'd finally come to the conclusion that the girl beside him was only ignoring him because she was embarrassed by his statement.
So, with that, he had allowed the rest of the night to go on without even uttering a word. But, truth be told, he was in a pissy mood because of it.
He didn't like to be ignored.
The silence was nice - but not when it's a result of being purposely unnoticed.
How he despises being thrown into the darkness of unimportance. It was as if his existence was not even welcomed. This new feeling of being ignored was something he was not accustomed to - but rest assured Naruto had plans not to ever let this 'being ignored' happen again.
He spared a glance at her - she was still staring anywhere but at him.
As the hours began to tick on, he could feel himself wanting to wring that damn neck of hers. Watching with spiteful eyes as she continued to look ahead of them to the never-ending road with a relaxed sitting position.
Deep blood red eyes followed her fingers movements as they began stroking the beasts hair, his fingers twitched with every one of her soft caresses.
It took him another hour before he realized that he was starting to crave the attention from the woman beside him. When this happened, he went into demon-Naruto mode and chose to cut off all sense of thought altogether.
Never would he admit to that again.
He didn't need her attention.
I'm going to find a way to punish you.
But that didn't mean he wasn't going to make her pay for her impudence.
No-one ignores me and gets away with it.
He had decided that the next day, he would come up with some reason to punish her. Without letting on the real reason for his antics.
Both of his inner demons, practically speaking to one another, laughed with the sudden realization that their host was acting very much like a spoiled brat.
Naruto Namikaze - The dark prince himself…
Was acting like a child.
And his voice lashed out into the silent forest with a deep alluring growl of disapproval.
"Find something funny?"
God how the chills ran up her spine.
Oh christ. His voice was crafted by god.
Hinata gulped at her conscience but silently agreed. She was looking into bleeding red eyes now, one blonde eyebrow slightly raised. His question dripped with irritation, obviously he wasn't happy about having been woken up.
She just sat there, unable to answer. That is, until she saw his lifted eyebrow crease down and come together into an almost blood curling scowl. She sensed there was something else behind those orbs, but at the moment she refused to acknowledge it.
"I-..N-..no.." She trailed off suddenly finding a reason to turn back into staring straight ahead.
She was thankful she had the nerve to turn her back on him again.
It was a hopeful thought.
That he would let it go.
But of course.
It was him.
So she wasn't really surprised when his deep voice rang out into the forest again.
"I asked you a question."
Hinata trying to bite back the smile that dared to plague her features, stifled a satisfied giggle. It was that rush that she'd been craving all that morning, the sweet attention that she got from him. It was gratifying to have him finally speak to her - even if he was sounding rude as hell.
"I answered y-your question." She replied calmly.
There was a brief moment of silence before she heard soft plucking noises. Yes, plucking. Like the crunching of - wait was that the sound of a pinecone?
Suddenly she felt a pinch on her back and she slapped her palm over it in shock. Snapping around to peer at what had hit her she stared at the culprit with narrowed eyes.
"Did he just throw a piece of pinecone at me?"
She slightly gaped at the demons actions. In truth she had expected another rude remark from him rather than the antics of throwing things at her. With a hint of confusion, she rubbed her back again before narrowing her eyes at him.
"Don't do that."
A blonde eyebrow rose.
"Oh? Ordering me around?" His eyes betrayed the amusement in his voice.
She continued to glare.
"I'm s-serious. Don't do it again."
Hinata turned her back on the demon for the third time. Her body stiffened as soon as she felt a quick stab at the back of her head. Once again her hand came up to the spot where she'd been hit and she turned around again to stare at the demon. Seething with annoyance.
"Stop throwing things at me." Her voice was tight, trying not to express her anger at having been hit - again.
His lips quirked up.
"And if I don't want to?" His other eyebrow rose this time.
She sent him a warning glare and turned back around sharply.
"W-what's his problem?"
You wanted his attention. Now look what you've done? Gone and jinxed us, now he keeps throwing stuff.
"I- I didn't do a-anything!"
Hinata whirled around as another piece of pinecone was thrown at the back of her neck. This time, however her anger was at full throttle. Grasping one of the pieces he'd thrown at her she roughly lifted her arm and threw it right back at him.
He caught the piece and grinned at her. His left fang hanging out lazily.
"Will you please stop throwing things at me-"
The offending piece slid from her forehead and landed on the floor without a sound.
Hinata growled out in frustration "You're acting like a child!"
Naruto stared at her.
Then howled with laughter.
Great. This situation is even worse than what it was before.
"He's laughing at me!"
"I-it's not funny! How would you like it if I s-started throwing things at y-you?"
Naruto's reply was merely to chuckle with more intensity before throwing the pinecone in her direction. It rolled just a foot away from her, lightly making its way towards her hand.
The look he gave her was a mocking smirk, his eyes glancing from the pinecone near her hands to her face. Licking his lips his eyes just dared her to do something about it. Hinata felt a heat rise to her cheeks.
He was giving her permission to try and throw things at him, was he?
Sounds good. Let's see if we can throw his clothes off.
"Shut up!"
"Let's play a game."
Oh no.
Not another one of this demons games!
She glared at him and snapped her head with a rough jerk. "No."
He licked his lips.
"I promise it will be worth your while."
Her glare intensified. "I said no."
Naruto chuckled, "Madchen, as if you really have a choice." His voice was teasing, but something about the sudden drop in atmosphere gave her doubt.
It took her a moment before she turned to stare at him again. The last time they played a game, it ended horrible. With that in mind, her glare was settled on his amused face, noting the way his eyes seemed to sparkle with interest.
Hinata, despite how much she tried not to, suddenly found his words interesting. Or rather, the meaning behind his words. Worth her while? Just what was this demon planning now?
"Worth my while?" Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What could possibly be worth my while?"
Umm.. Hinata…I don't think it's wise to play another one of his games.
"You were just agreeing to it earlier."
Yah but I kinda thought of something..
Every game of his.. Well… they always involve him being able to control you or get close to you.
Just.. Try and ignore this game this time.
"What if he won't let me?"
I don't know…
Hinata scratched the back of her head, but suddenly shifted in her position and narrowed her eyes even more on him. He replied with a bigger grin where both fangs were hanging out.
Listen to her conscience, or the beating of her heart?
"Come on Madchen… are you afraid?" Came the dark purr.
Hinata's face beat red.
His eyes flashed knowingly.
She decided to take her conscience seriously, and decided to listen to her advice and not play his horrible games. Shifting so that her back was turned on him again, she instead grasped the cone and threw it off in a completely different direction. She looked over her shoulder and gave him a smug smile.
He cocked his head to the side in interest, lips curling back into a twisted grin.
She stiffened.
It was at moments like these that Hinata felt like there was nothing in the world that could scare her more than the demon before her. It was a simple move really, he didn't have to do much to overwhelm her and make her body shiver in discomfort.
He stood up from his 'seat' against the tree and with a very lazy motion began twirling a pine cone in-between his large fingers. Eyes set completely on her, there was this look of intrigue blazing within them. And - to her horror - playfulness.
"W-what are you doing?" She asked quickly, wanting to distract him from whatever he was planning in that thick skull of his.
He was unperturbed by her attempts to distract him and instead chose to continue his advance towards her - still twirling his pinecone.
The combined actions were really making her nervous - she gulped shakily.
"You know…" His eyes were half lidded - expressing wickedly amused orbs. "- I have the ability to heal your ankle." It was more of a statement than a question.
Hinatas ankle, as if in response, began pulsing with pain.
She'd almost forgotten about it.
Suddenly she found herself eyeing him with a look of pure curiosity. So.. Demons could heal? She had a feeling that his healing treatment would not include any form of herbal medicine. Still, she recalled the day she'd begged him for information and he'd purposely sidestepped all of them.
Demon healing… did she really want to know how it worked?
Blood red eyes danced like fire. He was regarding her with a look that clearly questioned whether her curiosity and the unknowing outcome was worth the risk. She leaned a little back, silently trying to come up with an answer to his unspoken question.
Hrmm.. What to do.
He'd gotten his answer.
She suddenly found him standing in front of her, a mere 3 feet away. She looked up at him, intimidated by his enormous height. It was bad enough he was big when she was standing, but to see him while she was sitting was even more threatening.
He smirked down at her.
"Caught your interest now, have I?"
Hinata crossed her arms over her chest.
That arrogance of his was really starting to get under her skin. He really needed to do something about that prince complex. Still, he was only stating the obvious in her, she hated how he seemed to read her so easily when they hardly knew each other.
Oh well, he did indeed catch her attention.
"What do I have to do?" She sighed in defeat.
Her ankle really hurt, and despite the fact that she knew she was going to have to do something totally outlandish, she figured it couldn't be that bad if she wanted her leg to be healed. She was hoping he didn't expect her to run a lap or something - she wouldn't put it past him since he harbored such twisted humor.
"You don't have to do anything but sit there."
His lips twitched.
The warning bells in her brain shot off like fireworks on the fourth of July. Never will Hinata be deduced to looking like an utter fool. She may be a little slow sometimes - but when it came to this demon she knew him pretty well.
He never gave without the expectations of being given something in return. And if she was going to be doing nothing then there sure as hell was going to be a huge price to pay. No, Hell no, she wasn't going to be lured in by this dirty trick!
Hinata immediately narrowed her eyes and snapped her quick reply, "No."
His eyebrows suddenly rose.
She didn't relent, "Y-you heard me. I-I said no."
"I'm offering you a chance to get your ankle healed without having to do anything and you say no?"
But again, his means for persuasion fell on deaf ears. What did she look like, a fool to him? Oh hell no, there was no way she was falling into another one of his cruel traps.
"Do y-you think I'm an I-idiot?" Her eyes narrowed at the glint in his red ones, "Well I'm not!"
"What's wrong, Hina?" He suddenly crouched down to get closer to her eye level, "Don't you trust me?" He cooed at her, glinting his eyes with mischief.
"N-no." She voiced sternly.
He chuckled at her and lightly pressed one of his fingers on the same knee as her damaged ankle. She didn't remove her leg from his touch but did stiffen at the sudden contact. She looked up at him with wide eyes before narrowing them in confusion.
"W-what are you-?"
"I'm just trying to help." He voiced darkly, bringing his face closer to hers. "You're not going to let me help you little Madchen?" He licked his lips.
She watched the movement with doe-like eyes - heart beating a mile per second. Her mouth suddenly felt dry, and the memories of their last 'close contact' brought her into a sudden state of stupor. He was a real asshole to use her shyness to his advantage.
"I d-don't n-need your h-h-h-help!" Her last word ended in a squeak as his hand grasped her knee in a firm grip.
This time, she did try to move her leg away from him, but he held it firmly. She winced after she tried moving her leg - her ankle was pulsing in protest. The pain reflected in her eyes - and those cold animalistic ones drank it up.
Damnit Hinata, what are you doing? You're just sitting there while he practically molests your leg!
"I-I'm trying!"
Jeez, that damn conscience needed to make up her damn mind. One moment she wanted to jump and molest the demon, the next she's yelling at her trying to get her to defy and push him away. Hinata mentally glowered at her inner self.
She was roughly pulled back to reality by the feel of skin rubbing against her leg. Her eyes flickered from his face to her leg where he was currently placing his hands and caressing her knee in an almost lover-like fashion.
What. The. Hell.
Since when does he touch her in any way like that? This was… after a day and a half of not talking to her now all of a sudden he wants to start touching her inappropriately? Just what the hell is wrong with this demon?
"Oh but I think you do." He mouthed against her ear. It was so unexpected, it caught her off guard.
Hinata shuddered and cringed away from him in desperation, his hot breath was sending desire-filled signals to her body. She heard him chuckle but he only followed her movements - cornering her helplessly.
She leaned back from him, startled by his sudden obsession with invading her personal space. Not only that, but his sudden desire to obviously have her squirm in confusion beneath him. She didn't know what the hell her body was doing.
The heat between them was increasing, and as a result she was beginning to feel that tingling feeling at the lower part of her stomach escalade.
Why was she… aching?
Her other leg was quick to close tightly against her other one - her eyes looking up at him with innocent filled desires. His lips quirked into an amused smirk before he forced her to fall on her back. Now staring up at the sky she turned her confused stare towards the man still holding her leg.
"What will it be Madchen? All you have to do is sit there…" He thought for a moment before adding, "For as long as I deem it necessary."
Hinatas eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment.
Don't trust him Hinata!
"B-but.. He'll heal my l-leg…"
I'm telling you, there's something not right about this.
"It hurts though!"
He'd a demon Hinata, he lives to bring pain and discomfort to others. Don't trust him!
She gulped up at him, but felt the sudden aching in her ankle again. Still trying to bring back her bearings from his rather close proximity just moments before she looked up at him with trusting eyes. It was hurting too much for her to deny it any longer.
Hinata knew there would be dire consequences - the sudden predatory look in his eyes told her as much - but she was in pain. Her pain overrode any sensibility. With the need to stop the aching in her ankle she shot him a defeated frown.
His lips twisted into a wolfish grin. Both fangs hanging out in a ruthless show of approval. Blood red irises now becoming twisted and wickedly malicious.
Hinata suddenly felt the twinge of fear creep into her soul. And truth be told, she found that her conscious had been right. She had stepped into another one of his traps - and there was nothing she could do about it anymore. He was a deceiver - and she was trusted in him.
She was such a damn fool.
Naruto looked down on her and finally felt the satisfaction of finally being able to get his revenge. He did say he would find some way to punish her - now was his chance. Maybe next time she wouldn't feel the need to go around ignoring people.
'Now for that punishment.'
Naruto shifted so he was completely on the side of her leg, she blushed up at him and bit her lip as the aching in her ankle continued to hurt her. He saw her wincing face but said nothing as he placed his fingers softly on her sensitive skin.
"You know… I don't sleep very often."
He spoke very calmly letting his eyes rake over her swollen ankle. Hinata could feel something dark in his tone, although she couldn't quite place a finger on it.
"I-I'm sorry that I…I woke you earlier.."
He continued to analyze her ankle, lifting her leg a little higher so that he could look underneath it was well. His eyes were twinkling just a bit as he pressed on the conversation, an equally dark aura suddenly wrapping around his persona.
"You've ignored me for over a day and a half, and just when you finally decide to speak… it's to laugh at me." He spoke with a careless tone.
But she wasn't fooled.
He was not happy.
Suddenly the thought of letting him 'heal' her leg had her very weary and nervous. She tried to swallow the discomfort she was feeling and propped herself up on her elbows. Succeeding in doing so, she looked straight at the demon and watched the way his eyes looked over her wound.
He didn't show much interest, rather, he showed a far away look of barely concealed mirth.
"I wasn't-"
He then continued - cutting her off, "To add to your audacity, you then proceeded to call me a child." His dark eyes fell on her with hidden fury. "Tell me Hinata, am I acting like a child now?"
His fingers tightened on her swollen ankle, taking her by surprise and making her body react with a sharp tug. She yelped in pain and forced herself up on her palms now, staring at him through squinting eyes.
Oh no.
"T-that hurt!" Her lips trembled.
"Oh… does it?" His voice was monotonous, betraying the way his eyebrow rose up in 'interest.'
His hand tightened again.
"B-but he-"
Hinata felt her body spike with agony, her head falling back down into the cold dirt floor. Naruto's claws suddenly pierced through her skin letting the blood lightly slide down her ankle to her calf. She kicked her other leg furiously at him.
He sat down, laying one leg over her free one and the other in a comfortable crossed position. Still holding her leg he glanced down at the woman beneath him, tears falling from the end of her eyes in pain.
"We had a deal." He stated simply, cocking his head to the side in dark amusement. "Don't tell me you're backing out now."
She shot him a heated glare, and responded by launching her upper body forward, grasping hold of his wrist which was connected to the hand now tearing into her ankle.
His demonic eyes danced with hidden praise, staring at the audacious girl as she dug her own nails into his wrist. Glaring tear-filled eyes at him she suddenly took her other arm and tried to slash at his face.
Sent her nails soaring through the air in the hopes of it landing and scratching against the demons face. There was no fear in her eyes as she looked at him this time, there was nothing but pain and anger.
His inner demon purred and as a result he felt his grin widen at her efforts.
Oh this girl!
How she brought out the darker part of him!
Licking his tongue over his lips he shifted his claws in a different area of her ankle and dug his nails into the bluish-purple skin. Narrowing his eyes playfully as the hand on his wrist tightened in agony.
Her face expressed her pain and she tried in vain to move the leg he was now sitting on. Her breaths came out in struggled rasps as she croaked out a rough command to him.
"Let g-go."
A rearing pain shot through her once again, this time though she released her hand on his wrist and fell back against the dirt in a display of hopelessness. There was nothing she could do to try and get him to let her go… unless…
Hey water eyes took in his dancing angry eyes before she gave him a weak frown. "I-I'm sorry…" It was a whisper, but he heard it clear as day.
The nails on her body retracted, his eyebrows suddenly rose.
For? - He silently pushed her to finish.
She swallowed her pride and answered loudly, "I-.. I'm sorry f-for ignoring y-you and dis-re-respecting you." She managed weakly.
Hinata… why the hell did you apolog-
"And will you do it again?" He asked calmly, with raging eyes that contradicted his voice.
"N-no." She whispered, sparing one last glance at him before turning away.
"Good Girl."
Without a second thought she felt a very hot and wet object on her ankle. Snapping her head to peer at the man before her she felt her chest tighten as his tongue began gliding over her wound.
It slightly stung, and for once, she didn't feel anything weird about the predicament. She sort of just stared at him with slight intrigue as he continued to move his hot tongue around her entire ankle. His eyes closed practically the whole time.
She wasn't sure how long she stayed there, staring at him while his mouth glided over her skin. But after a couple of minutes she suddenly felt her eyes getting heavy, she stared up at him with confusion but was met with knowing eyes.
"If you don't want to wake with a bump on your big head, I suggest you lye back down."
His words were clear, but his movements were blurred. She tried to stare straight ahead but found that her head was getting drastically heavy and she was starting to feel extremely drowsy.
She moved back to laying down and fell asleep almost instantly.
He stared down at her with a cold expression.
There was only one thing on his mind.
He stared at her hands lying comfortably against the grass. To think that in just a couple of days time she had grown from some kitten into a vicious cat.
Placing her leg back down on the floor he got to his feet, but not before staring down at the irritating woman beneath him. With a shift of his shoulder, a loud crack echoed in his ears.
He found himself imagining it was her neck.
"So…He's here."
"Yes, it would appear so."
With a shift from his sitting position, the man turned to peer at the damp room they were in. A single dim light hung above them, shaking to and fro in a taunting manner as the men sat around a shabby table that was so small it would only hold one scroll atop it.
"Have the preparations been made yet for our departure?"
There was a grunt from one man, before another spoke up. "Yeah, we should be leaving tomorrow around noon. It'll take us at least a week to get there."
A series of groans surrounded the room.
"Quit complaining. Once we get there it will all be worth it."
A loud voice suddenly boomed over the others. "This fuckin shit better not take that goddamn long."
Said man was met with an irritated scowl. "Anyways. Does anyone have the information on the Uchihas?" This man's voice came out in a soft murmur, "Would be terrible to accidentally run into those bastards, yeah."
An even softer voice joined in, following suit to agree, "If we do catch up with the Uchihas, it will be a most unbeautiful interruption."
A scoff echoed. "Fuck those stupid pieces of shits. I'll fuckin decapitate every one of those bastards."
"No, we don't have time to be wasting on them right now. We have to get our stuff situated so we can head out."
A growl vibrated in the air. "Fuck all of you bastards. Fine. Let's get this shit done and over with."
"We only have another two weeks to get there and set up the ritual circle. However, the summoning itself can only happen during the eclipse."
The room went silent.
"We must lure him to the destination in two months time."
"Wait.. Two months? That's when the eclipse is gonna happen?"
"Sounds pretty boring, yeah."
Abruptly someone's chair went slamming against the wall.
"What The fuck? If it's gonna take two goddamn months for the eclipse to arrive, why the fuck are we leaving tomorrow? I'm not heading to that fuckin burn-your-ass-off hellhole and staying there for two goddamn months!"
A sigh of irritation echoed. "You won't have to worry about that. We're going to need you to collect the sacrifices."
The man seemed to perk up. "Fuck ya. I'll get them hundred souls for you, don't fuckin worry your little bitches head off. Untrusting bastards."
"You're always angry and yelling, you're like ugly art." The voice murmured in disdain.
"Who gives a flying fuck about your gay ass art? It looks like shit anyways."
"Our art is beautiful, yeah. Unlike your crazy sacrificing."
The three went on bickering back and forth, while the rest of the group watched in silent amusement.
They stayed in silence, letting the precious calm moments they have left plague their minds. It was going to be a long ass road - especially since their target was a rebellious hot headed adolescent who refused to listen to anyone.
Oh well.
Wild animals were made be to tamed.
She was so beautiful.
The bright sunlight of early morning cascaded an alluring light around her motionless body. Head gently to the side, one arm beside her face - the other lying across her stomach, she let out small and barely above a whisper breaths.
The birds flew by - chirping loudly to signal that it was time to get up.
Naruto sat in the direction of her face, being a good five feet away, he had been up the whole night watching her. He'd even gone as far as to hack up some trees for a good fire for her - she would have freezed otherwise- she was a pathetic human after all.
The woman didn't even stir.
That was no surprise, in fact she probably wouldn't have the ability to wake up until another good eight hours. Demonic blood, when chosen to be used as healing, seeps into the bloodstream and helps renew the wound. Fortunately it also comes equipped with a natural sedative and shoots almost immediately into the nervous system.
To put it frankly - a demons blood will knock someone out in a matter of minutes. In Narutos case, since he holds so much power, Hinata was knocked out in 23 seconds. The stronger the demon, the faster the sedative reaches the nervous system, as well as the healing.
His lips quirked, he would never mention to her about how he can also make his blood turn into boiling acid and burn through practically anything he saw fit. That was information completely unnecessary and would never have need of an explanation.
He growled low at her, suddenly realizing that she was slowly forcing him to reveal demonic powers.
"D-…d-em-emon…" Her voice was soft and pleading.
Catching his attention he leaned forward, sniffing the air.
Naruto smirked.
She was calling out to him in her sleep was she? His eyes danced with mischief as he very gently murmured under his breath, "Hina." The wind gently carrying his voice to her ears.
Her response was a sigh of relief and a small smile adorning her lips. Naruto leaned back, noting audibly how her hair seemed to form her face in a perfect childish yet woman-like way. It was a little round but in no way chubby. Her pink lips were supple, not yet puckered enough - indicating her innocence in the world of kissing. Flawless creamy white skin that glistened as the sun caressed her face.
To make her more appealing, she was wearing a long sleeved shirt, it was loose enough to make you over analyze her but tight enough to let you know she had a gorgeous body. From her arms to the stop of her breasts the shirt was white, from that point down - however- it matched the dark shade over her purplish black hair.
Shorts that stopped just an inch below the knee, she wore black sandals that shaped her cute little feet perfectly. Her bright white ribbon tied near the end of her hair, leaving only a two inch span of hair poking out.
Yin and Yang was in the middle of her back, of course he couldn't see it now with her sleeping on it and all. But he took in every inch of her, admiring the detail in her beautiful innocence. What any man would give to have a night with her in their bed.
A demonic purr escaped his lips.
Of course, he didn't need to think about something like that. The only person who would ever claim this girl was him. Period.
It was a shame she'd die a virgin, though. God knows he would never reduce himself to touching her - though that didn't mean he was going to let anyone else do it either. She was his property, and as far as he was concerned she would either lose her virginity to him, or she died as innocent as she was now.
End of discussion.
Did that make him selfish?
Did he give a fuck?
He spared her one last glance, a smirk forming.
'When you wake, be on your guard.'
Ruby-like irises blazed.
'Your first day of training starts today.'
As if the woman heard his inner thoughts, she shifted uncomfortably and let out a small groan if displeasure. In response Naruto rose a silent eyebrow at her, then let out a demonic chuckle, cracking his knuckles with a sickening sound.
Hinata shivered in her sleep.
A/N: New Story! It's an Orochimaru/Anko fic - feel free to check it out if you're interested!
Hope you enjoyed! Till next time!