Reviews for Come to Finish Me Off, Sweetheart?
Arenea Nara chapter 16 . 10/21
I have loved everything so far, I have not stopped reading.
I think it is true to the universe of the hunger games, something that could have happened if Katniss were less clueless, I think she is the character that changes the most, but still retains her essence.

Sorry I'm very bad in English.
scifigrrl chapter 8 . 9/20/2019
Your story, especially the choices you've made in this chapter are so, so good!
brookeyy14 chapter 27 . 1/12/2019
I’m so sorry for your loss. I really hope you don’t give up on writing, this story is amazing! Please continue it soon i’m dying to see what happens next.
AutonomousRoboticOrganisms chapter 27 . 5/30/2018
I have just started reading this a few days ago, and already I'm finished.

I am utterly heartbroken to hear about the loss of your baby, Gotham. July 2017 my family and I had to make the hardest decisions of our lives and say goodbye to our Rocco after 10 wonderful years.

Its nearly a year on and part of me feels like its been forever. The other part of me can't believe that so much time has passed. The grief is with me every day, the absence so apparent.

But it is that pain that also brings comfort. It may sound silly, but it reminds me how fortunate I was to get that time with him. That it hurts so much because I loved him so much. No dog could compare to Gotham, and even our grief won't be comparable, but I can empathise. I find it helps to talk about him every day, I know some people can get frustrated with that or feel awkward when the tears start, so please if you want to talk, tell me about your Gotham - anything, just know I'm here.
EBB - Sonnet 43 chapter 27 . 1/20/2018
I hope you are doing well, and that you are more at peace with Gotham's passing. This summer, around when you posted your update actually, we lost two of my uncles and my childhood dog. The love and encouragement I received from family and friends has helped me come to terms with my grief, hopefully I can now pass some of that on to you. You have very good writing skills, and well-thought out relationship development. I hope you one day return to writing, you really have a talent for it. Though difficult, I hope you can remember your Gotham fondly and without pain one day.
intomiddle3arth chapter 27 . 1/3/2018
I'll be waiting. I love your stories. They are a fantastic. so I'll look forward to an update alert in my inbox.
Bagleria B.
Guest chapter 27 . 12/27/2017
Please PLEASE continue! it been so good and so different from anything else, I loved that hamitch volunteered for peeta and everything else you've done. please find the courage to continue writing this
Guest chapter 6 . 10/29/2017
God. If your story wasn’t awesome i would stop reading it. I hate when people don’t understand that it’s tje CAPITOL and not Capital
Kpfan72491 chapter 26 . 10/7/2017
Great chapter
melliemoo chapter 27 . 7/24/2017
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Suyi chapter 27 . 7/23/2017
My deepest condolences. My beloved Mac passed away two years ago and I know how you're feeling. Hang in there and take your time. Your faithful readers will be here waiting for your amazing writing, no matter how long it takes. Take care!
pookieortega chapter 27 . 7/23/2017
I totally understand because in March we had to let my cat of 15 years go, and God it hurt like hell. Take as long as you need
Cassie Sharpie chapter 27 . 7/23/2017
I'm so sorry for your loss! You have my deepest, sincerest sympathy.
LemonDropMartini chapter 27 . 7/23/2017
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I wish you peace in your time of sorrow.
Newsie35 chapter 27 . 7/23/2017
I am so sorry to hear your news! Please know you are in my thoughts.
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