Ana watched Christian and Sawyer head out of the master suite. Ryan peaked in and let her know he was on the door. A wave of weariness swept over Ana and she climbed into bed, too tired to think about anything except the advice Dr Gaby had given which was she should sleep whenever the baby slept. She slid under the sheets and let sleep take her.
She didn't hear Ryans body fall to the floor just outside her door. She didn't hear Estevez enter the master suite and quickly lock the door, then shove a heavy wooden chair up under the door knob. No one would be coming through that door anytime soon. She certainly didn't hear Estevez pick up little Theodore Grey from his cradle beside Ana's bed.
She did hear Elena's voice though and it awoke her. Ana recognized her voice right away. It was deeper than usual, but it was her. "Get up, bitch. Time to say good bye."
Ana opened her eyes, confused and having a hard time understanding what she was seeing. Estevez was in front of her, holding a gun in one hand and her baby in the other. Without thinking, Ana let out the longest, loudest scream, praying someone would hear her.
Estevez laughed. " Go ahead. Scream all you like. I spiked the coffee. No one is going to hear you." Then he laughed again and this time Ana was sure it was Elena.
Angry and refusing to give up, she glared at her father's nurse and said, "Well, if it isn't the pedophile bitch. What's the matter? Couldn't find anyone to do your dirty work?"
"If you want something done right, you do it yourself."
"So what did you do? Get a sex change operation? I hate to tell you this but Christian is not into men."
"This my darling, is strictly hormones and entirely reversable. Now I need you to drink some more of my happy juice while I take care of junior here." Elena added more water to Ana's glass and demanded she drink it down.
"Go away! Give me my Teddy!" begged Ana lunging at her father's nurse who laughed in response.
Ana stood, unsteady on her feet, she felt the room spin and reeled to the left reaching out to grab the dresser and get her balance. The water she had sipped on earlier must have been tainted. Then she saw the dog whistle. She could call Blitz and Bianca and Elena would never know. She put the whistle to her mouth and blew frantically. Nothing happened. No one came.
No one was coming. Everyone in the house was drugged. She would die here with her newborn son and when they got around to looking for her killer, they would be looking for a man and Elena would be back to looking like a woman.
Ana felt it becoming harder and harder to breathe. "My baby, please!" she pleaded. Theodore Grey took that moment to throw up all over Elena's white silk shirt. Elena practically threw him in Ana's lap at the same time she heard a deep growl. Bianca flew through the open window, knocking Elena to the ground. Blitz immediately followed. Elena screamed and struggled trying to shoot the dogs, firing her gun wildly and only accelerating the dogs aggession. She tried shooting Ana and the baby and then came a command in German and Blitz's handler appeared. He saw Anas now unconscious body on the bed, and the bullet holes in the mattress. He took in the scene and without hesitation promtly fired a bullet into the nurses brain.
Security emptied at the first sound of gunfire, even so it was several minutes before help arrived. Ana hadn't managed to drink enough of the toxic brew to have the fatal reaction Elena had intended. Instead, she had a twelve hour nap and couldn't nurse for a week. Christian was horrified that all of the in-house security had been compromised by something as simple as water.
When the fingerprint match came back positive for Elena Lincoln, the men's reaction was almost comical. They all thought they would have recognized Elena in any disguise. Appearing as a living, breathing man was not one of them.
This time, Sawyer sat in on the autopsy, confirming Lincoln's identity once more and watching her body be sliced and diced. Finally, the nightmare named Elena was over. It was all over. It was time to go home to Seattle.
One week later, after hours and hours of declarations, signatures upon signatures, the Grey family was able to leave the sunny country of Ecuador and return to dreary, wet Seattle. Upon hearing the current weather in Seattle, rain, dense fig, temperature in the 60's, Ana smiled and said " Cold, dreary rain never sounded so good."
Christian squeezed her hand and laughed. They wrecked headed straight for the Fairmont Olympic and the luxury Cascade suite, with Taylor, Gail and family esconced in the adjoining Olympic suite. Grace had arranged for a pediatric nurse to assist Gail and Jason with the twins, who were both thriving and wanting to eat all the time. Ana had very grisly turned down a similar offer from Grace. Since the last incident with Elena, she knew she would never felt the same way about nurses as she once had.
Blitz had returned to Germany with his handler, but a pregnant Bianca had made the trip to the states. Their new home awaited them and the changes they would make to it. Ana was looking forward to furnishing their new home. She was no longer as reluctant to spend Christian's money. They paid a heavy price to be rich and famous, it was only fair their wealth should compensate them some how.
What had seemed an enormous 2 acre property was quickly whittled down. There was a jogging track around the property. A play ground for Teddy and the twins. A 3 bedroom bungalow was built for Ray. Then there was the huge outdoor pool, and the indoor gymnasium complete with an indoor pool and indoor running track.
Christian held hands with Ana as they slowly climbed the stairs of his private jet. Sawyer following closely behind carrying young Theodore Grey. The sun was comfortably warm on their shoulders. They paused at the entrance platform, allowing Sawyer to go ahead.
Then Christian put his arm around Ana and said softly, "I never knew when I allowed you to join me on that business trip to Malaysia, it would be almost a year before we returned."
Ana laughed. "If anyone told me I would live in Ecuador for almost a year, get married and have a baby there, I would say they were crazy."
"Are you ready for the next chapter in our lives?" asked Christian.
"Hell, yeah. Bring it on. We are in this together, Christian. I know now, there really, really are threats out there and you can bet I will always appreciate the peace of mind security provides.
Just then, Bianca came running of the steps dragging a long lead with an exhausted, exasperated Reynolds trotting wearily behind her.
"Sorry Ma'am, Sir. She saw you guys going up the steps and that was it, she was gone." Reynolds explained, panting heavily.
Christian knelt down and let the huge dog slather his face with kisses. "Don't you worry, baby. We'll never leave you behind. You are part of the family now."
Ana bent down and ruffled the fur on Bianca's neck. "Get ready baby, Seattle, here we come!"
Thank you for your patience and support. I am ending the story here. Thank you for the hanging with me through all the ups and downs. I have been writing this story for close to two years. Along the way I learned a lot, especially about Malaysia and Ecuador. I learned how to correctly spell ma'am.
I have started a new story, and hopefully it will have less formatting problems, and other technical issues. I hope you enjoyed Touched, if so, give my new story a shot, Fifty Shades of Untouched. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with Touched.
Again, thank you for your time your patience and your reviews. It was way more than I ever expected.