Its me! I'm back! So with Glee being added to Netflix here in Australia and me being on holidays from work, I suddenly have a renewed interest in this show and the Characters. I'm not promising regular updates like I used to do but… here is something!

Rachel wasn't sure when she wanted everyone else in the school to find out that she was Will Schuester's daughter but now that she was legally a Schuester, if she wanted to change her name at school, she knew it would have to be soon. During third period she knocked on the door to her father's classroom.

"Is everything okay, Rachel?" the man asked when she entered the room and stared at everyone. She knew all of the teens in the class were listening into the conversation.

"Um… yeah… I just need that note to say I can leave school grounds," she replied. He furrowed his eyes at her in confusion as she tightened her ponytail, "… Emma is taking me to the doctors… remember?"

"That's right. Sorry… I forgot. Hang on," he rummaged around in his bag looking for a notepad and quickly scribbled out a note for her. Rachel quickly thanked him and turned to leave.

"Wait! Rachel!" he called when she was almost out the door. He pulled his wallet out of his pocket and handed her the health care card which she had now been added to. He and Rachel both knew that there would be at least a few kids in the class who were suspicious by now and she took a brave step.

"Thanks daddy," she called with a smile as she quickly left the room. She could hear the class break out in chatter. Will was left standing at the front of the room, shaking his head and chuckling. Trust Rachel to break the news in such a dramatic way. At this rate the entire school would know by the end of the day.

Emma and Rachel were sitting in the doctors surgery waiting for Rachel's name to be called.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Emma asked. Rachel looked straight at her and nodded. She had never been to a doctors on such a casual manner before and wasn't really sure what to do. Thankfully, Emma understood this and took charge of the situation, explaining to the doctor why they were here and what they needed. Rachel came away with the required prescription for the pill and Emma drove her to the pharmacy to pick it up on their way back to school.

Walking in the doors to the school, Rachel could feel everyone's eyes on her. After the bombshell she had dropped before she left school, it was expected but still uncomfortable. As she got her books out of her locker she was listening in to a conversation taking place between a group of students.

"Did you hear that Rachel Berry is Mr Schuester's daughter?"

"I didn't think he was old enough to have a sixteen year old."

"Well I heard she was born while they were still at school."

"Why does she have a different surname?"

"I heard some of the Cheerios say she just uses 'Berry' at school and 'Schuester' everywhere else."

"Who's her mom?"

Rachel slammed her locker door shut. She didn't really mind people knowing but would rather they didn't speculate and just ask her straight out if they had questions.

"You okay, babe?" Noah came up behind her.

"Yes, just people spreading rumours," she sighed.

"Yeah… I heard you let it slip," he smiled, "I also heard you went to the doctors… everything okay?" he was concerned.

"Yup," Rachel blushed and whispered her explanation, "Uh… dad just wanted me to um…. Go on the Pill… you know, just in case."

"Oh…" he blushed as well, "you know I'm not going to pressure you into anything, don't you?"

"I know that… and he knows that. He just wants me to be prepared… for when we are ready," she smiled at him.

"You ready for Glee?" he held out his hand for her to take. She smiled and took it happily, glad he understood. When they walked into the choir room most of the group were already there, including her father. Rachel took the health care card out of her pocket and handed it back to him.

"That was very sneaky," Will laughed at her, referring to the way she let it slip that she was his daughter.

"I figured they had to find out someway and I didn't think a formal announcement was the way to go," Rachel shrugged her shoulders.

"I agree… still, I had to deal with a lot of questions," he messed her hair up a little as Noah pulled her past and over to their seats.

"Alright, lets get started," Will clapped his hands together, "Sectionals are just over two weeks away so I need these permission slips brought back as soon as possible," he hand out the forms to each of the teens. Rachel rummaged around her bag for a pen and handed her father back the form. He lent on her back to sign it and held it up, "That's one down and eleven more to go."

In the car on the way home from school, Rachel got the opportunity to talk to her dad, "What happened after I left your classroom?" she asked curiously.

"Not much. I put a stop to the questions before they got too personal," he smiled, "they just wanted to know if you were really my daughter so I told them you were."

"Okay," Rachel said quietly. She was secretly glad that the other students were still blissfully unaware of her past.

"I figured there were certain things you wouldn't want everyone to know so I kept it simple," Will explained.

"Thank you," the girl smiled, "You're my dad. That's all they need to know."

"True… but they are going to ask other questions. What do you want to tell them?"

"How much do you want them to know?" Rachel asked him, "I mean, on your end… You were still in high school when I was born. I don't want to cause problems for you."

"I know… I've done the maths. Perhaps we can be honest about that part… you were born when I was in senior year. If they ask about your mom, you can say I chose to keep you but she wasn't ready for that and you have never met her," he suggested. Rachel nodded her agreement.


The two weeks before Sectionals were stressful to say the least. The group worked night and day on all their numbers and although Will was confident they could win, he just couldn't convince the teens.

"But Mr Schue," Quinn started, "This is the first competition where Rachel hasn't sung the lead for all three numbers."

The girl in question looked away. Although she had made a lot of progress, there were lots of things she still didn't feel comfortable doing. As it was, they had her down to sing the ballad but had Tina practice a back-up just in case the pressure got to Rachel and they had rehearsed Rachel as the lead in their closing number but it was a bit 'hit and miss' as to whether she would actually perform. She was embarrassed and angry with herself because she felt she was letting the team down. Will knew this and reassured her once again as they were in the car heading for school on the day of the competition.

"Rachel," he said gently, "Don't worry… The others don't want you to do anything you aren't comfortable doing."

"But I cheerlead… I just…" she whispered, "I'm letting them down."

"No," he insisted, "You're not… You are proving to them once again, just how strong you are. Do you remember when you first came to me? How shy you were? You wouldn't even sing at home, let alone in front of the Glee club… Look how far you've come Rachel! That in itself is a huge change to make in six months. The others know that getting up on stage and performing like this is a big thing for you… It's different to gymnastics… You let people in when you sing. It's so personal. If you're not ready, we'll try again another time."

Rachel didn't say anything in reply as they pulled into the school parking lot. Not too long later they were on the bus, heading straight for the competition.

"Are you okay?" Noah asked her.

Rachel smiled up at him and gently kissed him, "I'll be fine… I want to do this."

She was an absolute bag of nerves before the performance. She was quiet and reclusive and sitting there shaking. She was so bad that Will had been about to order Tina to warm up and take over from Rachel. But suddenly the girl locked eyes with him and he gave her a supportive smile. Rachel simply smiled back and nodded her head saying she was good to go. When she finally got out onto the stage, you wouldn't have know that a few minutes ago the confident and bubbly girl in front of them didn't exist. Rachel was brilliant- as evident from the standing ovation she received. By the time all three numbers were finished, the grin on the girls face was so bright. She rushed straight to her father.

"I told you that you could do it!" he said proudly, wrapping his arms around her and kissing the top of her head.

What was even more surprising than Rachel's miraculous boost of confidence, was that the group won! They were out in the foyer celebrating when Rachel heard her name called. She turned to see Julie and Joe smiling at her.

"Grandma! Grandpa!" Rachel squealed, taking off to greet them with huge hugs.

"Grandma?" Mike said, "I thought she didn't have…"

"My parents," Will clarified with a smile. He walked towards the group with the rest of the teens following him.

"You were brilliant!" Julie gushed over her granddaughter, "You all were. It's so nice to meet some more of Rachel's friends… We of course already know Noah and Santana but who is everyone else, Rachel?"

The teen proudly introduced all of her friends to her grandparents. The group were surrounded by all of their family that had turned out to support them at sectionals. Will stepped back from his role as teacher and into the role as parent as he chatted with some of the other dads.

Rebekah came and gave Rachel a hug, "You were amazing," she smiled kindly. It was the first time the others had seen Rachel look so at ease with anyone other than her dad and Noah. They had heard from Puck on a number of occasions that Rachel and his mom shared a similar background and were close but to see it was a different story. Before long, the parents said their goodbyes and the teens were climbing back onto the bus.

"Mr Schue?" Quinn called from her seat at the back, "Can I just say what we're all thinking?" she turned to Rachel, "We all know how hard it's been for you to step out on the stage and sing like you did today… I just wanted to say on behalf of all of us that you did an amazing job and we're all so proud of you, Rachel."

"Here Here!" Puck called, squeezing Rachel's hand tightly.

The girl looked at her lap and didn't reply. They teens were used to her reverting into her shell whenever the spotlight was on her by now and although she didn't speak to them, the small smile they could see gracing her face was enough to let them all know how appreciative she was of the gesture.

Well, what did you think?
Reviews please =)