After Elena is carted away and for now is being charged with battery assault. It's good to have the name Grey, and not to mention a Dad as a lawyer.
My mom is now sitting on the couch with a glass of scotch, circling it around in the glass. Ana had left with Kate and Elliot to take Teddy home.
She told me I was more than welcome to come over to her place later and we can talk. But, she knew I needed some time with my parents. She gave me her number and address, before kissing me on the cheek, promising to see me later.
Teddy gave me the biggest bear hug. Is it possible for my heart to grow any bigger in one day? He grab the sides of my face and said "see ya lata." before kissing my other cheek, then hopping out of my arms.
"I want you to tell us everything Christian?"
"Everything?" My voice cracks.
I don't think they would want to hear everything.
"You know what we mean. The important stuff. How Ana leads into all of this…"
So for the next hour I tell them almost every sordid detail about the agreement between Elena and I. I tell them about the BDSM, but leave out the dirty details.
"I'm not sure of Ana's side, or how she ended up in Elena's dungeon that day, or how Elena picked her. But she was offered as my first sub. She never knew my name and I only knew her as Anastasia. She remained blindfolded the whole time." I tell them in a rush.
I really don't want to talk about my sex life to my parents. What child does?
"Then one day she was gone. And when I saw her again was last week at Elena's salon office. SHe was about to hit her with a cane when I came in. I only saw Teddy for a brief second then, and I didn't get her name. Nothing, started to click together till tonight."
"So, what is your plan son? With Ana and Teddy?"
"I want to try and get to know them. I like to think that Ana and I always had some kind of spark." I shrug.
"Well, I hope if anything it would be more than a whatever-you-call-it relationship." My dad says. "Especially now that you have a son to worry about."
"I know Dad."
"Well, that was an exciting day." Kate says as we enter our apartment.
"Yeah, I guess it was." I don't even know what to make of this day.
"So, my brother is your baby's daddy?"
"Elliot." Kate smacks him, laughing.
"It looks that way. It's a long story." I try waving him off. I don't want to talk about it with Teddy in the room.
"It's ok, you don't have to tell me. Right now." I shake my head and smile.
I guess I have to remember this wasn't big news for just me.
"I'm sure we will be happy to tell you, once we figure out everything ourselves."
"I just never seen Teddy bond so quickly with anyone before. It's kind of like he knew…"
Kate and Elliot leave to go out for the night. Elliot seems like a good guy, and I couldn't be more than happy for her. She's had her run of the mill relationships that always seem to end up with her crying in her bunny pj's over a gallon of ice cream.
I tuck Teddy into bed and read him a bedtime story while he drifts off into dream world. I push back his copper curls and I try to picture what life would've been like if Christian was in the picture from the beginning.
I wonder if he would have ran or if he would have stayed. I know he would've been just as confused as I was. That troll took something away from my son, and I can only hope she gets what she deserves.
It's a little after 9 and I decide to watch a little TV, hoping that Christian will call. I hope that everything went well with his parents. I couldn't picture what my dad would do if he found out the truth. But, I think I might have to, if Christian comes into the picture permanently.
I don't know who Elena should be more afraid of; my dad or Grace Grey.
I jump slightly when my phone vibrates in my hand.
I try everything in my might not to call him Sir when he says my name like that.
"I know it's late, but I was hoping I would still be able to come over."
"Of course. Kate and Elliot are gone, and Teddy is in bed."
"Excellent. I'll see you soon." He croons.
He hangs up and only seconds later there's a knock on my door. I giggle, knowing he was probably waiting outside.
I fling the door open and smile at Christian standing outside my door.
"I brought some wine." He tells me, holding up the bottle.
Good, because I think we're going to need it. I show him in and pull out a couple of glasses.
"So, how did it go?" I ask as he pops the cork and pours us both a glass.
"It went. It wasn't the easiest thing to do."
"I'm sure it wasn't."
We both sit down on the couch and I figure I might as well just get the elephant in the room out of the way.
"Are you sure you want to be apart of Teddy's life. Because once you're in, I need you to stay in. He's not a car that you test drive and see if you like it or not."
"I know. I really want to try." He sighs. "I don't know how good I will be at it. Part of me thinks Elena might be right and I would make a terrible father."
"You would actually believe anything that cow says?"
"No." He smiles. "But, I know what kind of childhood I had in the beginning, I'm running a huge business that's only part way close to where it's going to be. I just don't want to mess it up."
"You're going to mess up, make mistakes. It's called being a parent. There's no handbook on the right way to do. All you can do is try. Plus, I've never seen Teddy act like that with someone he doesn't know. I think you two connected." I rest my hand on his knee.
"He is pretty awesome. You did a good job with him."
I blush. "Thanks I had a lot of help. I couldn't do it without my dad or Kate."
"Can I ask how you got involved with Elena?"
I take a big chug of my wine, downing the rest of it. "Kate's dad, got me some work, working at her house. You know odd jobs. My dad was sick and we were having issues with the insurance about covering everything. Then one day Elena offered to pay off all the bills if I would do something for her. She said she had this gentleman that needed some training. And she wanted me to be the one to help with it. I guess I was just your type.
I was eager to do it, because I really didn't want my dad to worry. He wasn't getting all the treatments he could because he didn't want to pay for them. So Elena hooked up an account and paid for the treatment. My dad just thinks someone made a donation. Anyways, I let her train me as a Submissive. She wasn't evil or mean when she was showing me. She gave me a list of instructions, would hit me with a cane or a paddle to see how good I was with pain. The whole time I kept thinking I was doing it for my father." I get up so I can refill my glass.
"I was naive back then, maybe I still am a little bit. She told me you wouldn't be some old fart and you would be around my age. She convinced me it would only be one time. I think back now, and I think she was hoping I would fail at it. I guess I did something right because you kept coming back." I shrug and sit down next to him.
"There was something about you, and I couldn't seem to get enough of you. I should've asked you to meet me somewhere else. But, I didn't really have anywhere else to take you. She had to know I liked you. I really thought you were the perfect Sub. Nobody's ever compared to you…" He shuts his trap.
"I didn't expect you to wait around Christian, it's ok. Is that why you went to see her last week? Was she still hooking you up with Subs?" I say a little more sharply than I planned to.
He bows his head almost ashamed. "Yes." He admits.
"It's ok. It's just I don't want that around my- our son. Like I don't need him walking in on you doing something like that to someone." Ugh the thought makes my stomach lurch.
"I let her find me Subs because it was better than showing my face at clubs. If I was spotted then I would have been all over the tabloids. And I wouldn't even think about doing something like that if he was around…"
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to imply. I don't even really know you Christian… this has all taken me by surprise. I mean I finally find the guy I lost my virginity too and the man that fathered my child after 2 and half years. After convincing myself that you wouldn't want anything to do with us."
His face went as white as a sheet.
"You… you… were… a.. Virgin?" He stumbles out.
Oh, that.
"Yeah." I look away from him.
"You let me do all that stuff to you? We fucked pretty damn hard." He runs his hands through his hair.
"I liked it." I whisper. "And I bet you didn't lose your virginity in the most graceful manner either." He shakes his head. "What's done is done. I don't regret it. Plus I got an awesome parting gift." I smile as I look over at Teddy's room.
"Well, then I guess you're welcome." He says in cocky tone and stifles a laugh.
I stick my tongue out at him, and then all of a sudden my tongue is in his mouth.
Whoa! That was unexpected.
I put my hands around the back of his head and through his hair. When he used to kiss me, it would always blow me away. We break apart, and we're both panting.
"Would I be wrong in saying that I want to try with you?" He asks me.
"I can't and I won't be a Submissive, Christian." I tell him firmly.
He nods. "I know. I don't think that's what I would want with you. I mean you're the mother of my child…"
"I won't be a side piece either, while you go somewhere else to get the kink out." I cross my arms.
"I wouldn't suggest that either. Look, no matter how many times Elena would tell me love was for fools. I knew better than to believe it. I could take one look at my mom and dad and know that it does exist. There's just something about you.. And I want to try. You we're always in the back of mind. And I would like to bring you forward…"
"But you don't know me…"
"And I want to get to know you… more then just as my baby mama."
I roll my eyes. "We can try, but Teddy comes first…"
"I agree." He says as he inches closer to my face.
"And we still need to talk about things…"
"Like your place or mine." He smirks and I push him back on his chest. Then I quickly remember what he told me earlier about people touching him.
"I'm sorry…"
"I told you. I liked it." He grabs my hands and places them back on his chest.
I don't know what it is when we touch, that causes this spark. I can feel it run up my spine, and there's no faulty cables around. I looked.
I clear my throat, to try to contain myself. I so badly want to jump his bones. It's been years since I had any, even longer since I've had any that was any good. All my orsgams belong to the man before me.
God, knows the cobwebs are growing down there.
"It's getting late. And Teddy gets up early. We should maybe finish this conversation later?"
"What's there to finish talking about, you're my girlfriend now right?" He whispers in my ear causing me to blush a deep red, I can feel my cheeks burning.
When did he get so close? Must be the wine making me unaware of my surroundings.
"Yeah." I squeak out.
"Can I sleep on your couch? I would like to see Teddy in the morning."
Whoa! Change of direction.
"Sure, it's not very comfortable." I tell him.
"It'll be worth it." He smiles.
I decide to be brave. I stand up and offer my hand. "I don't want your back to hurt in the morning. Why don't you come lay with me. But no funny business." I grin.
"You want me to sleep with you?" He asks, almost dumbfounded.
"Yeah. Why not? You're my boyfriend… remember?"
"Damn straight." He takes my hand and I pull him in the direction of my bedroom.
"Make yourself comfortable." I tell him as I grab a pair of my pj shorts and a shirt and make my way to the ensuite.
I change my clothes and brush my teeth. When I go back into my room, Christian is laying in bed. He's taken off his shirt.
I will resist him. I will resist him.
I quickly pull back the side of my covers and hop into bed with him. Sure we had sex a bunch of times years ago. But, I've never slept with a man before.
The closest I've come is the 2 year old, blanket hogging, Teddy monster that lives in the next room.
"Can I hold you?" He asks.
"Yeah." I whisper.
"Roll on your side."
I do what he asks and he curls his arms around my body, pushing me close to his. This is nice.
"Can you tell me more about Teddy?" He asks.
And with that we talk and talk. I told him what it was like when Teddy was a baby, my days in college, and even why I left Vegas. Then he told me some of his childhood, which was heart retching, and how Elena gave him money for his company. Now his company is worth a hell of a lot of money, and he started all when he was 18.
The last time I looked at the clock it was after 3. I had rolled over a cuddled into his chest, I think he might have still been talking when I passed out.
The next morning, I'm awoken by the sound of giggles. Not just Teddy's giggles, but one that also belongs to Kate. I try to keep my eyes closed, so maybe they'll let me sleep longer. But, I quickly remember I'm not alone in my bed.
Christian and I are entangled in each other. I glance up and see Kate smirking at me. Teddy has now crawled into my bed and on my opposite side.
"Mommy." He says in a loud whisper. "I hungry."
"You're hungry? What would you like to eat?"
"Pancakes…" This time he shouts and that startles Christian awake.
This makes Teddy crawl on me and put his hands on Christian's chest causing me to move out of the way before I get kicked in the face.
"Hey buddy."
"Hi's" he waves in his face. Teddy just sits and stares at him. "You hungry?"
"Yeah. I'm starving." And on cue his belly rumbles.
"Oh, no. Mommy.. Cwistin has belly monster." Teddy turns to tell me.
"No, I think I have more of a tickle monster." Christian grabs Teddy and starts to tickle him, which causes Teddy to fall into a fit of giggles.
"I'm going to start breakfast." I tell Christian and he nods, still tickling Teddy.
I walk out of the room and Kate follows me.
"Did you?" She whispers.
"No." I tell her as I walk into the kitchen and start pulling out some pans. "He wanted to stay, and I couldn't let him sleep on the couch."
"Uh-huh. There's more…" Kate pushes. "You guys were cuddled up pretty cozy."
"I think we might try to have a relationship." I shrug. "We spent most of the night talking and getting to know each other."
"That explains why you look like death, hungover." She smiles at me.
"Geez, thanks." I shove her arm. "You look well yourself there, princess."
"So, when are you going to tell Teddy that Christian is his daddy? Oh crap what about Ray?"
I groan. "I don't want to think about telling Daddy right now. As for Teddy…"
"Daddy … stop…." I hear Teddy squeal.
"I'm guessing he already knows…"
"Well, he did kind of always know."
1 Month later…
Christian and I have been dating for a month now. And it's been going very well. Teddy is totally smitten with Christian, his daddy. And Christian is the same way about Teddy.
Christian claims it just slipped that day Teddy first called him Daddy. He said that all he was said was 'let Daddy get ready.' and he just repeated back and just never stopped after that. I wasn't mad, it was bound to happen at some point.
Ever since the revaluation the three of us haven't spent a night apart. We either spend the night at my place or at Christian's penthouse in Escala.
Two weeks into our relationship Christian took me out for a night on the town. He wined and dined me, we even went to the movies. Then he took me out to the docks where his parents have a boat. And told me how one day he hopes to have his own catamaran. We sat on the edge of the boat and continued to talk about our hopes and dreams.
It was in that moment that he took me in his arms and told me he loved me. I was shocked at first, but there was no denying that I felt the same way about him. I told him that I loved him too. We kissed like we never kissed before. He took me down below and we made love. We hadn't had sex since we got together. I really wanted us to get to know each other first and give him a chance to really know Teddy, before we entered that part of our relationship. I'm glad we waited because it was the most perfect moment.
I told my dad about what really happened with Christian and I. Oh, I thought the man's head was going to pop off. At first, he was hesitant with Christian and, as a father I can't blame him. But, the more he learned about what Elena did, he made it his mission to have the woman pay.
He contacted some of his old buddies on the force that worked as detectives and with the help of Carrick Grey they were able to tie Elena Lincoln to multiple accounts of child abuse and rape of a minor. She's now serving 25 years in the state pen.
Today we are now officially changing Teddy's name from Theodore Raymond Steele to Theodore Raymond Grey. We are down at the courthouse finishing up all the necessary paperwork and my name will also be officially added to his birth certificate.
A huge weight is off my shoulders now that Elena is behind bars. Thankfully they weren't able to connect me or Ana to her.
Tonight when Ana and Teddy are at my place, I plan to ask her to move in. This back and forth thing is getting kind of tiring and I would really love just to be together, 100% official as a family.
I got rid of my playroom the second Ana and I started dating. I kept some of the stuff, but mostly everything else went. I want us to decide together what we want to do. And I don't need Teddy accidentally walking in and seeing that room either.
If I really think about I don't need that life anymore. I started talking to a shirk to discuss what happened with Elena and I. And the more we talked, the more that came to light. I thought I needed it so, I could beat woman that looked like my birth mother.
But, he made me see that when Ana was my first Sub, that's not what even close to my intention with her. Or maybe with any other Sub I had. Another one of those lies that Elena filled my head with.
So I will continue to see Dr. Flynn and really start working out my demons. I would do anything so I don't fail my son and also Ana. I'm no longer that lost 4 year old boy, but a 20 year old with my own family. It's time to put the past behind me.
We went out to dinner to celebrate with the whole family at my new club, The Mile High. Teddy walked around the whole night going "I Grey, I Grey."
I was beaming with pride.
Now I'm carrying Teddy to his bedroom at my penthouse, and hopefully soon will be ours. I even asked her dad.
That went well, not.
After threatening my life, he told me I better hope to put a ring on it soon. He said he could see how happy we were together and does support us in whatever we decide to do. It wasn't like I couldn't support them. And I was completely and utterly happy.
Teddy's room is filled of everything Spiderman. Ana thinks I went a little over board. Knowing he's going to change his likes very soon. If that comes I'll change it then. But, how can you go wrong with Spiderman?
We both tuck him in, since he passed out in the car on the way here. I then take Ana's hand and lead her to our room.
"I wanted to talk to you about something." I tell her, and she has a seat on the bed.
I sit next to her and twiddle my thumbs.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing… it's just I wanted to ask if you and Teddy would move in with me. I mean this back and forth can't be easy on Ted or you… And I want to be with you all the time… and…"
Suddenly, there's two finger pressed against my lips.
"You don't need to give me a list of reasons. Of course, I want to move in with you. I enjoy waking up to you every morning. And you're right this back and forth is kind of hard. And, Teddy's room here is so much cooler than the one at my place… oh and this bed." She winks. She jumps backwards and lays herself down.
"It's so soft…" She wiggles her finger at me and I crawl on top of her.
"Soft huh?"I grind my dick into her pelvis.
"Feels kind of hard to me.." I smash myself into her lips, kissing her feverishly, as we lose ourselves.
Now, I just need to start looking for a ring
4 years later… 2009
I have my wife blindfolded and her hands tied in front of her. The kids are with Grandma and Granddad and we're going to play. And I plan to play hard. I had to go out of town for a week and a half to Japan. It was such a stressful time; the fuckers were doing everything in there power to hold off making a deal.
Ana and the kids couldn't come because Teddy just started school again and we didn't want to pull him out in his first month. I missed them all so much. And the phone sex with Ana was barely enough to tide me over.
Ana and I got married after 6 months of dating. We knew that we were each other's soul mates. I think even if Ana never got pregnant we would have somehow ended up together. It's how the universe works. At least that's what I believe, I mean something had to bring us together that day at the salon.
About 2 months after we were married we found out we were expecting twins.
Talk about going into heart failure.
9 months later Xavier Christopher Grey and Phoebe Willow Grey joined our ranks. They are the most rambunctious little 2 and half year olds. They do whatever they can to try and keep up with Teddy. They're always getting into trouble and getting into mischief. But, I love all three of my kids, and my wife more than life itself.
GEH is now worth billions. I never thought I would get this far at only the age of 24. I knew it would be a success, but I still didn't think it would come for years later. However, I learned since the moment that Teddy and Ana came into my life that family came first. I knew I had to do everything to be a good dad. I refused to ever think again that just because my mom was a crack whore and abandoned me, that i would turn out like her. After all, I did have great examples in Grace and Carrick Grey.
I always make sure I'm home in time for dinner and we spend the weekends together.
Elliot and Kate ended up getting married about 4 months after we did. They have a daughter named Ava. She's 2 now and as cute as a button.
"You ready, Anastasia?"
"Yes, Sir." She purrs.
Ana and I have a very active sex life. We don't practice in full BDSM but we like to play around with the aspect of it all. But, I'll take good old vanilla any day with this beauty.
I adjust her blindfold "Can you see anything?" I ask her.
"Just your feet and your big dick, Sir." She grins. And I can't help but kiss her forehead.
"I love you, Mrs. Grey."
"I love you, too Mr. Grey…. Sir."
Well, she's not so much my perfect little sub anymore. And I wouldn't have her any other way. She was the one I was always meant to be with.
A/N: For now this is just a short and sweet story. Sometimes those are nice too. Which some of you wanted too. I wanted to show Christian not as messed up by the BT and figuring things on his own. I know there were holes, but I hope I still covered everything:)
Thank you all for reading... and reviewing...and everyone over at FSoG Fanfic Obsessed Facebook for encouraging me to write this. With that kind of motivation I was able to write this all out in 2 days:) You guys are an awesome group of people :) and so are all my followers and reviewers as well...