Note: This is my version for Semma for the story 'Plaything' which is originally a Jemma. There is a lot of differences though. It's not that I don't have other ideas, it's just I can see it being more a Semma story now and I came up with more ideas. Enjoy! (Also so everyone knows, Raditch and Daphne are Sean's parents and ofcourse Spike and Snake are Emma's but her sisters are now Paige and Ellie/brother Spinner. )

Onto the story…

"Emma get down here! They're here!" Came Emma's mothers' voice.

Spike and Emma's father, Snake, were going on their date night which was every Friday and they shared their date night with another set of friends they had, Caitlin and Roger. They were close family friends. This left Emma alone sometimes with their son, Sean Cameron. He was older, more her sisters' age. They forced him a lot to stay here when both his parents went out with her parents because rumor had it they couldn't 'trust him' to be alone at the house. He was a 'trouble maker' as Emma's father would call him, but Snake enjoyed Sean at other times like when they watched basketball games together or talked about cars. Sean was into cars because his Dad Roger was a mechanic.

Actually, Sean and Emma's older sister Ellie were in the same grade. Ellie was teased a lot because of her crush on Sean but because she was so shy when it came to him, she'd never admit it. Instead, she pretended to hate him. They were both 'rebels' without a cause you could say.

Emma got up from doing her homework. She was about 9 now, and she happily smiled as she ran for dear life down her hallway and down the stairs to the living room. She loved her mothers friend Caitlin.

Emma's hair was long and blonde, styled in a cute way with two buns on her head and pieces of hair falling out of it. She had bambi like long legs that'd she probably grow into one day but for now, she was the 'baby' of the family.

"..Well, she can't watch herself yet. Maybe it's a good idea he stays with her."

Emma stopped at the end of the stairs with the smile dropping off her face when she saw Sean leaning against the wall across from his parents. He looked miserable, like he always did, when he got stuck here while their parents went out. It was probably because he had to 'play' babysitter, but the truth was, Emma could watch herself. She was a smart girl. And when Sean would just watch tv all night, she would finish her homework, clean her room, and maybe even cook them hotdogs herself for dinner until one of her sisters got home. And if it was Ellie who was home soon, Sean and her seemed to forget Emma even existed. I guess 9 year olds and 15 year olds didn't go well together.

Snake now saw Emma standing by them as he opened the door for his wife and Caitlin, Roger following behind. "Emma, be good. Sean will be here if you need anything, and Ellie is at Ashleys until 7. Paige should be home soon too."

Emma rolled her big hazel eyes, "Okay, Dad."

With that he snickered with Roger but before Roger left Emma saw him lean closer to Sean and warn quite less than gently, "Don't leave this house, boy. Got it?"

Sean rolled his eyes halfway and just started walking towards the tv room. He was a little intimidating to Emma, wearing bandana's around his head and almost always a scowl on his face with his cold blue eyes.

After the door closed after Roger, Emma knew what to do and went to the fridge to find hotdogs. Sean did his own thing and probably forgot about her as he got comfortable on the couch with his feet up on the foot stool.

When Emma cooked the hot dogs and washed the dishes after, she passed one to Sean over the couch. He was too into the movie he was watching to turn his head and see her so she sighed and walked around the couch, putting the bun and hot dog nearly in his face. Sean jumped a little and went to glare but then raised an eyebrow.

"Thanks." He muttered before taking a bite. Emma went to leave but peaked back at him, noticing him actually take a second to realise the hot dog was coated with his favorite things; Mustard and Ketchup. He happily ate the rest and sat more up on the couch.

Emma walked back to the kitchen and Sean took a moment to sigh and turn his head to look over his shoulder at the young girl, "You like Jack Nicolson?"

Emma turned to give him a weird look, "Jack who?"

"The shining." Sean turned and sat back towards the tv and pointed at the movie playing.

Sean was never much for words. Emma decided to just go over and sit on the other side of the couch. She watched the movie for a second and after an elevator opened and blood came pouring out, Emma wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"I think this is too mature and scary for me." She noted.

Seans eyes were glued to the tv but he chuckled at that, and that said something since nobody could really ever make him laugh…he was too busy mad at the world.

He replied to her, "If you're that smart to know that, I think you are mature enough."

"Can't we watch something else?" Emma asked


"You're an awful babysitter."

Sean was grinning now and couldn't help but revaluate the thoughts he had on this girl. Maybe he judged too soon when he considered her to just be the annoying youngster, but she wasn't even annoying when he thought about it. She always kept to herself, was smart, and somewhat even easy to talk to. Plus, she made him hot dogs.

Maybe being stuck with her wasn't awful per say. Maybe he was too hard on her just because she was a kid.

He teased with a playful whisper, "Maybe that's because.. I'm not your babysitter."

Emma gave him an annoyed look now, "Then why else are you here hanging out with a 9 year old?"

"Touche." Emma thought he was finished with that but he spoke again after his eyes glazed over a little, "My parents don't trust me."

"Oh." She felt a bit bad and eyed him. He didn't seem so scary suddenly, maybe just misunderstood. His face even seemed to soften but rather sadly. Emma frowned.

Sean clenched his jaw and Emma wondered if he forgot she was with him because his next words were .. "My parents are getting a divorce."

Emma was taken back a little and her eyes widened but before she could even say anything the front door opened.

"I'm home!" called Ellie.

Sean snapped out of it and looked around and over his shoulder. He blinked and seemed shocked that he may of said what he did out loud and glanced back at Emma. He couldn't believe he told her. He got up quick and seemed to try to forget they were even having a conversation.

"Hey." Sean greeted Ellie. She should be the better option opposed to a 9 year old but as she noticed him and began to gloat about her life and what she did today, Sean got bored. Ellie was cute, and a cool girl, but Sean just didn't see anything in her. . no matter how much his parents and her parents would love that.

"..Then Ashley told me the leather jacket didn't look good on me," Ellie was telling Sean and fixed the jacket she wore, "But I knew she just said it because she wanted it. Like it?" she seemed to smirk a little flirtatiously and tilt her head at him.

Sean cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck to just nod. He didn't know what more to say about some coat. "yea."

Ellie nearly blushed as red as her hair. She then peaked up the stairs and to the living room where Emma sat, still watching them. Ellie sent her a quick glare. Emma rolled her eyes and knew what that meant. Bug off.

Emma got up and went to walk away but when she passed them and headed for the stairs, Sean noticed and called her back, "Where you going?"

Emma almost sounded annoyed, "Why do you care?"

Sean was taken back at that. He eyed Emma more as Ellie insisted he let Emma leave, "She has homework to do." Ellie lied, and gave Emma a look to leave her and Sean be.

Sean could see the maturity oddly in Emma, but not in Ellie. That said something. Sean could sense maybe Emma had to take care of herself a lot, and was maybe ignored a lot too.. which probably hurt. That came with the territory of being the youngest though and having such an age difference from your sisters. Sean now actually felt sorry for her now. That had to be tough.

The door opened and in came Paige. She gasped happily and greeted, "Well look whose here. Sean Cameron in our very own house."

Ellie clenched her jaw and tried to stay calm. She just wanted alone time with Sean. Her sisters were ruining it!

She asked Paige, "I thought you were going to a party?"

"I am. I needed to change my shoes." As Paige changed her runners to her heels, she explained her situation. "Hazel is waiting outside for me and she's breaking up with Jimmy tonight so we need to look good."

"What does that have to do with your shoes?" Emma bluntly asked, now boredly sitting on the staircase.

Sean snickered. The girl had a point.

Paige sighed and stood back up with her heels now on, "Emma, I think it's time we go over fashion sense. You're old enough now to know what's social suicide and what's not."

"Another time, Paige!" Ellie exclaimed, annoyed. "You're late."

Paige looked awfully confused, "For what?"

"Your trial." Ellie answered and smirked at her own joke as Paige got more confused. "You know, the party where people judge if you're actually worthy of being part of their social diseased popular group?"

Paige's mouth dropped and she then glared and whipped the door open, storming out of it. Ellie happily grabbed Sean's arm now and dragged him to the couch to watch a movie. Alone. Emma had already disappeared from on the staircase and was in her room.

…Sean may have been right. Emma was unnoticed a lot even for how spirited, cute and smart she was. Three girls and one boy was too much for her busy parents. And her sisters were always too 'cool' to hang out with her. It was sad, and lonely sometimes. Definitely hard for a young girl, but something that forced her for the better to grow up.

That night, Emma's mom came home a little upset. I guess Caitlin gave her some bad news about moving away with Sean because her and Roger were getting a 'civilized' divorce. Sean was right.

And that would be the last time Emma saw Sean or Caitlin for a long time. Spike tried to keep in touch with Caitlin, but distance was hard.

..Emma never thought she'd ever have to see Sean again. And not in the way it happens either. Nor did she expect she'd ever fall for him….