Author has written 20 stories for Naruto, iCarly, Nanny, Glee, and Vampire Diaries. So, okay, Shall we start? :P First off, the name's Lysa, technically Alyssa Marie, but let's keep it short. I'm now 18! :P I'm also in college now, taking up Civil Engineering. But don't let that fool you! I'm a very much, childish, oh I do mean very much! I'm also, LOL, lazy. Very much so. But when I need to be, I can get over that. LOL.. So, I love to draw, check out my deviantart, though not much is uploaded there right now, I'm practicing to draw people now so you might see some Seddie drawing from me this coming year. Wahah.. And I also write poetry and stories, mostly fanfiction, Seddie to be exact, but I do write original stories. check out three of my poems and an original story here, What do I watch? Uhm, iCarly, House MD, CSI, Bones.. That's the recent things I'm watching right now... I mostly read manga right now, particularly Naruto.. and of course, fanfiction! I love dogs! Simply L.O.V.E. them! :) ahaha.. Okay, so let's go on to my ships, is that right? Ahaha.. Lysa's Shippies Anime Naruto/Hinata (Naruto) Ranma/Akane (Ranma 1/2) Ryoga/Ukyou (Ranma 1/2) Ryoma/Sakuno (Prince of Tennis) Shinichi/Ran (Detective Conan) that's my top 5 Movies Ryan/Kelsi (High School Musical) TV Sam/Freddie (iCarly) House/Cuddy (House MD) Bones/Booth (Bones) Kutner/Thirteen (House MD) Ned/Moze (Ned's Declasiffied SSG) Lilly/Oliver (Hannah Montana) ~0~0~0~0~0~0~ Updated, January 12, 2009: So, I'm updating my profile now.. Woohoo! :P Hey! :) Just wanna update my profile and say that I am now of legal age, well in the Philippines anyway.. I turned 18 last January 24.. :P ahaha.. I can't believe I'm technically an adult, I very much childish still.. ahaha.. TWF update: I'll be writing as many chapters I can tonight.. ahaha.. I hope I do at least three.. ahaha.. Till later.. :D -lysa- ~0~0~0~0~0~0~ Side note: I'm so sorry that my Naruto fanfics would not be continued anymore. I haven;t updated it in years and I just lost the will to do so.. T.T I'm sorry... Finished Stories: 20 Random Words: A set of 20 random word stories floating around my two favorite sidekicks, Seddie. iLetters: She wrote a letter in English class. He did too. iLove Strawberry Ice Cream: Freddie found a new obsession, strawberry ice cream, but what does Sam got to do with it? iLove My Revenge: Sequel to iLove Strawberry Ice Cream, This is where Sam gets her revenge on Freddie iLove Sunsets: It's the loneliest thing ever to watch the sun set alone but it's the sweetest when you watch it with someone you care about. iRubik's Cube: It's just a simple cube contraption right? It Started With a Cookie: Little Sam made burnt cookies but it's a good thing little Freddie was there. Little Halloween: Whenever your sad God sends down you're guardian angel to make you smile. Unfinished Story Status: Two Weeks of February: (Sorry, didn't finish it during my break) Working on the next chapter then off to my beta.. :) Future Stories: 30 Random Words: A continuation of my 20 Random Words, still revolving around my two favorite bickering duo. ~0~0~0~0~0~0~ Random Fact: There are no penguins in the North Pole. (Where was Happy Feet again?) |
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