Reviews for Fifty Shades Untouched
Pleasingjennifer chapter 11 . 3/23
Such a good story and a lot of twist and turns . I know this is two years old . I hope you will update but i know it a loss cause ...
Pleasingjennifer chapter 10 . 3/23
I know what you are going threw... I am sorry for your loss. Most younger People do not understand someone passing . Maybe loved or not but i am speaking to the loved one who is left and the loss is great . The worst part of it is when you think you are done a week or few weeks down the road and you see something or hear something and you have that excitement to call or text that person and you know you cant , THEY ARE GONE !
Pleasingjennifer chapter 8 . 3/23
Vindictive Bitch Katherine eats humble pie . Thank you but I hope there is more destruction to her
Pleasingjennifer chapter 7 . 3/23
Tar and feather kate and Mrs Robinson ! Any one agree ?
Pleasingjennifer chapter 5 . 3/23
Very nice ...
Pleasingjennifer chapter 2 . 3/23
Now this is refreshing and funny and fun . Christian is a teenager again and he is safe and a protector and can we put Katherine and Mrs Robinson in a cold box someplace ?
Pleasingjennifer chapter 1 . 3/23
Mr Grey is braking many many rules ! But but I hope he is right because it looks like to lost soles just found there other half . I am wondering if Katie was her room mate from school and if so it figures ... Good start to a book ...11
Denie1943 chapter 11 . 2/27
Fantastic story...Hope you continue to write...Thanks for sharing!
susancollins522 chapter 11 . 12/12/2019
Very good chapter hope you update soon
Guest chapter 11 . 9/8/2019
Good story...Hope you will continue!
Stormyweather462 chapter 10 . 8/2/2019
SUV can be either capital or small since it is not a brand but a type of car.
Guest chapter 11 . 7/30/2019
I'm hopeful that nothing terrible has ended your writing. This is a fantastic story and I so look forward to you continuing. Thanks for sharing! Denie'
Farewellrealism chapter 11 . 7/11/2019
Awww I wish you would continue! Love this!
Kim's Mum chapter 11 . 4/1/2019
I'm sorry this story was never finished, great start.
Guest chapter 11 . 1/15/2019
In the last two chapters, your writing style changed.
Your writing began flawlessly, you set a path with a clear destination...Ana virginity.
Your description of Ana room and the way Christian and Ana was undressed left the possiblity that two had sex but couldn't remember.
You gave both characters enough personal problems that would have carried the story to 50-plus chapters.

Now your story has broken off in many directions.
You've introduced many new storylines and sub-stories
That it hard to focus.
It's been a while (over 18-mos.)since you've written.
If you're unable to finish your story, allow another FF author to adopt your story and finish it.
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