Reviews for Unwanted Guest
demonicnekomaster chapter 28 . 9/5/2013
fav, my best author yet yay! take that you undeserving reader! lol wow you really put it to him, awesomeness

-neko tantei
BlackDeath101 chapter 28 . 8/23/2011
Please! Please! Please write an ending! That guy was just an ass! Don't listen to him! Keep Writing! Please! You have an awesome, wonderful, great, amazing story! So will you please write an ending!

pikachu2510 chapter 26 . 12/10/2010
Awww this story was sooo cute... buh swear like Sakuras gonna go kill the person that hurt Syaoran then shes gonna go 2 the hospital n it repeats . anywayz interesting story! I really liked it... cant w8 4 the sequel XD I think that the begginin of the story was a bit rushed tho... like u juss kept skippin ahead... buh still it was great xD

iLoVeCaRDcApToRsAkuRa chapter 28 . 12/7/2010
Hey loved your story. There was sooo much tenision that i was gripped :D Are you writting a sequal? Or are you have you decided to star a new story? Im really soory about that awful review you got, people like that should learn they need to get a life. Anyway, I hope you are not put off writing just because of an idiot. Please let me know what your plans are. I hope you are feeling better and i wish you and your family all the best.

Love iLoVeCaRDcAoToRsAKuRa xx
Aarazlyn chapter 28 . 2/27/2009

is the story abandoned? and what disease do you have? what kinda cancer does ur papa have, and why did ur mom need an operation?

sorry to ask questions, but I'm OCD, and I've got diabetes.. -

Terri Fox Fire Lawrence chapter 28 . 2/6/2009
Please tell me there will be more. I am one of those people that need to have a story end without a cliffhanger, it's a really good story and I don't want to see it all end like that. I'm down on my knees here, please write a second part, please.
BunnyZesaika-Chan chapter 27 . 11/30/2008
Oh and don't let those stupid flamers get to your head. It's better to not show emotion because that shows that they got to you. But those kind of flamers have no life and just want to bash people for some odd reason... lol good luck!
BunnyZesaika-Chan chapter 28 . 11/30/2008
Well first off I would like to say that this story is pretty good for a person as young as you The main plotline just needs to be... more thought-out though, so you don't go making up stuff that doesn't make sense (lol that happens to me and it's annoying when I have to cover up stuff) Anyways, I would really appreciate it if you could read one of my stories, particularly LONE CRESCENT. Tell me what you think of it. Thanks and continue writing your stories _ Pratice makes perfect!
hybridvenom chapter 28 . 10/29/2008
OMG! what's gonna happen now? are u going to be able to finish it? i totally love it! and who is Tana? I'm gonna kill that Tana for making Sakura and Syaoran suffer! DIE YOU TANA! hehe, anyways, pls pls pls update soon!
hybridvenom chapter 20 . 10/21/2008
Hahahaha! that was indeed embarrasing! love ur story! update soon!

Cherie Blossom... _
SweetieSakura chapter 28 . 10/13/2008
hi pls write the sequel~! its realii a nice story D
dreamworld911 chapter 11 . 8/16/2008
dreamworld911 chapter 28 . 8/15/2008
loved the story, just wished it had an ending. im gonna dwell now...
anonymousM chapter 26 . 7/30/2008
GAHH! It's been over a year since you did anything with Unwanted Guest! I really can't wait for the sequel... and even though I have never witnessed your quick updates, I wanna see it happen with the sequel!

Please start on the sequel, or update SOMETHING!

recurring problem: You use hear to show location when to hear actually means to listen, and here means a close location.
Secrets to Serenity chapter 28 . 6/28/2008
I have to tell you I love your story. I laughed my butt off! I sat at the edge of my computer desk for the past two hours eating up every word you've written. I hope that everything goes well with you and your family. And I can't wait to see your ending for this story. It's way too good to pass up. Don't let anyone take the joy out of writing. There's plenty of asses out there it's how you handle them that truly matter.
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