A/N: I know not everyone agreed with Felicity's actions last chapter, hopefully this will give some more insight.

It was almost completely silent in the layer. There was no noise from the verdant above, its last guest having been ushered out a little under an hour ago and the preparation team wouldn't be in for hours. The soft hum of computers processing usually had a calming effect on Felicity. This time however it did nothing but distract her, her thoughts were jumbled and her fingers had not typed a single word or a single code since she sat down.

A single alert popped up on the right corner of her screen, it was an alert on her father, his status was changed to stable. Oliver had tried to reason with her, tried to get her to go home, but she refused, choosing to go to the layer. Hoping it would give her some clarity as to what to do next. Had is not been for a call from Lance to Oliver's Arrow phone he would have never allowed her to stay. As the word stable disappeared from her screen she knew what she had to do.

Blue collared nails were suspended above the keyboard for one more second, before they started working at high speed. Screens opened with medical records, bank statements, personal email, news paper articles and much more.

Had Oliver not spoken, Lance wouldn't have noticed the Arrow had arrived on the roof, his entrance quiet. Now even through the voice scrambler Lance could hear Oliver's voice. He once again asked himself why he hadn't come back to his theory before.

"Detective Lance what can I do for you?" Oliver asked sticking to the dark corner of the roof.

"Miss Smoak, I need you to talk to her." Lance said turning to face the man dress in green leather. The hood was pulled over his face and even though Lance recognized most things about Oliver now, knowing who he was. He still couldn't see his face in the dark.

"I think we both know she makes her own decisions." Oliver said turning slightly towards Lance.

"She listens too you, I can't believe you're okay with what happened. She was kidnapped; they need to pay for that. Everyone from Hardy to her own father." Lance said, his voice strong of conviction. "We both know her father played an part in this, he needs to be punished and with protecting her father she risks everyone else getting off too."

"I won't let that happen."

"You can't just go and put a few arrows in them, that not how the law works." Lance said, he understood the purpose of the Arrow, he could see the effect it had on the city. That didn't mean he agreed with its methods.

"It's an confession, you need from them that's what you'll get."

There was a pause in their conversation. Both men trying to gather their thoughts, trying to figure out what to say and do next. "Even if you get a confession from the other two plus Hardy and the judge doesn't through it out because they were made under duress. That still means her father gets away with it. John Smoak deserves to go to prison."

"The fact that he crossed Hardy makes him a target in many prisons. The fact that I saved his daughter, multiple times over, makes him one of the biggest marks in Iron heights. He wouldn't survive very long." Oliver spoke.

"I understand that Felicity is trying to protect her father, that she doesn't want him to die. However she needs to be strong now, and tell the truth. We can protect her father, we'll put him in solitary confinement or in witsec." Lance tried.

"You're mistaken."

"What?" Lance asked.

"You say Felicity has to be strong now." Oliver started and Lance tried to interrupt but Oliver held up his gloved hand. "What she did, making sure her father, a man that hurt her in such an emotional way, stays alive. That requires immense amounts of strength." Another pause before he continued. " Captain, with what we see everyday. The darkness that comes with doing this job, we cannot help but let it become a part of us. That is not the case with Felicity. She will not let a man die a death he does not deserve even though that's the way the world works. I am however sure that Mr Smoak will have a long penance awaiting him. Felicity now has a single tread and I'm sure she'll not stop pulling until his entire world unravels."

For a while, Lance was at a loss of words, unsure how to respond to that. When Oliver turned away and made his way to the edge of the roof to leave Lance stopped him. "Wait." Oliver froze and turned his head slightly but did not turn around or spoke out.

"I owe you a apology." Lance said and that did make Oliver turn around. "My daughter knows who you are. She offered to tell me."

Oliver didn't respond. Hours ago he had been more then ready to give up his identity to Lance. Now with Felicity safely in the layer, he wasn't so sure anymore.

"I told her I didn't want to know, that knowing who you are, knowing you had a family, friends, people that cared about you. That meant that you couldn't be what I needed you to be." Lance paused before adding. "You care about Miss Smoak."

Another silence stretched as Oliver didn't respond. He wandered if he should just tell Lance who he was. "Yes."

"I apologize for not seeing you as a man." Lance said.

"No need." Oliver said before turning around and stepping on the edge of the roof.

"Where are you going?" Lance asked.

"I've confessions to retrieve." Oliver spoke as he jumped of the roof.

With a shake of his head Lance turned to the door of the roof. Knowing that it was probably safest for everyone if Lance kept the knowledge that he new the Arrow's identity a secret even from the Arrow himself.

The sun would rise above the horizon in minutes by the time Oliver got back to the layer. He'd dropped the taped confessions off at the precinct and even though he was used to work on very little sleep he felt the fatigue in his body as he came down the stairs.

Felicity had fallen asleep behind her computer, her head resting on her arms as she was hunched over on the desk. Her breathing even and deep, Oliver was quiet as he changed out of his suit and into some jeans and a t-shirt. He considered letting her sleep, but the position she was in didn't seem very comfortable. He crouched down next to her, and pushed the blond hair in front of her face to the side.

"Felicity." He spoke softly.

Her reaction was immediate and intense. She shot up her hand grasping on to his hand, her eyes big and scared until they focused on his.

"It's me you're okay." Oliver said and Felicity nodded in response.

"You need to catch some sleep in a normal bed, come on let me drive you home." Oliver said standing up while holding on to her hand.

"I need you to drive me passed the hospital first." Felicity said her voice without any doubt and as Oliver looked into her eyes he knew there was no changing her mind.

The beautiful orange glow that hang above starling city as the sun slowly moved from behind the horizon was a big contrast to the heavy silence that hang in between Felicity and Oliver in the car. He wanted to push, wanted to reach out, however Felicity gave no indication of wanting to talk. Her hands clasped together above her tablet in her lap and her body turned away from him to look out the window.

"You want me to come in?" Oliver asked when the door to John Smoak's hospital room appeared in their line of vision.

"I'll be alright." When she said those words to Oliver she was sure of their truth, however when the hospital door closed behind her and her dead woke up startled at the door, his familiar eyes, the once that would encourage her to figure out how the computer pieced together locked with hers. She wished she hadn't said them.

"Lizzy. Thank you. Captain Lance came in and told me…" He started but Felicity shook her head and her father quieted down.

"I understand you think I did this for you, that I forgave you. I didn't. You John Smoak, Edger Messing, Ruben Kraemer, Elijah Herbert, Samuel Jordan, Cornelius Jefferson, Frankie Araya and your other 12 aliases deserve to go to jail for what you've done. I won't send you to prison that will mean you'll die. I will however take away all your freedom until you've paid back every penny you've taken." Felicity said her voice having found a strength she didn't know she possessed.

The objection was about to come over his lips as Felicity continued. "I've put all your houses on the market, your various saving accounts have been emptied and the money has been returned to the people you took it from in order of need. You're investments have been given away. Your aliases have been turned into the police and to you're now one and only name John Smoak has 200 dollars to his name. I've found you a job at a Walmart, and a one bedroom apartment in coast city where you will live. After rent is taking out of your paycheck you'll be left with half to live from the other half will be put into paying the rest of the 259020 dollars you still owe to various people. If you step out of line, tried to go back to your conman ways I will sent everything I know about you and what you've done to the police and they will arrest you and sent you to prison." With that she turned around and opened the door.


"Do not contact me." With that Felicity was out the door and John Smoak was left with nothing.

A/N: I'm planning one more chapter after this. I'm however very curious to whom is still reading this and what your opinion is about how Felicity handled herself in this chapter vs the last one.