This is prompt from thibbs65. I'm just writing it for her; I hope you all like what I come up with for the story.

A Deeper Connection ch31

"I'm so glad to be back in Tree Hill," Haley spoke as she sat in the car.

"Yeah it's been a long six months," Nathan replied as he drove along.

"You can say that again. I'm just glad we get to see our friends and family.

"It's long overdue and I'm sure your parents will be happy to see you, ".he commented to her

"I hope so," she spoke smiling over at him.

They continued their short drive to Haley's parents in comfortable silence just stealing glancing at each other every now and then. They both knew that this trip was going to be full of a lot more questions for them.

"We're here," Haley spoke as she and Nathan walked into her parents' house.

"In the kitchen Hales," her mother called out to her.

"Hi," she spoke walking in with Nathan.

"Haley sweetheart, we didn't think you would be here for like another hour," her mother commented to her.

"Well the traffic wasn't as bad as we thought it would be," she replied to her.

"We are glad you both got her safe. Go ahead and leave your stuff in your old room, you both can sleep there while you're staying," she explained to her.

"Thanks mom," Haley spoke going to leave their bag upstairs leaving Nathan just standing there.

"Come on son," let go play some ball," Jimmy commented to him.

"Great," he spoke smiling at him.

"take it easy Jimmy we don't want to end up in the hospital over Christmas," Lydia to him.

"yes dear, come on lets go," he spoke walking out of the house with Nathan.

When Haley came back down she was joined by her sister Quinn, "where did the guys go?" she questioned to her mom.

"to play basketball, she replied to her.

"I hope Nathan takes it easy on dad," quinn commented a little worried for him.

"I'm sure he will," Haley commented to her.

"So Haley how is life?" her mother questioned to her.

"Life is good; I have a job interview in the New Year. So hopefully we will be moving back this way in the new year," she replied to her.

"Any sign of a ring yet?" Quinn questioned to her.

"No, I don't expect there to be. We are still taking it slow," she commented to her.

"Cut the crap Hales. You have been together for four years and sleeping together for three of them. There better be a ring soon or you better start looking for a new guy," she commented to her.

"Don't be mean Quinn, at least I have a boyfriend," she snapped at her.

"Haley be nice to your sister. Quinn it's up to Nathan to ask Haley to marry him," she commented to both her daughters.

Over at the river court Nathan and Jimmy were sitting on the benches. "So how is the planning coming along?" jimmy questioned to him.

"Things are good. I finally got the ring," he commented to him.

"Can I see it?" jimmy questioned to him.

Nathan stood up, getting the ring out of his pocket and showing it to Jimmy.

"Oh she is going to love it," he commented to Nathan.

"I hope so," Nathan replied to him putting it away again.

"So what are your plans for the new year?" Jimmy questioned to him.

"Well Haley has her interview and I signed the papers last week for the new house. So I'm going to surprise her on that later. Hopefully if she says yes to the ring, we will be moving in here very soon, Nathan spoke explaining everything to him.

"I have no doubt in my mind about her not saying yes," jimmy commented to him.

"Thanks, I guess we better head back before they all think something has happened to you," Nathan commented to him.

"Good idea," jimmy replied to him.

"When they arrived back Haley was still in the kitchen chatting with her mom, yeah I can really see my whole life with Nathan," Nathan heard her say.

"Lydia do you mind if I steal your daughter away for a few hours," he commented to her.

"No problem Nathan," she spoke smiling at him.

"Oh Hey I didn't hear you come in," Haley spoke smiling at him.

"You ready to go?" he questioned to her.

"Yep," she replied to him.

"See you later Lydia," he commented before they left.

"Bye," she replied to them.

Once they were back in the car, Haley looked over at him, "where are we going?" she questioned to him.

"It's a surprise, so I need you to put this on," he spoke handing her a blind fold.

"You can't be serious," she commented to him.

"So serious," he replied smirking at her.

"Nathan you know I hate surprise," she commented to him.

"Please Haley just do it for me," he commented to her.

"Fine," she spoke putting it on.

Once he was sure she couldn't see anything he pulled out of the driveway and started driving the car. He drove the car away the block a few times to make it feel like they were going somewhere far away, "Haley wasn't buying it.

"Nathan, why are you driving in circles?" she questioned to him.

"I'm not," he replied to her.

"You definitely are," she replied to him.

"We are at the place now anyways," he spoke stopping the car.

"Great," she spoke reaching to take off the blindfold.

"Wow, no you still have to keep it on," he commented to her.

"Nathan I won't be able to get out of the car with it on," she commented to him.

"Don't worry I'll get you," he spoke walking round to her side of the car.

Nathan helped her out of the car and walked along with her," Nathan let me take this off," she commented to him.

"One second," he spoke opening a door and leading her inside.

"Okay you can take it off now," he commented to her.

Haley took off the blindfold and looked around her, "where are we Nathan?" she questioned to her.

"In our new home," he commented to her.

"What?" she asked a little confused.

"I bought us this house a few weeks ago," he commented to her.

"I don't understand," she commented to him.

"Two weeks ago when I was away on those few days on the training camp. I was here in tree hill sorting out the house and staying with your parents," he commented to her.

"This is really our house?" she questioned looking around her.

"If you want it to be," he replied to her.

"Of course I do," she spoke leaning over to kiss him.

"There is only one condition though," he commented to her.

"Which is?" she asked him.

"If we are living here together. I don't want you to be my girlfriend, I want you to be my wife," he spoke lifting the ring out of his pocket.

"Oh my word," she spoke in shock looking down at the ruing.

"Hales say something please," he asked after a few minutes.

"Of course I will be your wife," she spoke smiling at him.

"Oh thank god," he spoke placing the ring on her finger.

"I take it my family knew all about this," she commented to him.

"Yep," he spoke smiling at her.

"Thank you for surprising me like this Nathan, "she commented to him.

"Thank you for saying yes," he replied to her.

"Nathan after the last four year and the deep connection we have with each other. There is no other person I would rather spend forever and always with," she spoke softly to him.

"I can't have said it better myself," he spoke smiling back at her.

They stood taking in the moment and looking around the house. Now wondering what the rest of their lives would be like as they grow deeper together developing their strong connection they had with each other.

Well there is the final chapter. Thibbs65 I hope you like how the story finished up. To everyonbe else thank you for all the reviews throughout this story. As always please review and let me know what you think please.