![]() Author has written 11 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Sonic the Hedgehog, Witch Hunter Robin, and Lovely Complex. Hello, I am luvanime4life. And just as my name I LUV anime all kinds no matter what it is. But really, My name is Alisha. I'm a teenage, african-american, girl, who just LUVS to write. I've written some fics. as some of you have read (thank you). Hope you like my work and tell me how it is. Enjoy! These are the favorite things about anime that I luv... Couples (OC = Other character) Inuyasha/Kagome, Miroku/Sango, Sesshomaru/Rin, Yami/OC, Yugi/OC, Ryou/OC, Yugi/OC, Seto Kaiba/Serenity, Joey/Mai, Yusuke/Keiko, Kurama/OC, Hiei/OC, Kuwabara/Yukina, Botan/Teenage Koenma, Kenshin/Kaoru, Sanosuke/Megumi, Amon/Robin, Ed/Winry, Heero/Relena, Kira/Lacus, Vash/Meryl, Wolfwood/Milly, Roger/Dorothy, Tenshi/Ayeka, etc... Yaoi couples (Ya know I never was a fan of yaoi fics. but now...I AM!) Yugi/Yami, Bakura/Ryou, Malik/Marik, Joey/Seto Kaiba, Hiei/Kurama, Yusuke/Kurama, etc... (Proccessing this more...) Yaoi couples that I don't see happenin' anymore: Yugi/Ryou, Joey/Yugi, Yami/Bakura, Yugi/Seto Kaiba, Yami/Seto Kaiba, etc... Couple(s) that I dislike, but not alot: Botan/Hiei- can't see it ever happen, but it's cute. Some I really just don't like: Inuyasha/Kikyo, Tea/Yami, etc... I DO NOT WANT WANT THEM TOGETHER! THIS IS A BIG NO-NO!! Characters Basically, everyone I just said in the couples plus a few like... Shippo, Kirara, Kaede, Yahiko, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, Zechs, Noin, Al, etc...the list goes on. Charaters I luv to hate Tea- have nothing against her just don't like her when she's on Yami...MY Yami! (or YUGI'S YAMI) Kikyou- another one who I have nothing against, but hate it when she goes after Kagome and keeps hurting her by seeing Inuyasha or just in general. Megumi- again have nothing against her, I just don't like it when she flirts with Kenshin, while Karou's around. It irrates me! Rebecca-once again have nothing against her, just don't like it when she's all over Yugi. Naraku- hate him all the way! Jakken- again have nothing against him, he's just annoying sometimes. But anyways, enough of that here are some things about me. I LUV... Music- Hip-Hop, R&B, Jazz, Rap, anything but Country! Bands/Groups/Singers:Linkin Park, Brandy, Mariah Carey, Evanescence, Seether, Justin Timberlake, Snoop Dogg, Chingy, Janet Jackson, etc...anybody I think is cool. Here are some things about me: Fav. food: None! Fav. sport(s): softball and soccer Fav. hobbie: writing/typing, drawing, painting, anything literature and art related. Fav. Tv show: O.O do I have to say it! Anything! Cartoons, anime, whatever! Fav. color: Any dark color and any type of blue Well, this about it! Once again hope you enjoy my fics. Plz send your opinions about each one. This is Luvanime4life...OUT! UPDATE(S): MAY 26, 2007- I graduated High School!! I am now becoming a College Freshmen WOOT!! I'll have lots of free time now. I'll be posting my chappies and other stories a lot more now. Stay put all of my remaining fans, cuz I'm gonna be updating like mad!! LUVanime4life...OUT! SEPTEMBER 15, 2008- WoW!! Where does the time fly?? I'm a College Sophmore now...and believe me when I say that things are gettin a little bit harder. My freetime is really scarce!! Even during the summer, I worked so much, I couldn't update anything. I'm gonna do my best to update and finish all of my fics. that went unfinished for years!! Thank you to all of my readers that are stickin' with me! I'll try really really hard to update ASAP and as much as I can. LUVanime4life...OUT! ;3 DECEMBER 7, 2008- Hey all you Fan-fic. readers, I know I haven't been updating at all, since...I can't remember when. It's just that I'm neck-deep in stress and work (college is a mess sometimes). However, there is some good news to all this. I have only one more week left of school (finals week, unfortunately) but afterwards...I swear to all of you who are still there and reading my fics. that I will update like no tomorrow. As soon as I'm done with my finals, it's just gonna be me and this computer! So, if your all still there, hang tight for five days and each of my unfinished fics. will have an update if not sooner. LUVanime4life...OUT! ;3 DECEMBER 16, 2008- Hey all you Fan-fic people, gots some bad news. Apparently, I have left my notebook with ALL of my updates back at my college. I grabs TONS of them and NONE of them were that notebook. To say I'm upset would be an understatement; however, I'm not stopping there! I'll just have to improvise...I guess...there are probably some copies in here some where. I'll try to update tomorrow ASAP. Until then readers and writers. LUVanime4life...OUT! ;3 JANUARY 11, 2009- Hey Fan-fic people, I wanna start out by saying "Happy New Year"!! Furthermore, I now I have not been updating like I stated numerous times I would. I'm not throwing all of you "all 'round the bush", if some of you may think so...I lot has happened over the break. I'm back in school and sick on top of that. However, now that I have my notebooks, I can update. In addition, during the break I wrote more chapters and ending to the fics. that I already have. So I'll be updating like no tomorrow. Though I've said this many a time and will say again...I swear to all of whom are patient and still reading my fics. I will update as soon as I get the chance (tomorrow). So hand tight and sorry about all this, until then. LUVanime4life...OUT! ;3 JANUARY 12, 2009- Hey Fan-fic. people, I was only able to uplaod a chappie to "Pure Angel of Darkness". I'm really weak and need to sleep, I'll have more for you guys tomorrow. LUVanime4life...OUT ;3 JANUARY 13, 2009- Hey Fan-fic. people, I'm really beat I thought I'd have time to upload chapters for the rest of the many unfinished fics., but the medicine I got from the doc is puttin' my to sleep. I'll be sure to upload them tomorrow cuz this cold or w/e is killin' me. Until then folks! LUVanime4life...OUT! ;3 JANUARY 14, 2009- I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too tired and drained to upload any new chapters tonight. However, I am typing them as we speak. Tomorrow afternoon, I will be uploading chapters for "When You Wish Upon" & "Twisted Love". Those are the 3 fics. I am to work on and complete before I start typing up anything new. Until next time! By the way I need reviews for each chappie if I am to complete them (just to see if people are still reading and like them. Kay?). LUVanime4life...OUT! ;3 JANUARY 17, 2009- Hey Fan-Fic. people, I know what your all thinking and yes I know I was suppose to upload new chappies for two of my fics. However, there's something wrong with my chapters. I didn't like how they turned out so I'm re-writing some things. Once I know they're good I'll upload them. Until then. LUVanime4life...OUT! ;3 JANUARY 18, 2009- Updated for "Twisted Love"! "When You Wish Upon" update on the way! LUVanime4life...OUT! ;3 MARCH 19, 2011 WOOOOT It's been too long! I ain't done nothin' for 2yrs!!! 2 YEARS!!!! But now that I'm nearly done with college I can take the time to finish these other incomplete fics. I just posted a new fic. "Reflection" it's a Lovely Complex fic. I know its an old anime, but when someone made me watch it I was HOOKED! Alright, until we meet again! Ja ne! Luvanime4life...OUT! ;3 MAY 18, 2011 I'm out from college for the time being and I have found me inspiration again!!!! YAY!!! I've been gone for WAY TOO LONG. I'm gonna have to process all of my unfinished fics and start from there. Once I do this, I'll be reviewing like no tommorrow. In the meantime, no more new fics. till the rest are done. Some may still be here, others may not...we shall see. Until the next review JA NE! Luvanime4life...OUT! ;3 AUGUST 09, 2011 Okay after much thought and work I have made my decisions on my fics. FICS ON HIATUS: When You Wish Upon... & Twisted Love- Can't find my notres for them and/or need to rethink the plot I'll be updating PAOD (Pure Angel of Darkness) soon once I reassess my notes, then I'll do Reflection (I know I started a new fic. and I said I won't but I had to let it fly just this once). Okay, I'm off to type and proof-read, until the next update!!! Luvanime4life...OUT! ;3 MAY 3, 2013 Hey gang, just an update. I'm taking some time to review all the stories I have published as well as made. I'm going to be re-editing a lot of them. Grammar, etc. some are going to be put on hiatus, until I find my notes and such. I haven't forgotten any of them. Expect an update soon! Luvanime4life...OUT! ;3 |