![]() Author has written 6 stories for Twilight, General Hospital, One Tree Hill, Misc. Tv Shows, and Glee. Name: JoyAnna Birthday: 12-04-1989 Occupation: Taco Bell Service Champion Fav Sport: Basketball, Baseball, some volleyball, swimming, and bowling Top Fav Sport: Wrestling Fav Book: Twilight Saga, Immortal Instruments Series, Vampire Kisses Series, House of Night Novel and so many more Fav TV show: Instant star , One Tree Hill, Criminal Minds, JONAS, GLEE, Bones, and so much more. Hobbies: Singing, Reading, Writing, Computers and hang with friends Fav Music: Jonas Brothers, Tim McGraw, NKOTBSB, Nynsc, and many others Fav Movie: Camp Rock, Titanic, The Marine, 12 Rounds, Halloween (1-8) Fav Actor: Tim Rozon, John Cena, Joe Jonas, James Lafferey, Cory Montieth, Mark Salling. Fav Actress: Alexz Johnson, Bethany Joy Lenz, Demi Lavato, Lea Michelle, Dianna Agron. Fav time of the day: when i can actually relax Fav song right now: See No More/ Just In Love/ Sorry all by Joe Jonas and at the moment i am obsessed with the song What You Own from Rent. Fav CD right now: Fast Life by Joe Jonas and anything Glee related. Nicknames: SIS or in my dad's case he calls me SISSY has since i was little. Age: 28 Gender: Female Location: United States, Kewanee, IL Skin color: white Hair color: Night and Day: Dark Chocolate/Blonde high-lighted hair Eye color: Blue Shoe size:9 to a 10 Height: 5' 7" Sexuality: Straight Education: High School Diplomia. Associate in Arts Degree. I am currently gaining residency in order to attended University of Iowa for my Bachelors degree in Journalism with a Minor in Mass Communication and Sociology. Unless i decide to change it around for a Bachelors in Mass Communication and Minor in Journalism and Sociology depends on how i want to do the degree. Occupation: Taco Bell Service Champion Your favorite bands: Jonas Brothers, Backstreet Boys, Black Eyed Peas, and so many more Your style: jeans , t shirts, some skirts, tang tops Single or in relationship?: Single Your interests : reading, listening to music, hanging out with friends, singing H a v e Y o u E v e r : Lied: yes Ran away: no Done drugs: no Drink alcohol: yes (but i don't drink all the time just when i am overly stressed) Failed a class: no Ever been in a fight: does fighting with you siblings count Gotten in a car accident: yes (bus accident), and rear ended Met a famous person: yes and no Driven illegally: no Been expelled: Nope Been in jail: no F a v o r i t e : Food: pizza,tacos, Mac-n-Cheese, and cheeseburgers. Drink(s): juice, water, and on some pop Color: blue, yellow, green, black, orange, and purple Shoes: flip-flops, heels, and tennis shoes Animal: cats and dogs TV Show: WWE Wrestling, Impact Wrestling, Charmed, Passions, Power Rangers, and many more Fruit:strawberries, pineapples, bananas, grapes, and peaches A r e Y o u : Understanding: most of the time Open minded: Very Arrogant: When I want to be Insecure: sometimes not always Friendly: most of the time only not when i am mad Smart: In most things Childish: Not too childish Healthy: to an point Shy: sometimes not always Difficult: I can be unless i am calm and relaxed Bored Easily: EXTREMELY if what i am doing is made boring Messy: At times Responsible: TOO RESPONSIBLE Obsessed: reading, writing, and music(JOBRO obbessed does that count more Specifically JOE JONAS) Angry: hard to do unless my temper is pushed Sad: Sometimes when i think my life could be better than it is Trusting: at times i am the most trusting person around but if i am mad at you my trust is easily lost Talkative: very Ignored: sometimes Optimistic: a little could be more Lonely: always |